[Mod] Gran Turismo 6 Enhanced

  • Thread starter Sal_89
Varallo Pombia, Italy
Gran Turismo 6 Enhanced is a modification for Gran Turismo 6 that add and change a fair amount of content. This Mod is based on the Customization Mod made by pieceofcheese (which in turn is based on the Spec II Mod made by Nenkai and TheAdmeister, both at the latest version)

Due the nature of this Mod (that is the result of a third file repacking, Spec II -> Customization Mod -> Enhanced Mod), hangs/freezes/crashes could appear. From my tests, I can certainly say that I dind't had any problem with a SuperSlim with HEN (both at latest FirmWare version, OFW 4.88 and HEN 3.0.3). If you get problems, try these solutions:

  • Make a backup of the game in your Hard Disk Device (HDD)
  • Turn off file install while playing (this fixed my problems with Spec II while racing on Special Stage Route X)

  • All of the content from Spec II 2.0.0 Beta 7 and Customization Mod Beta 7
  • A NEW save is recommended. A Customization Mod could work fine too (tested personally), but I can't say anything about a Spec II Mod save
  • There are a lot of cut aftermarket wheels that were restored, but only some will be actually installable. The missing ones will remove the wheels, and trying to start a race the game will crash. Be careful!

  • Gran Turismo Formula Gran Turismo: sound replaced with Gran Turismo 5's Ferrari Formula One cars
  • All Vision Gran Turismo (VGT) makers are unveiled and all cars set as a prize
  • All cars can equip till three extra meters from GT Auto
  • Car Search now have listed all 1279 cars
  • Recommended cars have "DIRT" flag enabled and can appear as opponent in Arcade Mode
  • Cars with hidden specs now are visible
  • All courses can be selected online, eligible for Drift Trial and Karts
  • All courses have "DLC" (Gran Turismo 5's leftovers), "KartOnly", "NoPrecipitation" and "PrecRainOnly" flags disabled
  • All courses are available in Arcade Mode
  • All cars have "CanChangeDecken", "CanCustomDecken", "CanCustomWindowSticker", "CanCustomNumberPlate_JP", "CanCustomNumberPlate_EU" and "Dirt" flags enabled
  • All cars can have number sticker
  • All cars appears as courtesy cars in Arcade Mode
  • All cars appears in dealers
  • All paint chips have "isRandomPresent" enabled
  • All car colors have "Flag" flag disabled
  • All cars can install wheels with 240 as size (previously was 220)
  • Restored all cut aftermarket wheels entries

To be added

  • GTToolSharp made by Nenkai (based on flatz gttool)
  • DB Browser (SQLite) by Mauricio Piacentini

  • Nenkai and TheAdmeister for making the Spec II Mod
  • piecoofcheese for making the Customization Mod

24/04/2022 - Version 1.0.0 released

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I was sure to have wrote in the "Read Me.txt" file, but actually not. I will write here then, thanks to have pointed that. Of course I've tested all of the changed content, and I didn't had problems on my SuperSlim with HEN
  • Gran Turismo Formula Gran Turismo: sound replaced with Gran Turismo 5's Ferrari Formula One cars
Why change the F1 car with GT5's it doesn't sound very good imo and the spec II mod improves most sounds a great deal specially this one.
Is just my personal preference, being the GT5 one already great, and have also the "car change" sample sound unlike all cars with revamped sound. The GT6 one, the new sound, honestly isn't so great for me, also if is a big jump from the vanilla sound. Is literally "why don't use a sound already great?", but as I've said, is just my preference
Thank you for making this

One of the requirements is Customization Mod Beta 7 but I'm not sure where to find that, do you know what I could search for?

Thank you in advance
Thank you for making this

One of the requirements is Customization Mod Beta 7 but I'm not sure where to find that, do you know what I could search for?

Thank you in advance
Hello, for the Customization Mod you need to join the Discord Server of Nenkai and TheAdmeister, that is linked into the "Spoiler: Media" section of the first post
The mod is good, but im not sure about the rims..

80% of them dont work and I think because of the list being limited to 999 it cuts out a lot of the stock rims from the customization mod?
No cuts, these blank rims are entries already present in the database. Also on a vanilla game these will not work. I've added these just for show that exists
Thank you for making this

One of the requirements is Customization Mod Beta 7 but I'm not sure where to find that, do you know what I could search for?

Thank you in advance
I have the same problem I can’t find it . Can you tell me where exactly
Here you go @RmQn

B7 Customisation mod:

B6 If you desperately need it (but it will not work with this mod!):

Did you manage to fix the issue with the sound bugging out? I recently popped back to the mod to try and fix it but to still no avail! I'm pretty sure it was because it wasn't updating the records correctly when building and not assigning enough pointers (maxes out at 65355).
Here you go @RmQn

B7 Customisation mod:

B6 If you desperately need it (but it will not work with this mod!):

Did you manage to fix the issue with the sound bugging out? I recently popped back to the mod to try and fix it but to still no avail! I'm pretty sure it was because it wasn't updating the records correctly when building and not assigning enough pointers (maxes out at 65355).

