[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Most manufacturers are in serious debt, at the end of the day does PD want thoes cars in thier game. Yes. That gives the manfacturers the power to call the shots. Some manufacturers hand out free licenses, but I've never heared of a maufacturer that's paid to be in a game. I've heared of manufacturers that have pushed for certain cars to be in, but I've never heared of a manufactrer paying to be in.
I'd actually like if the DLC was kinda like how GT5 Prologue was, As more of a free "Update" with new cars and new tracks. Highly unlikely given the DLC market is a huge cash cow at this point in time, but just my thoughts.

Unfortunately. I liked that Kaz wasn't sure about DLC as of right now because he's just focusing on the game. Nonetheless, I'm sure DLC will surface someday. If it's free, wow! That would be beyond amazing. But it's hard to believe that's what will happen. I still maintain DLC is a rip off in many cases (see Resident Evil 5 versus mode), but there are those willing to pay so......
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Most manufacturers are in serious debt, at the end of the day does PD want thoes cars in thier game. Yes. That gives the manfacturers the power to call the shots. Some manufacturers hand out free licenses, but I've never heared of a maufacturer that's paid to be in a game. I've heared of manufacturers that have pushed for certain cars to be in, but I've never heared of a manufactrer paying to be in.
The manufactures still have millions of spare cash they can spend as they choose, they spend billions on just marketing. the total share price of PD they could snap up as a lower management decision. Just a single manufacturer will spend $100million just for drivers to play in their cars every year for promotional reasons (F1 etc).
Jus to add my 2 cents in the online discussion:

I hope in the private rooms that are coming to gt5 the host can disable quick tune, otherwise how fun would it be to have 2 stock cars (2 skylines for example) one guy who is new to GT who doesn't know jack about tuning against a tuning master? the new guy would probably wonder why he is losing to a guy with the same car and assume he is hacking or something.
The manufactures still have millions of spare cash they can spend as they choose, they spend billions on just marketing. the total share price of PD they could snap up as a lower management decision. Just a single manufacturer will spend $100million just for drivers to play in their cars every year for promotional reasons (F1 etc).
I didn't say they couldn't afford PD, I ownly implied that they probably couldn't buy PD, at least not the staff. There's no reason Sony would want to sell and you cannot buy a majority stake of PD. But you missed my point anyway.
You mean if they would want to or not?
I don't know the exact value of Sony as a company but they could be taken over. VAG could afford to buy Sony, with an Volks-station 4 console coming soon.
I know i digress from reality, but it's a potential, and they are the ones who could do it. Debt as we know is meaningless, i think America has the world worst debt balance? owing trillions of $ around the globe, but the country still has bargaining power and can still make big purchases and loans. The same applies to some car manufacturers.
You mean if they would want to or not?
I don't know the exact value of Sony as a company but they could be taken over. VAG could afford to buy Sony, with an Volks-station 4 console coming soon.
I know i digress from reality, but it's a potential, and they are the ones who could do it. Debt as we know is meaningless, i think America has the world worst debt balance? owing trillions of $ around the globe, but the country still has bargaining power and can still make big purchases and loans. The same applies to some car manufacturers.

Sony's market cap is at 29 billion dollars. Volkswagen's is at about 60. Would be a bit difficult (and stupid) to take over a company worth half yours just for marketing purposes. And no, they don't have the cash lying around as you may think. Their biggest bargaining power is that too many people's jobs depend on the auto industry to let them go bankrupt just like that. And they use it everywhere they can to blackmail governments.
I hope Porsche wants some money because PD would probably pay to have their cars in Gran Turismo. GT5: Prologue could probably pay for those expenses.
Apparently, people need to negotiate with EA if they want to have Porsche in their game, as Porsche basically consider EA to be the "game department," and are happy to let them negotiate all of their licensing arrangements.

New screens on the go (ft86)

Very nice pictures. The way the driver (with helmet) holds the steering wheel seems different than before. It looks very natural to me.
The way the driver (with helmet) holds the steering wheel seems different than before. It looks very natural to me.

Hold your elbow as high as your face, and then tell me that feels natural.
That is natural for 50cent, not a race car driver :lol:
He's not holding his elbow as high as his face, at least not on the in car picture. his elbow appears to be just below his shoulder height. In the pictures where his hand is on the top of the wheel he's turning, therefore his elbow would naturally be higher or lower depeding on which elbow you were looking at and which direction he was turning. I don't see anything wrong with thoes pictures. They certainly are photo perfect, but the positioning of the hands and and arms is decent.
Ok, but his elbow is higher than his shoulder in the 1st and 3rd pictures. The in car shot is better, but his arms are stretched kinda far (his elbows arent bent very much)
In the first picture his elbow doesn't appeat to be that high, it looks like it's lower than his hand while he's turning. Place you hands in a 10-2 and then turn the wheel so that your left hand is at 12 and you will see that as your arm rotates with the wheel your elbow will raise. The 3rd pic his elbos is definitely higher, but we don't know how far he's turning the wheel, it loos like he might have gone to 11 but I couldn't be certain. Again, hold a wheel and turn so that your right hand is at 11 and your elbow will raise as your arm rotates with the wheel. It's perfectly natural. The only time your elbow won't bend out is if your sat so far back that your arms are at full stretch for you to grip the wheel.
going on those pics im 95% sure 900 degree steering animation will not feature

Not sure if you mean at the show or at all but it already has in an old build of prologue. It wasn't looking so great so I think they scrapped it at the time. Don't forget it was also in gt4 for convertables driven in time trials and such. I'll take a guess that everything will be animated for the final product: wheel, feet to pedals, shifter to individual gates, e-brake.


Look at the 2:13 mark. I know it's a trailer but I don't doubt it's in-game and this is back in 2007.
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March the 31st eh...might aswell said April...It would be so nice to see Gran Turismo 5 in stores for my B'day here in Aus, but i think that is dreaming about a dream lol.:lol:
It's like selling a product for $10.99. It looks like $10.00 but in reality it's basically $11.00 (plus tax). Also, I truly believe the game was set for Christmas 2009. I think we would be seeing ads for GT5 very soon had the game not been pushed back thanks to, what many believe, harsh criticisms regarding selective damage at GamesCom 2009.

TGS seemed to be PD's trial and error. They showed us limited damage because it was only a month or so later. Now they have plenty of time to fix it up and add/change any other elements.
Well, let's not ignore the big crater that GTPSP put into the GT5 calendar. By everything Kazunori has said, the work to fit something even bigger than GT4 into one fifth the space was an epic task, and it often required all of Polyphony to drop everything to work on this project. I highly doubt that GTPSP took less than 18 months to finish.

Just think what a year more work on GT5 would have accomplished.
Well, let's not ignore the big crater that GTPSP put into the GT5 calendar. By everything Kazunori has said, the work to fit something even bigger than GT4 into one fifth the space was an epic task, and it often required all of Polyphony to drop everything to work on this project. I highly doubt that GTPSP took less than 18 months to finish.

Just think what a year more work on GT5 would have accomplished.

I'm aware of the other games that needed attention and I am aware that they threw away the GT4 codes, but to be frank, I think PD should quit with the prologue titles. I mean, it's good for some quick cash, but I think it would be better if they were to focus on the main game and polish it up nicely. Then there's no aggravation amongst the fans. I could definitely do without a GT6: Prologue if it will quicken GT6's release.