PD is introducing "Friendly" Daily Races in Sport Mode

It seems that starting Monday we will have Daily Races in Sport Mode that won't affect DR/SR ratings. Welcome to RamFest my friends 😂

I might try it out. Sounds kinda fun actually. You get better race setup (rules etc) than lobbies and you get to try and outsmart some morons.

Hopefully it goes over well and they introduce a friendly section in Sport Mode where the dirty drivers can go to stay out of the proper races.

But also there’s also the threat of splitting the player base (which isn’t super high in Sport mode already) making three races of two types each week.

So what I think they might do is make Race A (usually the short/weird race) the friendly race each week where as the other two longer and more serious events affect DR/SR
"But but but, Forza 7's online is a wreckfest". So PD decides to make a "friendly" sport mode where wrecks are going to occur throughout races. Screw sportsmanship, this right here will make for some great YouTube material. :D
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I guess as a training aid in how to deal with dirty driving it may offer some utility but I suspect the urge to retaliate will be overwhelming
You could if you choose but a lot of us who used to do the quick matches in GT6 learned pretty quickly who to give extra room to and who to trust. We all came away with thick skins whenever we met dirty drivers and a good skill set in dealing with them.
This will not end well. :lol:

I would boycott Sport Mode until they removed this, but Jimmy "Spencer" Ryan is probably more interested in the tasty casuals, so it wouldn't work. It's gonna be the biggest anticlimax in history if they butcher the foundations they set with GTS by neutering GT7's competitive play.
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Everyone hates dirty drivers in sport mode but it won't matter in these. They become part of the attraction when you can outwit them.:D
You’ve still wasted a half hour of your time when you get hit off at T1, and have your race ruined. Now they can just do it every race and every corner completely unimpeded.
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This will not end well. :lol:

I would boycott Sport Mode until they removed this, but Jimmy "Spencer" Ryan is probably more interested in the tasty casuals, so it wouldn't work. It's gonna be the biggest anticlimax in history if they butcher the foundations they set with GTS by neutering GT7's competitive play.
Is this the new thing, blame everything on Jim Ryan?
Probably best to start those races in P3, P2 takes out P1 in T1 and if you avoid the carnage behind you you can easily run away with the win :sly:
You’ve still wasted a half hour of your time when you get hit off at T1, and have your race ruined. Now they can just do it every race and every corner completely unimpeded.
I'm being unfair to the idea of it being rough every time because the quick matches weren't always like that. They just had a few more trolls than we'd like. Usually repeat offenders who run out of ideas fast and leave.

I'm hoping they stay in sport mode where they can benefit from being dirty anyway.
I suspect this will be something like the F1 “no contact” mode, or cars will ghost in corners etc. I’ve already seen the latter at monza this week, though how the game decides when to activate it is anyone’s guess.

I’m actually fairly positive about this, amongst a pretty disappointing update. Last I checked, something like 70% of users haven’t done sport mode. there are a lot of anxieties about burdening other users with performance or lag, and i could see this serving as A Little Taste of the real thing for many.

I also don’t mind anything that mixes up the daily races. I understand this is replacing the function of lobbies for many, but there have been times I just wanted to race humans online - unranked - and it’s just so difficult with their system.
Is this the new thing, blame everything on Jim Ryan?
Forgetting that this was done almost entirely on Polyphony's watchful eye.

But then again it's par for the course. Blame Jim Ryan when Polyphony is clearly to blame because Polyphony can do no wrong. Blame Forza when Polyphony knowingly made a **** in game economy (and seem to be reverting back to it once the spotlight is off them) because Forza is evil and Yamauchi is a saint come down to Earth.
If this separates and keeps the dirty racers out of normal Sport mode and dailies, I'm all for it. They can enjoy bumping and punting their way to victory in their own pool.
I honestly don't think it will separate them.

The majority of dirty racers that I've raced are dirty because they want to beat everyone else by any means necessary, especially if they're a hot-head that doesn't want to be beaten.

So while the "friendly" races won't have penalties, they also won't have the DR rewards that a lot of the dirty racers want.
It seems that starting Monday we will have Daily Races in Sport Mode that won't affect DR/SR ratings. Welcome to RamFest my friends 😂

Please tell me the tracks will be rotated daily. That is the one reason I stopped playing Sport Mode. Racing around the same three tracks for the whole week gets incredibly boring. I remeember when Sport mode first came out for GT Sport and the tracks changed every day. I loved it! Then they had to go and change it to weekly. smh :(
Can you imagine if they’re just the same 3 dailies we have already but with a ‘unranked mode’. That’d be some level of idiocy

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