Thank you so much
I'm downloading the mod right now, it looks really cool so far!

If I could make one suggestion, maybe try adding performance parts for cars that don't have any or very few (e.g. most race cars, vision gt cars, some concept cars). Imagine the Auto Union V16 with a supercharger and chrome paint job!
I'm downloading the mod right now, it looks really cool so far!

If I could make one suggestion, maybe try adding performance parts for cars that don't have any or very few (e.g. most race cars, vision gt cars, some concept cars). Imagine the Auto Union V16 with a supercharger and chrome paint job!
Thank you!
For the adding of performance parts, I'm pretty sure that an another user is already making it, but I don't know if will be released to public. For recoloring race cars, is already possible, but not all works, due isn't intended
Sal_89 thanks for you cool mod! I will make question about enkei 92 wheels (only listed), but i believe is same answer that you replied before....Waiting your future progress! :)
Sal_89 thanks for you cool mod! I will make question about enkei 92 wheels (only listed), but i believe is same answer that you replied before....Waiting your future progress! :)
I think that these are one of many that were cut, I honestly don't remember 😅
Právě si stahuji mod, zatím to vypadá opravdu skvěle!

Pokud bych mohl udělat jeden návrh, možná zkuste přidat výkonné díly pro auta, která nemají žádné nebo jen velmi málo (např. většina závodních vozů, vision gt cars, některé koncepční vozy). Představte si Auto Union V16 s kompresorem a chromovaným lakem!
or so.. ☺🤣
(enter the Server for the Customization Mod)
Why has it been made seemingly deliberately difficult to get a proper link for this? What's the reasoning behind gatekeeping this particular download so harshly?

Putting it behind a wall requiring approval and giving away of personal information to even see in the first place limits the overall reach, and the only reason for doing such a thing would be to 'weed out' people the authors don't like from using it, which is literal Twitter/Tumblr/Mastodon levels of immaturity (or arguably, communist levels of oppression).

Also is it b6 or b7 spec2 I need?
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Why has it been made seemingly deliberately difficult to get a proper link for this? What's the reasoning behind gatekeeping this particular download so harshly?

Putting it behind a wall requiring approval and giving away of personal information to even see in the first place limits the overall reach, and the only reason for doing such a thing would be to 'weed out' people the authors don't like from using it, which is literal Twitter/Tumblr/Mastodon levels of immaturity (or arguably, communist levels of oppression).
Well, an another user posted it here the Customization Mod, that the original user clearly stated that didn't wanted that his work came out from that server, and people are constantly forgetting this. Also, the server owners are know to start useless wars about these things and accuse people "because they can". Where is wrote that you need to put your real personal information to enter their server? Everyone can fake things just for it. They made the server in that manner indeed to cut people that they don't like, that is pretty immature. Is easy to reject people so, no? The immature are they, not me. I don't know why people will always attack me on everything I do... Lastly, you called me a communist, well done. The biggest act of immaturity is write the comment you made, an even biggger one is to reply to it
I don't know why people will always attack me on everything I do... Lastly, you called me a communist, well done.
A bit of misunderstanding here - I didn't mean to direct that at you! You're fine, I'm glad I was able to download the mod from the website, and it took me a little while to realise that someone had reposted the Customisation Mod right here.

Thank you lots for making every car available in arcade mode btw, I really appreciate this change. :D
Where is wrote that you need to put your real personal information to enter their server?
The entry requirements for that Discord say you need to write a really detailed introduction about yourself. I don't really have the patience to go around faking details just for a download link - plus I'm an awful liar.
Also, the server owners are know to start useless wars about these things and accuse people "because they can".
That's really silly of them. Such behaviour is only going to bite them in their own backside eventually. I guess they took a leaf out of SJW land.
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Why has it been made seemingly deliberately difficult to get a proper link for this? What's the reasoning behind gatekeeping this particular download so harshly?

The person who made the Customisation mod only posted a download link on that particular server, I don't think there was any ulterior motive or intention to reduce its audience. Presumably that was the only GT6-related place that they were active, and they've since disappeared again after posting their work-in-progress mod without realising that it would become a base for other mods. I assume they'd be happy to see its popularity and exposure though.

