I have no sound after installing update 1.12

  • Thread starter D1gitaL
I have no sound after installing update 1.12. When I say no sound, I mean that literally. No menu sounds when navigating menus, no music, no car sounds — nothing. I have checked all of the sound settings in the options menu, and they are all as should be. I have checked that the sound problem is a GT6 problem by playing media on my PS3 — all good there.

My questions are: Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this problem with this, or any, GT6 update? If so, how did you fix it?

I am having the same problem every time, but so far i've found that it happens most likely on the online rooms with voice chat. Even if you quit the track and sign back on pratice theres no engine sound or tire scrub sound! Only thing I can listen is the others cars engine sounds!

As it was said before PD should stop trying reinvent the wheel and bring back shuffle instead of quick match!

Hoppefully they would send a hotfix ASAP!

I don't know how could you fix this bug. But my tip for you D1gitaL is:

Acess your game data folder on your PS3 system and delete the current game version (but becarefull do not delete your save game data , only your GT6 game data) and after that start to download the 1.12 updated all over again and check out what happens after reinstall. That's my guess............. Good luck
It's is a update problem several users are complaining about it, happens time to time...........

I am looking foward for a hotfix ....
I am getting very, very tired of every second lobby I am in having some sort of sound issue with at least some of the people in it. And it is usually me :-(

There is still no discernible pattern to when or why it happens. The only constant is that it only occurred after 1.12.

Surely with nearly everyone having observed this PD must actually be aware of it by now.

So why isn't the problem being promptly addressed then?

I have had the same issue online races only. I had taken my '13 Viper out to Route X. I had no sound until another car past me. Tire squeal was nowhere to be found as well during the entire online session. No squeal in teh corner or under heavy braking or acceleration. The audio did drop out again shortly after. Another car passing did not activate the sounds again till a second past, then it was back.

However as of note. When a car passes you you can still hear the car in the distance. I think the car was about 300 meters or so when I did not hear it anymore as in real life depending on location etc etc.
I fell like each race,I lost some sort of sound. Sometimes I lost the engine,and sometimes lost the tires noise. I Just cant drive without engine sound,even on automatic. Just cant. :banghead:
It's is a update problem several users are complaining about it, happens time to time...........

I am looking foward for a hotfix ....

looking forward to project cars, I am fed up with the constant problems with GT6
I race in a online community, and with the pit bug and now this we will be moving on mass to project cars and saying by by to pd
PD seem to be doing the best they can to ruin their game. Do they not test things before they release updates? I have lost all respect for their competence. I guess GT7 wont work ether, I wont be wasting my money on it.
Give them another week, they have to figure out why it happens and how to solve it.

It seems pretty easy to me. Revert back to the code in 1.11. Then just give us the Sierra track and go do some proper Beta testing on the other updates!

No one wanted the quick match garbage anyway!
I am having the same problem every time, but so far i've found that it happens most likely on the online rooms with voice chat. Even if you quit the track and sign back on pratice theres no engine sound or tire scrub sound! Only thing I can listen is the others cars engine sounds!

As it was said before PD should stop trying reinvent the wheel and bring back shuffle instead of quick match!

Hoppefully they would send a hotfix ASAP!

I don't know how could you fix this bug. But my tip for you D1gitaL is:

Acess your game data folder on your PS3 system and delete the current game version (but becarefull do not delete your save game data , only your GT6 game data) and after that start to download the 1.12 updated all over again and check out what happens after reinstall. That's my guess............. Good luck

Yeah, I already did that. It worked, and I now have sound. However, my headset no longer works with GT6. It's bizarre.
I was watching an old replay earlier today from before the 1.12 update. I noticed that at least one of the cars on the replay had no engine sound either.

So I'm assuming that this isn't just an online/server issue, it goes deeper into the coding of the game.
Last night a friend was having this problem, but it was resolved when he left the room and came back in.

I noticed a similar problem with replays - I was watching a replay which had perfect sound before 1.12, but since the update it correctly plays the engine sound of the car selected at the start of the race, but if I switch to view from another car it plays the sound from the new car at a very low volume. If the original car overtakes it plays that sound at a high volume.

Actually, I found a consistent connection with this bug. I've had the sound come back or go away from others leave or enter the room. I've entered a room without having the car sounds and as soon as another user left, I've had it come back. This doesn't happen 100% of the time, but if I regain sound it is always after someone enters or leaves the room.

The same for losing sound. I was in a room last night and everything was fine with my sound. A couple of players left and when the second one disconnected, my sound went immediately.
I tried to do this last night, but the PS3 keeps telling me that an error occured... I will make notes tonight when I attempt to re-install again in case I am doing something wrong. So frustrating!:ouch:
I have no engine sound, no tire sound, no nothing...and it completely ruined all races online.

I guess it is Kaz is sending out a message like "You complain about game sound quality being bad. I will make you appreciate the sound in game much more by turning off all sound. Now see how important the sound in game is :D haha"
Sound Glitch Permanent fix:

1] Power down PS3
2] Remove all plugs from the rear of the unit
3] Pickup PS3 with both hands
4] Open front door
5] Throw it out

Alternatively, wait very patiently for the next PD Hotfix....;)
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i found something strange yesterday
i was the host and as host, you never have sounds issues

when i was on the track some people had sounds issues
when i was out of the track (completely, not registered) the sound was back for those having sound issues
it was highly reproducible, like a switch
i used the button on the right of the goggle
on, sound problems
off, no more sound problems

really strange
and it's not only online, i also had sounds issues in a career race after switching from car to car

so far i found some conditions that trigger the problem
- switching from car to an other one
- not being the host online
- having the host on the track or ready to go on the track
- vocal chat activated (to be confirmed)

possible work around for online (switch off vocal chat) to be confirmed

some of us also had the feeling that sounds are better
do they have released an improved bugged new sound engine version ?
is that problem related to the fact that replays are freezing the ps3 ?

really strange
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Possible cause of sound bugs, etc,

With recent FFB tweaks, this could be drawing power away from other areas of the system, ie, sound, network, and feeding more power into the USB port for the wheel.

Probably waiting for new Firmware to resolve, this isn't something PD can patch alone,

can't wait for GT7, PD should know keeping the GT5 & 6 fully updated is a constant puzzle, and should really pave the way to more ease, for the PS4, that is already a widely adopted architecture. I see no reason to go past November of 2015 for GT7.
Looks like they're aware and trying to fix it.
Quality Control at its finest, so they add new stuff and they did not test it properly before going live...

Seriously if I do this at my job I could get fired, I know these things happens but a basic test racing Online with ALL cars equipped with additional gauges should be mandatory on the TODO list for the QC team.

Testing, testing, testing, the only way to achieve excellence and I mean it.

PD are aware of the issue, and believe it to be related to the introduction of additional gauges.
A fix is expected but in the mean time please disable your additional gauges.
On the GT6 game, in the announcements section there was a mention of additional gauged causing the game to freeze when 2 or more players have them installed during an online race.

However, there was no mention of anything to do with sound loss.

PD are aware of the issue, and believe it to be related to the introduction of additional gauges.
A fix is expected but in the mean time please disable your additional gauges.

Sorry but it makes no sense to me,since it happens the most times when I'm using standards. And you can't even use gauges on standards. :indiff: