SHUFFLERS UNITED - GT5 Saturday Night Server Assault!

  • Thread starter VBR


Meme Dissident in Exile...

If PD won't bring Shuffle back, then I will. 💡 By uniting all diehard Shufflers, & organising a weekly Saturday night server assault in GT5's online rooms. :mischievous:

This idea behind this club is simple; every Saturday night at 7pm GMT (check you time zone), Shufflers from around the world will unite by descending upon the GT5 online servers in huge numbers, &...err...start Shuffling their to their hearts content! :D Open a Shuffle room yourself (mine's called, "CLEAN SHUFFLERS UNITED!") or join an existing one, it's up to you, just be there or be square! ;)

This will only work if all of us Shuffle heads unite & make it work, so it's up to you guys. Spread the word, put a link in your signature, & keep this thread alive. :cheers:

Event: The next "official" GT5 server assault Shuffle based shenanigans will take place on Saturday February 15th from 19:00 hours GMT onwards. :)

C'MON! :lol:

PS: Please feel free to post this event up on other GT forums. 👍
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I'll probably be able to make it today. What PP range are we doing or is it any?
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I'll probably be able to make it today. What PP range are we doing or is it any?

Anything you want to, it's up to the host. 👍 I've messaged over 400 people (all the Shufflers who voted on my poll), so hopefully we'll have several rooms to choose from.

Hey, text all the guys on your friends lists too!
I wish it were possible for me to be on before 10pm gmt (any night lol) but I'll join in then 👍
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I wish it were possible for me to be on before 10pm gmt (any night lol) but I'll join in then 👍

There will probably be many rooms still open by then, especially once were doing this regular. Some guys from the US are several hours behind us, so they'll carry on till very late relative to us UK lads (that's why I chose Saturdays). I'm pretty sure you'll find a room after 10pm, check & see anyway.

Sorry guys, love the concept but I'm running in another series:( Maybe afterwards if the rooms are still up.
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:gtpflag:Unfortunately today is impossible, but I will start my shuffle campaign tomorrow night. ADDING SHUFFLE TO GT6 shouldn't be that hard for them to do DAG NABBIT. GREAT IDEA VBR. BUT THE TITLE OF EACH ROOM SHOULD BE THE SAME, WE SHOULD ALL WRITE BRING BACK SHUFFLE.:gtpflag:
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@1gt6freak - Yes, I thought so too. But I like to add the word, "CLEAN!" to my Shuffle rooms, & I can't fit that plus, "Bring Back Shuffle" in as well. So, just make up your own titles.
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Sure, I'm in. Was planning on playing some GT5 anyway. GT6's events and arcade mode are boring.
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I might be a bit rusted of GT5 thanks to GTA V, but I'll probably join you guys tonight.
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💡💡 I have an idea we shufflers should, when we can open a room with the title shufflers unite or whatever, and then just leave it opened, I mean play or don"t play, just leave your play station on for a few hours with that lobby opened, if 100 of us do this or even 50 do this every day I'm sure they will notice it, and not to piss off people you should just allow 2 players only in your lobby. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS.👍:gtpflag:
💡💡 I have an idea we shufflers should, when we can open a room with the title shufflers unite or whatever, and then just leave it opened, I mean play or don"t play, just leave your play station on for a few hours with that lobby opened, if 100 of us do this or even 50 do this every day I'm sure they will notice it, and not to piss off people you should just allow 2 players only in your lobby. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS.👍:gtpflag:

Don't invite me to anything GT5 related, I'm done with it. I also will not participate in any makeshift shuffle races on GT6.

I only voted yes to have shuffle back in GT6 because it was something that was missing.
There should be rooms like this everyday called "bring back shuffle!" If there are enough, like @1gt6freak said, PD will have to notice it.
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💡💡 I have an idea we shufflers should, when we can open a room with the title shufflers unite or whatever, and then just leave it opened, I mean play or don"t play, just leave your play station on for a few hours with that lobby opened, if 100 of us do this or even 50 do this every day I'm sure they will notice should just allow 2 players only in your lobby. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS.👍:gtpflag:

It's a good idea, if you wanna do it go for it. But it might be best just to put "BRING BACK SHUFFLE IN GT6" (if it'll fit) so that Kaz/PD get the message.
Wish I could but sadly, I`m busy tonight so I won`t be racing... But next Saturday, count me in! :cheers:
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I'm definetly in. I'm going to host a room "SHUFFLERS UNITED"PRO, starting at 6pm EST. Room will be mostly lower pp with heavy damage and penalties. Any clean driving shuffler is welcome
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I'll be opening a room about 19:00 hours GMT. Hopefully it will only be one of many! :D
I will be opening a room saying bring back shuffle to GT6 but not playing I can't tonight, and i will leave it on for a couple of hours, I'll allow only 2 players. SHUFFLE ON!:gtpflag:
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There was some GTP guy hosting a Shuffle United room tonight, I did some races in his room, we even got a 1-2 finish. :D I don't remember his entire PSN name, I do remember that it was GTP_V, after the V I don't remember..
Went online on GT5 yesterday (after many, many loading screens) and was a bit surprised to find so many lobbies. Took a little while to adapt to the old physics, but I had a great time!
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Well, I opened a room at 7pm & had 4 guys turn up straight away, 1 dropped out, then 3 of us had the first race. After that the room started to fill until we pretty much always had a full room of 12. Lots of good racing followed, with a few incidents & apologies as per usual, & a few noobs had to get the boot. All in all a great nights racing.

The highlight of the night was an intense 1 lap battle on The Ring 24 Hour with a sunset, then rain clouds coming in as it started raining half way through, with me & Vegard having some serious zero contact racing. We were doing overtaking in places I never even knew you could overtake, awesome stuff. Then, as we were going for the finishing line side by side, we both hit the rev limiter, & I managed somehow to get the win by 0.006!

Thanks for the fun guys, see you on GT5's servers next Saturday at 19:00 hours.
Well, I opened a room at 7pm & had 4 guys turn up straight away, 1 dropped out, then 3 of us had the first race. After that the room started to fill until we pretty much always had a full room of 12. Lots of good racing followed, with a few incidents & apologies as per usual, & a few noobs had to get the boot. All in all a great nights racing.

The highlight of the night was an intense 1 lap battle on The Ring 24 Hour with a sunset, then rain clouds coming in as it started raining half way through, with me & Vegard having some serious zero contact racing. We were doing overtaking in places I never even knew you could overtake, awesome stuff. Then, as we were going for the finishing line side by side, we both hit the rev limiter, & I managed somehow to get the win by 0.006!

Thanks for the fun guys, see you on GT5's servers next Saturday at 19:00 hours.
Great fun VBR, that was just like the good old times :)
I had some very entertaining races, especially that one at the ring between the BMW and the Renault.

Even a few old shuffle buddies showed up and we kept it going well into the wee hours.
Shuffle in GT5 is still so much fun and I hope we can keep this going until GT6 gets shuffle.

See you all next time.