GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
I always found sound in GT5P to sound a bit shallow (e.g. few layers), but not necessarily 'wrong'. They have added more layers to some of the sounds (Spec II or III I believe) and the sounds in GT PSP appear to be even more detailed. I think most people see the excellent graphics of GT5P and expect the same standard of quality and richness for the sounds.

Games like Shift provide more visceral, in-your-face audio, but what I noticed about most of the engine sounds in Shift is that they were digitally clipped/distorted, which I don't really like, so I don't hope they will take that road for GT5. I do like the richness of the engine/transmission/brakes/environment sounds in Shift (and FC/SCC), that's something that I would like to see in GT5. It would certainly help to cure the 'lifelessness' in some of the car sounds.

However, also keep in mind that sounds are equalized to blend in with eachother and the background music. This means that certain frequencies or ranges will be removed to provide room for others, thus resulting in a 'less-than-life' sound.

I agree with NoxNoctis Umbra that certain cars are definitely sounding better than others. The SL-55 AMG is a good example. And a decent A/V receiver + speakers really helps. ;)
I've thought about this, but they sounds are Real , however what we hear, might be "just" a recording, not your auditory perception of the real thing.

I can show you hundreds of videos on YouTube with recorded car sounds that dont clip (neither for the cam, nor for the ears) and they all sound more exciting than everything we have in GT5P.

Not to mention that things like gear-whine, exhaust pops and brake squealing arent in the game at all, the only thing that was added with a patch was the turbo "ssssssssssPSH" in some cars (which sounds almost like the one from GT2, just with a higher bitrate).

I dont know why i have to explain this, seriously.

Its just such a shame, everything in the game is high quality (even the sound mixing, like for 5.1 & 7.1 systems is absolutely fantastic), but the cars all sound like someone tries to replicate car sounds with a synthesizer.
Cockpit sounds Are excelent.

Chase view terrible.

The sound the car makes in replay while passing the camera is awesome, It's like a rattling throaty sound, Why can't they use that for chase? i'll tell you why..

PD love to simulate the sound of realistic wind and road noise, In GT3-4 it was a perfect balance.
In GT5p it's to over done, to the point it makes the car's sound like blow dryers at times.

This is extremely showcased when you get in the slip stream of a car in front of you, All you hear is the exhaust from your car, Which sounds very good...

But if you get out of the slip stream you hear the over pronounced wind/road noise.
Which kill's off the roar of the engine.(Except on tuned car's which pierce through the wind and road noise, and F12007)

That's my take on it. PD need's to tone down the wind and road noise in chase cam.

So the sounds in GT5p are very good, Its just that wind and road noise that kill's it. hopefully this will be fixed in GT5.
Why can't the BMW and all other cars sound like this? Comon PD! All PD got right so far is the wind noise!

To be fair lets compare with other games..

If someone can post good FM3 M3 footage. Thx

While Shift sounds better over GT5P, way better, at the same time NFS SHIFT is bit over the top to make you think thats how it suppose to sound. But rally GT5 really needs to step up with car sounds or else I will feel like this guy while playing it!
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Its just such a shame, everything in the game is high quality (even the sound mixing, like for 5.1 & 7.1 systems is absolutely fantastic), but the cars all sound like someone tries to replicate car sounds with a synthesizer.

You're right on the money here,and I won't go in too deep here, since I started an audio thread myself;),but I kinda narrowed it down to either incompetent guys at the audio department of PD or the audio engine itself doing the "synthacrappization"(still means the audio guys suck;))!:P

And that's in light of that info that they did actually record the R8(they're not going to have different technique for every car are they?;)) with silent roller(dyno) and not just revving it in neutral. But even revving it in neutral would produce much more lifelike sound which CHANGES(depends on a car by how much,4 banger not so much,zonda v12 for example has all sort of variations from idle,through middle grunt,to shrieking high rpms which I know from my audio-modding experience:))through the revs,which GT sounds mimic poorly. And not only that,as GTAce noticed(and almost everybody else except those hearing impaired),almost every engine sound in GT franchise through the years has had that synthesized "quality" which immediately strikes you as unreal and synthetic and which is even more pronounced when you compare it to the mass of other games which don't do this. And to be perfectly honest,it's not just PD,I've heard similar sounds from other games,but unfortunately, those would be some cheap crappy ones that I've just installed/tried/, I really hope that we're all just wasting our time here, discussing it, while they have a new awesome audio engine for GT5(they said they started from scratch and have been adding stuff(like damage etc))which will blow us away come release day!:nervous:💡

