PD, PLEASE make Sound adjustment SLIDERS for:

  • Thread starter Lambob
If we complain about it enough, he'll listen. The sounds are the real major downfall with this game. Some of them are just terrible.
The in cockpit and bumper cam has a much quieter wind noise thanks to 2.04. If the wind noise is too loud to you, it most likely is on your end.
great idea and badly needed. I would also add a mic level adjustment for online. I spent a huge amount of time adjusting volume levels after switching to large theatre - since you can't adjust the volume levels from the pause menu (>_<). That sorted the problem with opponents cars being too loud and gave huge dynamic range to the sound, only to find when you go online that you can hear other players on there mics from the next street with no way of adjusting the level at all. I know you can mute them but that's not really an adequate solution.
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I agree, add those sliders and don't turn crash sounds off in half of the cases when I crash into barrier, please! This bug is present since 1.xx versions.
Ummm a full race spec transmission is noisy as heck. It's call the Real Driving Simulator for a reason. besides you can change the view to get rid of the transmission noise somewhat.
Here's a video showing how loud they are in real life.

Yes but it doesnt overshadows the noise or the rumble sound of the engine like in GT5.
The problem with GT5 is......lets say for this example that the engine sound is 5db, when you add a racing transmission the engine sound goes down to 2db and transmission to 5db, instead of both being in 5db..or transmissions at 5.5db .. and GT5's sound problem isnt stopping there especially this effect.

Try the following to see (hear actually) for your self that PD has an ape on the Audio department.

Go to Elger (or any other track with rain effect) and set rain at 100% and get any electric car, (tesla for example) make a few meters to hear the rain...Now stop and keep breaking till the cars turns off.
What happens is....Instead of just having the car turned off, the sound of the rain Volumes UP.
Press the gas again and the car turns on and the rain sound volumes down.

PD really needs to reconsider the sound effects.
800-900-1000bhp cars and you cant hear the turbo or the turbo blower....A mouse sneezes louder and with more bass than that.
very good idea because it really does depend on your set up which means pd cant possibly win for all people by fixing these volumes.

I've just bought new tv and surround sound and it is much much different from my last one
yzfmike, thanks for posting that Daytona link, that was awesome!! It proved the point of the OP though - you can hear the transmission, but it's a thin icing of sound compared to the bellowing of the engine which never fails to be audible even at top speed. I adore clips like this, or let's say onboard a Subaru WRC rally car where you even hear brake squeal, but the engine is always equally loud. If GT5 sounded like that, we would all be raving about how awesome the audio is :drool:

Balanced sound is not just about volume, but tone too. High-pitched noises cut through more (and become annoying), and GT5's transmission and wind overwhelm everything else at high speeds in hood/roof view. All I know is I'm using surround with a big fat subwoof, and it sounded great in 2.02. They need to make changes like this more subtle (they did the tire noise perfectly imho, for example), or give us options to adjust them.

Now I'm just going to go back and watch that Daytona clip again... 👍
I tell you truth, I am so in love with the Sony 7.1, I will not go back to playing GT5 without it.👍

Sony 7.1 headset?? what is the mpn# and where do you plug it into? any special PS3 XMB settings?
nvm, I jfgoogled it, is it these? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16879261316

Wireless & Bluetooth, hmm, I may have to splurge on these, I think there is not much love for Stereo 2.0 owners with the PS3 and GT5, even though I am using TOSLink Optical Audio, I suspect there are some missing sounds in place. Thx for the heads up.

yeah, until I get my Onkyo TXNR809 & Klipsch RF7-II's later this year,(again, only stereo for now) this headset may very well have to do!
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I agree on that!!! Sound Sliders sound nice.
Oh and also would be nice to have Field of View Sliders for each camera, because I hate GT5's narrow field of view!
Another nice vid amar212 - thanks! The microphone seems to make certain frequencies jump out, the rest sounds pretty awesome to me :)
@Amar212 this video proves nothing more than what FormulaKimball said.
Simple fact that even when the transmission isnt screaming you still cant hear the engine or anything else.
Plus that ask any audio expert about microphones and frequencies or try it your self with your cell phone (for example) but trying recording a song you'll find out that the low frequencies arent there.

Yes the racing transmissions make that whining noise but not like in this video....If what we hear on that video was actually what race drivers hear wile racing, most of them (if not all) would be in a straight jacket by now.
I will just leave this here and cut the long story short.

This video proves that the transmission SFX volume in GT5 is correct, however, the the noise in that video is a somewhat livable noise, whereas the noise in GT5 is just an annoying, intrusive noise, hence why people want to get rid of it.

End of discussion.
Wireless headset 7.1 is fantastic, however, it too needs the sound adjustment sliders. Large Theater mode is strange, some sounds are so silent, others are beating on your eardrums.
I've got an idea: In addition to the different transmission upgrades, you should be able to purchase just a final drive upgrade. So your muscle cars would still be 4 speeds but instead of 110mph they could hit 160 or whatever you set it to. The big advantage with this setup being NO WHINY TRANSMISSION noises.

What an awesome original idea!

Oh wait...

For the transmission, they should simply add a modification which allows to change the final drive only, so that you get the benefit of kind of limited gear ratio tuning without the added noise.

BIG UPS to Lambob on the audio-level slider options. Maybe split the "Engine" option into two:

Engine Bay (includes intake) 0-100%
Exhaust 0-100%

also if we could crank up/down the crowd noise that would be cool. Places with big grandstands should emit a roaring crowd sound during exciting moments, and places like Eiffel, Germany Course-Creator tracks need to take that silly crowd-cheering sound clip that gets played over and over and push it off a cliff! Wtf is that mess?
:lol: Nicely said! I share your exasperation!!👍
Here is a great example of the extreme OTT wind sounds in certain views:

I mean really, what is the point of that? Who at PD played the game and thought 'yep, this sounds spot on'?
Ummm a full race spec transmission is noisy as heck. It's call the Real Driving Simulator for a reason. besides you can change the view to get rid of the transmission noise somewhat.
Here's a video showing how loud they are in real life.

Do you realize GT5 totally lack of simulating proper Turbo whistle? Instead they added "transmission" whine. In real life the high pitched noise you come from the turbine.
Here is a great example of the extreme OTT wind sounds in certain views:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgoZuF6XuKM">YouTube Link</a>

I mean really, what is the point of that? Who at PD played the game and thought 'yep, this sounds spot on'?

It seems ok to me. I have a GoPro camera and when it's placed outside the car, all you hear over 60mph is wind. I can be WOT and you can't even hear the exhaust. If anything they made it more realistic, although it's not ideal for gameplay.
^ F1 camera cars doesn't sound like that. Although the wind can still be heard it does NOT override the engine noise. GT5 wind is way to emphasized.

F1 car's cameras have been designed and tested for an optimal tv viewing experience. My guess the the mic is located somewhere beneath the body work and the volume is turned WAY down. Hence no wind noise.