Gamertag thread


Class A in iRacing should show good cleanliness! :D Seriously though, enjoy racing and looking forward to racing you guys.
Gamertag: PageyTheSquid

I would love some more Xbox friends, especially more that enjoy racing games.

I'm only going to focus on Forza Singeplayer in order to accrue the funds necessary to buy the cars that I want to run online.

Forza, like any other racing game, will be entirely online fulfilled for me. I'm in the process of instituting a Friday night Spec Miata racing series and a Saturday International Le Mans Cup tribute series (Flyin' Miata Super Cup and Coupe Apex d'Le Mans respectively)

They'll both be flying under the same banner - FORM-A -
Forza Online Racing Motorsport Association
If any of you are interested in helping shape the core of the beginning of these two series feel free to shoot me a PM. Anyway, you can all add me if you'd like to attend the odd online race -

Long time reader, first post. :)

Decided to give Forza a try and picked up a 360 a few weeks ago, been enjoying 3 so far and of course the demo for 4. Currently don't have any Xbox friends though so I thought I'd just throw my gamer tag out there - andrewm0304.

Not the quickest racer (Top 1% in the Zonda race with a 01:43.482 but only at 3,500th or so) but I always try keep it as clean as possible when racing online. Don't have a wheel yet but I've been running with all assits off except ABS.
Long time reader, first post. :)

Decided to give Forza a try and picked up a 360 a few weeks ago, been enjoying 3 so far and of course the demo for 4. Currently don't have any Xbox friends though so I thought I'd just throw my gamer tag out there - andrewm0304.

Not the quickest racer (Top 1% in the Zonda race with a 01:43.482 but only at 3,500th or so) but I always try keep it as clean as possible when racing online. Don't have a wheel yet but I've been running with all assits off except ABS.

With over 200,000 players, top 1% is nothing to sneeze at. I was happy to make top 6% after about 25 laps last night. I know I can improve my time by quite a bit, however as I never put together a "complete" lap. FR sent.
With over 200,000 players, top 1% is nothing to sneeze at. I was happy to make top 6% after about 25 laps last night. I know I can improve my time by quite a bit, however as I never put together a "complete" lap. FR sent.

Yeah it's definitely hard to get a complete lap in, think I've put in at least 60 laps so far. Thought the track was pretty basic at first but after giving it some time it gets harder and harder, really have to slingshot your way through some of those corners to get a quick lap.

Thanks for the add as well :)
I mostly do single player though, maybe F4 will change that.:lol:
Same here, especially since I prefer B Class racing and below, while everyone else seems to luuv the raw POWAH of A Class and above.

But in case anyone is interested, it's Nigel Fox.
Same here, especially since I prefer B Class racing and below, while everyone else seems to luuv the raw POWAH of A Class and above.
Same here, actually :lol:

The 458 in the demo is already somewhat out of my personal comfort zone, and the Zonda C definitely is. I feel more at home in the STI than in those two.
Mine is TheAlexL, I'll have the game tomorrow so if anyone wants to add me feel free. I generally like racing the slower cars, and I'm not the fastest driver but I do my best to race clean.
Bumping this now that game is out in europe too (well at least I have it XD), more people might be interested.

My Tag is the same as on PSN : Kimky

I like racing, touge, drift, time attack, not a fan of drag racing tho.
Gamertag is vX DyNaMiCz Xv

Add me if interested for lobby racing and rivals mode, could do with some rivals out there :)

( "Add if interested" ) this part of my message makes me think of prostitutes notes left in phone boxes :sly:

Sorry this message sounds a little desperate :lol:
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