For example, listen to this M3 sound I made for Test Drive Unlimited and how it changes through the revs!(+it's from hood view,it sounds a bit different from cockpit view)
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You're right on the money here,and I won't go in too deep here, since I started an audio thread myself;),but I kinda narrowed it down to either incompetent guys at the audio department of PD or the audio engine itself doing the "synthacrappization"(still means the audio guys suck;))!:P

And that's in light of that info that they did actually record the R8(they're not going to have different technique for every car are they?;)) with silent roller(dyno) and not just revving it in neutral. But even revving it in neutral would produce much more lifelike sound which CHANGES(depends on a car by how much,4 banger not so much,zonda v12 for example has all sort of variations from idle,through middle grunt,to shrieking high rpms which I know from my audio-modding experience:))through the revs,which GT sounds mimic poorly. And not only that,as GTAce noticed(and almost everybody else except those hearing impaired),almost every engine sound in GT franchise through the years has had that synthesized "quality" which immediately strikes you as unreal and synthetic and which is even more pronounced when you compare it to the mass of other games which don't do this. And to be perfectly honest,it's not just PD,I've heard similar sounds from other games,but unfortunately, those would be some cheap crappy ones that I've just installed/tried/, I really hope that we're all just wasting our time here, discussing it, while they have a new awesome audio engine for GT5(they said they started from scratch and have been adding stuff(like damage etc))which will blow us away come release day!:nervous:💡

For example, listen to this M3 sound I made for Test Drive Unlimited and how it changes through the revs!(+it's from hood view,it sounds a bit different from cockpit view)

Hey what's up skepsis, I didnt know you were on GTplanet i thought you were just on TDUC i love your sound mod's man, You should go pro, You and saldine got some serious sound modding skills. And i also use this sound for the ISF

Torque from TDUC.
i DO like the exhaust blip in GT5p when you keep reving a car in first sounds awesome.
Hey what's up skepsis, I didnt know you were on GTplanet i thought you were just on TDUC i love your sound mod's man, You should go pro, You and saldine got some serious sound modding skills. And i also use this sound for the ISF

Torque from TDUC.
Well thx man, I've lost a good amount of time doing those:), I wouldn't mind getting payed for it!;) I've been lurking and posting here and there on this forums since 2000 and warm up to GT3...time sure flies:P
If you can do it as a MOD, why can't PD make it with millions of dollars?
That's precisely what I was asking my self...:guilty:
Sounds good, maybe a bit too rough around the lower revs, but MUCH more like the real one compared to GT5P.

If by rough,you mean grunty, that's the way I wanted it, if you mean bad...oh well :P
The M3 in Shift sounds more realistic, even if it is a bit OTT on the raukus side of things. The tyre sounds sound awful, though :)
Just checked out the M3 in Forza 3. While I can't rip out any audio, I can tell you the sound is pretty growly. It doesn't sound as urgent as the Shift M3 though, but its still up there with everything else you expect the M3 to sound like.

Now, the E46 on the other hand is a different story. The only game to nail the E46, is Pro Street. Shift as well maybe, haven't heard it bare stock. It does sound better in Forza 3 than 2, but still not accurate. The real star of the show in Forza 3 is the Ford GT though. They finally nailed the supercharger whine, something Im really hoping to hear in GT5 as well. Hopefully someone puts up some footage of the Ford GT.
Here's something very interesting and ties to what I was saying earlier. I've just found this Forza 3 dyno session videos which should show people who didn't have an idea, how you record a car sound for a game properly!👍

:idea:IMPORTANT-It is recorded with 7 mics(each on different car component)on a dyno, from idle to red line in 500rpm stable increments, so that all the nuances of the engine, through entire rev range are recorded under strain(simulating forces that counter the movement of the car).

This is basically how I imagined I'd do it if I had that kind of resources!(while I was doing TDU sound modding!):dopey:
btw.I had just idle-low-mid-high samples to create the whole sound(so it's obviously of less richness) and still did a waaay better job than PD(no false modesty mod ON)!:D hehe I've even added bangs and splutter on the over run for added awesomeness!:sly:(and they happen for real on the ford GT;))

Try to ignore the smugness of some of turn 10's employees and also, the stupid video editor guy who cranks up the music while you're supposed to hear the dyno run...duh!:dunce:

Ford gt in GT, featuring a horrible,lifeless,unrealistic and SYTHETIC hyundai 4 banger apparently???:yuck: +arrgh that tire screech, my ears are bleeding!

