GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I need to work on my consistency. Admittedly I had a sick day today feeling a bit rubbish but raced all day. But I can see my performance, concentration and reactions drop off now. Late morning/early afternoon was when I was strong now I'm just a gibberish mess 😝
I can get a 46 but I'm starting P1/2/3 in mixed A and A+ lobbies and usually (not always bringing that home) as a result I'm nearly 1/4 away from A+
What kept the madness going was the tease that my optimal was 47.029. So close to the 46s but I never connected it all. So many times I was .2+ up after Graham Hill, only to mess up my braking coming out of Surtees throwing off my entry and exit of Clarkways to end up .4 down. You can lose soo much time on that corner if you don't enter right and it is my nemesis. Chasing top ghosts I can pace the world top guys, even catch up though to Graham Hill but after that is where I lose it...
I've found the definition of madness. Lapping the same loop every 47 seconds for hours on end and never reaching your goal. I've reached the end of my ability.
Change things up.
  • Try a different car, just to shake up the cobwebs, then go back to your favorite.
  • Even if you've gotten a better sector time with your current lines and braking points, try different lines and/or braking points. It might not give you better times, but it might help you recognise why your current lines are good, and what exactly is good about them, which might help you hit them better.
  • Don't discount the possibility that exiting the Q course and coming back in might change things. Remember a while back when people swore you could get bad, or maybe it was good tracks?
  • Screw around with your BB. After using a bad BB for a while, going back to the good BB might make things click.
Or maybe you really have reached the limit of your abilities. You'll never get better. Give up. (Maybe getting you pissed off will help? "I'll show him!")
I need to work on my consistency. Admittedly I had a sick day today feeling a bit rubbish but raced all day. But I can see my performance, concentration and reactions drop off now. Late morning/early afternoon was when I was strong now I'm just a gibberish mess 😝
Dude make sure you appear OFFLINE on PSN - I got a bunch of work-mates as friends so, on occasion when I am sick (which coincidentally, always happens when a new game I like is released) - I always make sure to not appear online! In their eyes, if you're well enough to play, you're well enough to work lol 😉
Don't discount the possibility that exiting the Q course and coming back in might change things. Remember a while back when people swore you could get bad, or maybe it was good tracks
I still think this is true and if I am finding my times consistently off, exiting out and coming back in (after checking oil) usually helps resolve that.
I always make sure to not appear online! In their eyes, if you're well enough to play, you're well enough to work lol 😉

I was off sick a few years ago... I had a hospital appointment, and there happened to be Killer Whales in the bay below the hospital. So of course I got out and watched while they passed...
Then a picture of the killer whales appears in the local newspaper and online news... With me right in the middle🤣
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I've done my US account for a few races this afternoon and I'll be honest when you guys post lobbies that stretch from A+ to D I was like.....(I have a tween so it's all like and buts and ummms) how is this possible.

So keep in mind I'm coming from the UK so good but not the best ping, it's green so all good. The spread to SA and Canada probably doesn't help but it's all drivable and no McDonalds WiFi.

What shocked the hell out of me was putting my US account 160th as a B/S driver and still being in lobbies that spanned all the alphabet. Are the numbers so thin in the US?
During the work/school day I would imagine yes. It'll start getting more crowded around 3pm eastern and ramp up as the weekend progresses.
I get that, I was doing peak time in the UK moved over to earlier (1pm EST) and it was thin.

Just as point of comparison at 8AM in the UK (BST) my lobbies were all A and above, 12PM there were only A, a few A+ and a few B guys.

(Barney please correct me if I'm wrong)

4PM and it's A/B lobbies in the EMEA region.

I hop back on the US Account and the lobby spread is still A to D... there is not a lot of online players in the US compared to other regions surely???

And if there is the skill gap is massive
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I've done my US account for a few races this afternoon and I'll be honest when you guys post lobbies that stretch from A+ to D I was like.....(I have a tween so it's all like and buts and ummms) how is this possible.

So keep in mind I'm coming from the UK so good but not the best ping, it's green so all good. The spread to SA and Canada probably doesn't help but it's all drivable and no McDonalds WiFi.

What shocked the hell out of me was putting my US account 160th as a B/S driver and still being in lobbies that spanned all the alphabet. Are the numbers so thin in the US?
It's also still the middle of the work/school day here. So only unemployed and sick people are playing and they can't afford to play as they have to sell their gear to pay for hospital bills and... food, because CAPITALISM!

We don't have much social security over here....

Just as point of comparison at 8AM in the UK (BST) my lobbies were all A and above, 12PM there were only A, a few A+ and a few B guys.
To add to this, when I have had Monday's off I have found good full A lobbies during the day. I think, as it the week progresses it gets quieter for the day time crowd.
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I'd be willing to wager, a very, very small wager, a lot of the best talent in the US and Canada run EMEA region accounts for their daily race fix. From a personal standpoint, I've avoided the daily races like they have an industrial case of cooties since I got my current rating. I get my online racing fix where I can trust folks not to be Ricardo Nogginses.
I'd be willing to wager, a very, very small wager, a lot of the best talent in the US and Canada run EMEA region accounts for their daily race fix. From a personal standpoint, I've avoided the daily races like they have an industrial case of cooties since I got my current rating. I get my online racing fix where I can trust folks not to be Ricardo Nogginses.
Naw, most of the top guys either just don’t do dailies, and save their high DR accounts for GTWC races only, or they have an alt or two that they do dailies on. Once you get to 60k+ DR, there isn’t much left to gain in dailies, but there is months and months worth of DR to lose if someone decides to do something dumb in your race. It’s just not worth the risk at that point, unless it’s an alt account. At a certain point, you can actually lose DR even for winning a race, if your DR is high enough, and the lobby your in is low enough. Outside of EU, you don’t get stacked A+ daily lobbies very often, if at all, outside of GTWC races.
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I'd be willing to wager, a very, very small wager, a lot of the best talent in the US and Canada run EMEA region accounts for their daily race fix. From a personal standpoint, I've avoided the daily races like they have an industrial case of cooties since I got my current rating. I get my online racing fix where I can trust folks not to be Ricardo Nogginses.
Oh I don't know as I have seen some atrocious racing on my EMEA account. Of course that could be the time of day I use it as well but certainly I don't trust the racing to be higher quality than the US. Both have their ups and downs.
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I'd be willing to wager, a very, very small wager, a lot of the best talent in the US and Canada run EMEA region accounts for their daily race fix. From a personal standpoint, I've avoided the daily races like they have an industrial case of cooties since I got my current rating. I get my online racing fix where I can trust folks not to be Ricardo Nogginses.
That makes a lot of sense, I think Drifter and Cyrus run EMEA accounts regularly. So you are right.