As far as I'm aware, the entry requirements for that server are because there was a swarm of very young users joining just to spam memes and try to pirate the PSP game, which was stemmed by the basic requirement of being able to write in sentences. I think there's still about a dozen new users each week so I'm guessing it's not too restrictive in practice, it just has to appear to be as a deterrent..
A bit of misunderstanding here - I didn't mean to direct that at you! You're fine, I'm glad I was able to download the mod from the website, and it took me a little while to realise that someone had reposted the Customisation Mod right here.

Thank you lots for making every car available in arcade mode btw, I really appreciate this change. :D

The entry requirements for that Discord say you need to write a really detailed introduction about yourself. I don't really have the patience to go around faking details just for a download link - plus I'm an awful liar.

That's really silly of them. Such behaviour is only going to bite them in their own backside eventually. I guess they took a leaf out of SJW land.
I need to apologize. As you saw (or better read haha) I'm a easily irritable person. I'm glad that you replied in a mature manner, unlike the 99% of people that had to say something in the bad or in the good about my things.
I'm happy that you liked the all cars thing in arcade mode 😁
As far as I'm aware, the entry requirements for that server are because there was a swarm of very young users joining just to spam memes and try to pirate the PSP game, which was stemmed by the basic requirement of being able to write in sentences. I think there's still about a dozen new users each week so I'm guessing it's not too restrictive in practice, it just has to appear to be as a deterrent..
Reminds me of how pretty much anything related to Mario 64 ends up swarmed up with stupid Spanish kids asking for "descargar rom gratis mega"...

I need to apologize. As you saw (or better read haha) I'm a easily irritable person. I'm glad that you replied in a mature manner, unlike the 99% of people that had to say something in the bad or in the good about my things.
I'm happy that you liked the all cars thing in arcade mode 😁
No problem! Italians are awesome btw, one of my favourite countries on the Internet XD
I found a bug btw - when I was doing the licence tests / coffee break, and clicked "retry" it froze the game up if the ghost was on. If I wanted to redo the test with a replay ghost I had to exit to the licence/coffee's info page and start it, kinda odd :/
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Reminds me of how pretty much anything related to Mario 64 ends up swarmed up with stupid Spanish kids asking for "descargar rom gratis mega"...

I go by "jei" on Discord. Maybe I'll rejoin it eventually if I ever feel like going online with GT5, lazy though for now.

No problem! Italians are awesome btw, one of my favourite countries on the Internet XD
I found a bug btw - when I was doing the licence tests / coffee break, and clicked "retry" it froze the game up if the ghost was on. If I wanted to redo the test with a replay ghost I had to exit to the licence/coffee's info page and start it, kinda odd :/
I'm glad that you like Italian people! We are pretty much hated by many countries thanks to stupid stereotypes haha
I honestly never made licenses, I've always used the cheat to pass them pressing Select lol
GT6 was also know to have very frequent crashes even on unmodified game files, or consoles
I think that is possible to reduce the rate if you own the PSN version, or dump the disc (as I did, but you need a modified console), then in game disable the "install while playing" thing or how is called. When I played the game normally, I've got always a crash after literally one retry for one of the coffee breaks, then I've lost control, and used the cheat haha
The person who made the Customisation mod only posted a download link on that particular server, I don't think there was any ulterior motive or intention to reduce its audience. Presumably that was the only GT6-related place that they were active, and they've since disappeared again after posting their work-in-progress mod without realising that it would become a base for other mods. I assume they'd be happy to see its popularity and exposure though.

As far as I'm aware, the entry requirements for that server are because there was a swarm of very young users joining just to spam memes and try to pirate the PSP game, which was stemmed by the basic requirement of being able to write in sentences. I think there's still about a dozen new users each week so I'm guessing it's not too restrictive in practice, it just has to appear to be as a deterrent..
It's me. I am actually working on more for the mod, but it is a long time coming yet. Plus it's nothing amazing, just lots of work required! Plus still trying to figure out what is causing the minor corruption of some AES sounds & standard interiors...

And you are correct, as that was where Nenkai & TheAdemiester was mostly active with their mod it was where I posted it as I thought it was most relevant there and didn't think to post it anywhere else! However, I did post the links further up in this page if needed.

Also, I am very glad to see it become more widely used! Although, the hacky nature of the way the mod is built would be best suited for when we can easily run unpacked files without the header limits that my mod seems to hit!

But yes, the cheese is in fact still working on the mod. I am mostly waiting to see what the next iteration of the SpecII mod brings as it is looking quite awesome!
And you are correct, as that was where Nenkai & TheAdemiester was mostly active with their mod it was where I posted it as I thought it was most relevant there and didn't think to post it anywhere else! However, I did post the links further up in this page if needed.
No problem. One thing I will say is that it's good to have things searchable on a forum. reddit's horrible to search around compared to independent websites like GTPlanet (at least for an internet old-timer like me...), and it helps make your content much easier to discover via google and whatnot too :)
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