Now listen to my modest effort.:)
-keep in mind it's a hood view, similar to cockpit view with windows rolled down and there's turbo hiss instead of a supercharger whine-TDU limitation-not my fault;)

Now, as I've said, we were shown that GT promo of an audi r8 being recorded, probably the same way as the ford gt was by turn 10, so who's to blame in the end?
If you look at it logically:
recording technique-supposedly good
recording equipment-probably great
console capabilities-proven good by many games
That leaves just editing/mixing of the sounds-which you can ruin from a perfect recording state only if you're deaf!:scared:
...and the audio engine which can fudge the sounds somewhat, but to render them this crappy,unrecognizable and synthetic...I really don't know,I guess it's possible, but for a such a major firm that's all about perfection to keep doing it for a decade...
Ok,here it is, Yamauchi is gay, he is in a secret relationship with the lead audio guy at PD, who making audio:P, but Yamauchi can't bring himself to fire the guy, because it would ruin their delicate relationship and he's afraid to move on.
That's the best I can do...seriously, so here's the bottom line.
The sound in GT is horrible, because mr. Yamauchi
If you want better sounds in GT5, write to mr. Yamauchi and encourage him to break up with the audio guy,fire him and move on. There are obviously lots of other people that would do a better job, like guys from forza,nfs,pgr,tdu, :P hihihi
i think the sounds in GTP5 are really good yes some cars do need to sound better but most of the cars sound good. I have 5.1 so i cannot speak for the people using the tv speakers but i will say that the 5.1 and tv speakers are like playing 2 different games. Example the R8 on my tv speakers sounds like a little machine but with the sub it brings that low nasty gurnt 👍
OUFF i think u sh@t all over AUP on that last post, warning time.

Although maybe if he payed more attention to his audio guy hubby, maybe tried to communicate more, audio-guy wouldn't feel so neglected and unappreciated(what is this DR.Phil?)
i think the sounds in GTP5 are really good yes some cars do need to sound better but most of the cars sound good. I have 5.1 so i cannot speak for the people using the tv speakers but i will say that the 5.1 and tv speakers are like playing 2 different games. Example the R8 on my tv speakers sounds like a little machine but with the sub it brings that low nasty gurnt 👍
No, they aren't really good, far from it, and that's why we have all this sound threads! About the surround sound, that argument doesn't fly. Yes it's slightly better, yes you have more bass coming from the sub and yes you have better spatial awareness, but that's not what we're talking about. I've discussed up there all the different steps, from real sound to in-game one, and somewhere along the way PD menages to make it crappy,unresembling and SYNTHETIC and has done so for many years. I hope it changes with gt5, but there are no more excuses. It comes on BR disc for funk's sake, they can make it uncompressed and identical to real cars! The question is now, do they know how?? And btw all the other games mentioned sound 95% the same on a stereo as opposed to a surround,so that obviously isn't an issue.
OUFF i think u sh@t all over AUP on that last post, warning time.
I didn't really. It's pretty obvious. It's called satire and it's been known as far back as Roman times, and they were pretty gay.:) (That's more factual than satirical;))
Ford gt in GT, featuring a horrible,lifeless,unrealistic and SYTHETIC hyundai 4 banger apparently???:yuck: +arrgh that tire screech, my ears are bleeding!

Yeah in that vid the tire screach is really bad... I think that was in the first version of prologue.
No, they aren't really good, far from it, and that's why we have all this sound threads! About the surround sound, that argument doesn't fly. Yes it's slightly better, yes you have more bass coming from the sub and yes you have better spatial awareness, but that's not what we're talking about. I've discussed up there all the different steps, from real sound to in-game one, and somewhere along the way PD menages to make it crappy,unresembling and SYNTHETIC and has done so for many years. I hope it changes with gt5, but there are no more excuses. It comes on BR disc for funk's sake, they can make it uncompressed and identical to real cars! The question is now, do they know how?? And btw all the other games mentioned sound 95% the same on a stereo as opposed to a surround,so that obviously isn't an issue.

i can understand where your coming from i also saw your video of the ford gt which sounded terrible. does not sound like that when i play with it. however i will stil i will say the sounds in GT5p arent that bad, some cars sound great some cars sound bad overal the sounds are good i live under a bridge so when the cars drive past, it sounds great. when i have my surround on playing GT5P my friends always get mixed up from real life and GT5P(specialy during replay mode). Again this was not the case when i used my tv speakers the cars def lack the deepness which comes from the sub.
Ford gt in GT, featuring a horrible,lifeless,unrealistic and SYTHETIC hyundai 4 banger apparently???:yuck: +arrgh that tire screech, my ears are bleeding!