I was just surprised that was all. No judgement and I apologise if it read that way it was just surprise and observation that is all.
After the Race C calamity, I put some time at Brand's Hatch and it's amazing how a thousandth of a second makes such a difference in the LB. Well done, all! Did one race and went well, +2 positions, clean race and genuine overtakes! One guy behind did out-brake himself towards the end, but I saw him coming and avoided an accident. It was unintentional so all good, though :)

Did a few laps at Deep Forest again today and shaved 0.2s so feeling good as well. Will try again later today.

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Oh, we were in the same race! Think that's a first for me and GTP folk. :)
Ok I tried the G70 tune and hated it. I tried my own turn and got with .2 of my 155 tune. Still didnt like it in the race.

Is everyone just using that G70 tune? What is it about the G70 that is working so well....
I've done my US account for a few races this afternoon and I'll be honest when you guys post lobbies that stretch from A+ to D I was like.....(I have a tween so it's all like and buts and ummms) how is this possible.

So keep in mind I'm coming from the UK so good but not the best ping, it's green so all good. The spread to SA and Canada probably doesn't help but it's all drivable and no McDonalds WiFi.

What shocked the hell out of me was putting my US account 160th as a B/S driver and still being in lobbies that spanned all the alphabet. Are the numbers so thin in the US?
You shouldn't be doing that tbf... All it does is create desync for other players & make it more difficult for them.

I really wish there was an in-game report option for region hoppers as well as one for dirty drivers

Instead in typical 2024 fashion you can only report "mean words that hurt me"
Ok I tried the G70 tune and hated it. I tried my own turn and got with .2 of my 155 tune. Still didnt like it in the race.

Is everyone just using that G70 tune? What is it about the G70 that is working so well....
G70 and the @praiano63 tune still working great for me - 3 wins out of 4 races for me today (and I was leading the 4th before I threw into the gravel at T1 on lap 2!). That's even with there being a lot more G70s in the races than there were earlier in the week.

Added to the 2 wins from the other day, I've had more wins this week than I normally get in a year 😂
@newmedia_dev ...

Let's be real here for a second. Man to man, total honesty...

Do you have some sort of voodoo doll with my name or something in your room? Full of pins and daggers, covered in poo and used bandages?!

I have got to be cursed at the moment! 3 races in Deep Forest:

  • Race 1 - Nuked within 20 seconds and sent from P6 to P12, finish P11
  • Race 2 - I start in P10 and go long (I started on RH and hit traffic) but I am in P2 by the end of Lap 7.
  • Aside from top 3 behind me who already pitted and closing in on me, I am free and clear.
  • I go to pit and the actual leader behind me decides to block my entry into the pit, I cross the boundary line heading in (from the contact) and get a 3 second penalty...
  • I exit in P6 on RM but fall down to P11 and finish in that position due to the damn thing!
  • Race 3 just now, I start on RM in P8 and as we head into T3, the damn wheel friggin disconnects (I could feel it getting less responsive heading up the hill) right when I go to turn. Crash into the barrier with no control, end up 7s behind P15 dead last. I curse loudly (in my head) but keep going to finish in P11.
I really am starting to hate P11 now, it's like my version of P6 lol...


Please release that doll from your closet, I beg you!! 😵‍💫 😭 😅
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Is everyone just using that G70 tune? What is it about the G70 that is working so well....
It's like everything else - if it works for you, use it. If not, don't. There have been plenty of races where I couldn't get the meta car to behave for me no matter what I did.

If I knew more about sim racing in general, I'd tell you that if you race it like [fill in the blank], then it excels. But if you try to race it like [fill in another blank], it won't cooperate. For me, it just works well with my overall style of racing. Lead foot on the gas and brakes, lots of praying and finger-crossing (makes using the wheel a challenge, but you do what you have to do!) and cursing. Especially the cursing.
I've put over a thousand miles into Race B this week and all time trials so I'm at my realistic max potential. Luckily I've managed to set two almost identical laps in the Suzuki and Volkswagen and I'm currently the fastest in the world for front wheel drive cars.

I'm done for this week and I'm sure if someone wants to they can beat my time for FF cars but I still did a lot better than I expected with quite a few cars.
It's like everything else - if it works for you, use it. If not, don't. There have been plenty of races where I couldn't get the meta car to behave for me no matter what I did.

If I knew more about sim racing in general, I'd tell you that if you race it like [fill in the blank], then it excels. But if you try to race it like [fill in another blank], it won't cooperate. For me, it just works well with my overall style of racing. Lead foot on the gas and brakes, lots of praying and finger-crossing (makes using the wheel a challenge, but you do what you have to do!) and cursing. Especially the cursing.
yeah I am at 47.2 in the Alfa, just those G70 qualifying times are juicy.

I actually race with you one race today. If you saw the Gamestop ALfa 155.