Ouch those sounds are horrific! when will PD learn :guilty:

Ok,here it is, Yamauchi is gay, he is in a secret relationship with the lead audio guy at PD, who making audio:P, but Yamauchi can't bring himself to fire the guy, because it would ruin their delicate relationship and he's afraid to move on.
That's the best I can do...seriously, so here's the bottom line.
The sound in GT is horrible, because mr. Yamauchi
If you want better sounds in GT5, write to mr. Yamauchi and encourage him to break up with the audio guy,fire him and move on. There are obviously lots of other people that would do a better job, like guys from forza,nfs,pgr,tdu, :P hihihi

Yeah you should learn Japanese and apply for a job at PD, by the way, Nice sound mods, once i find TDU and when i finally get my G25 you will be one of the first guys i will look to for sound mods :)

... who knows Maybe Kaz might have feelings for his new audio programer :embarrassed:
Yeah you should learn Japanese and apply for a job at PD, by the way, Nice sound mods, once i find TDU and when i finally get my G25 you will be one of the first guys i will look to for sound mods :)

... who knows Maybe Kaz might have feelings for his new audio programer :embarrassed:

Well, I have no education in computer science/audio engineering whatsoever, so I doubt I could get a job like that...:ouch:(On the other hand, I have a certain feeling of pride that I did that stuff in spite of my lack of knowledge and that a fair amount of people think highly about it:D:embarrassed:)

TDU is actually pretty sweet in HC(sim) mode with a wheel(I have a MOMO), it has its flaws, but it is realistic enough and fun at the same time!:) (you can see that in my soundmod movies, you have to brake early, watch the throttle mid corner, and you can drift nicely too!:dopey:(not with all cars obviously))
p.s. Other than my mods, I'd suggest only Saladine's for the same level of quality ;) (on TDU-central forums)

btw. This thread sort of just came out of the closet it seems:dopey: hihihi ,so if someone is just tuning in at this page, I bet it's a bit confusing with all the gayness:D, but don't worry, just go one page back for more serious material and the beginning of the Japanese gay soap opera to catch up.
p.s. I don't swing that way, but gay is ok.;):cheers:


***From the latest interview!***
- Physics, SOUND, and online-features will be Gran Turismo 5’s GREATEST contributions to the evolution of the GT series.
In a line of thinking that Yamauchi always considered graphics to be top notch in GT series, this sentence gives me great hope that we'll see a completely redone audio engine which should finally sound awesome and be on par with the amazing graphics!:D:D:D
Finally some good(although vague;)) news!:dopey:
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Don't get your hopes that up. The sound may improve, buy not to what we probably want.

LOL I sound like a pessimist right now.

Going by experience, I was too a pessimist regarding the sound in GT, but if that statement up there is correctly translated, then that means those 3 features are the ones which are being given complete overhaul and that certainly excites me very much:dopey:, because other than graphics(which are already pretty awesome(hope tire marks make it too;)),physics and sound are the biggest influences on your immersion in the game. And of course, racing immersion is heightened by good AI,damage and solid online experience, which Yamauchi also said they're working on. Anyhow, I'm definitely more optimistic today, than I was yesterday!;)
Going by experience, I was too a pessimist regarding the sound in GT, but if that statement up there is correctly translated, then that means those 3 features are the ones which are being given complete overhaul and that certainly excites me very much:dopey:, because other than graphics(which are already pretty awesome(hope tire marks make it too;)),physics and sound are the biggest influences on your immersion in the game. And of course, racing immersion is heightened by good AI,damage and solid online experience, which Yamauchi also said they're working on. Anyhow, I'm definitely more optimistic today, than I was yesterday!;)

I'm very happy to be reading that sentence...

...we already know that the physics are brand new as of TGS (according to recent interviews and what not with PD....and then the online features, which we don't know a ton about yet, will obviously be brand new since this is the first FULL game in the series to have online capabilities, but it will definitely be an overhaul from GT5p....

So my logic is saying that if they've redone the physics, and are redoing/adding the online features....this HOPEFULLY says that the sound WILL be completely redone.

...Having said that though.....I'll believe it when I hear it.
I'm very happy to be reading that sentence...

...we already know that the physics are brand new as of TGS (according to recent interviews and what not with PD....and then the online features, which we don't know a ton about yet, will obviously be brand new since this is the first FULL game in the series to have online capabilities, but it will definitely be an overhaul from GT5p....

So my logic is saying that if they've redone the physics, and are redoing/adding the online features....this HOPEFULLY says that the sound WILL be completely redone.

...Having said that though.....I'll believe it when I hear it.

Those are my sentiments exactly. ;)