Special stage 7 , money and xp glitch

  • Thread starter mohammad
A good way to get xp is to get a couple friends together and pick a track that has no pits. Put like 200 laps on it. Then just hit the start button and it goes around automatically come back later and except your xp and moola
What i do not understand is that everybody gets all worked up about duping and trading and when i look online i see the whole world on special stage 7 cheating

Something else why doesn't PD get that track offline they already know about that cheat
Given this glitch will negatively affect online play in a number of ways this really needs to be fixed asap.

I could give a flying turd about how people play their own games (duping, grinding, trading - whatever dull as dishwater way you want to use to get ahead... go for it) but when the effect is lowered performance for everyone elses [online] games it should be treated with utter disdain by right thinking members of the community.

On a related note, I have already played an online race where someone used this to 'win' and then even gloated, everyone else got in maybe four laps before the race counter timed out the rest of the race, basically wasting our time completely! I can think of several words for an idiot like that...

...None are repeatable in front of children!
Given this glitch will negatively affect online play in a number of ways this really needs to be fixed asap.

I could give a flying turd about how people play their own games but when the effect is lowered performance for everyone elses [online] games it should be treated with utter disdain by right thinking members of the community.

On a related note, I have already played an online race where someone used this to 'win' and then even gloated, everyone else got in maybe four laps before the race counter timed out the rest of the race, basically wasting our time completely! I can think of several words for an idiot like that...

...None are repeatable in front of children!

they can fix this in 5 min take the track offline !!
What i do not understand is that everybody gets all worked up about duping and trading and when i look online i see the whole world on special stage 7 cheating

Something else why doesn't PD get that track offline they already know about that cheat
You are funny, just because some people are using the track to go thru walls, they are going to take that track offline? Ehe, this wallhack exist on other tracks aswell. The ssr7 are popular for wagan and street drag, and it was popular even before this wallhack. So you mean that they should take away all features that can be used for cheating? That like saying they should get rid of the nissan gt-r because people can use that car to cheat, or the x1 that you use in the auto grind? Should PD also get rid of the daytona track because you can grind on the walls using a rubberband? You dont think realistic, just because PD has done some crappy job with their code, you think it is better to remove a whole track than just fix this little problem. Should they also remove all modification of cars because it is against the emission laws modifying the engine (in real life). You gotta understand, this is the virtual world, not real life. How does it affect you if i do the ssr7 glitch or if i brun my gt5 disc and throw it out of the window? I have bougjht the game, I can do what ever I want.
You are funny, just because some people are using the track to go thru walls, they are going to take that track offline? Ehe, this wallhack exist on other tracks aswell. The ssr7 are popular for wagan and street drag, and it was popular even before this wallhack. So you mean that they should take away all features that can be used for cheating? That like saying they should get rid of the nissan gt-r because people can use that car to cheat, or the x1 that you use in the auto grind? Should PD also get rid of the daytona track because you can grind on the walls using a rubberband? You dont think realistic, just because PD has done some crappy job with their code, you think it is better to remove a whole track than just fix this little problem. Should they also remove all modification of cars because it is against the emission laws modifying the engine (in real life). You gotta understand, this is the virtual world, not real life. How does it affect you if i do the ssr7 glitch or if i brun my gt5 disc and throw it out of the window? I have bougjht the game, I can do what ever I want.

Ill take it as a compliment that u think i am funny:D
TT3AZ, you can do whatever you like OFFLINE, but once you bring it into the public domain and start loading servers that we all have to share then you can't do "whatever you like".

Or rather, you can but the rest of the community has a right to tell you you shouldn't and ask for the exploit is fixed.

If you want to collect cars, credit and xp that's fine, but some of us actually enjoy the core intent and purpose of the game, driving and racing (in this case online).
Ill take it as a compliment that u think i am funny:D
What I meant was that those things I was about so say to you, would get me banned and put away to the guantanamo base. You are sick man, get rid of a whole track because PD failed with their code?
TT3AZ, you can do whatever you like OFFLINE, but once you bring it into the public domain and start loading servers that we all have to share then you can't do "whatever you like".

Or rather, you can but the rest of the community has a right to tell you you shouldn't and ask for the exploit is fixed.

If you want to collect cars, credit and xp that's fine, but some of us actually enjoy the core intent and purpose of the game, driving and racing (in this case online).
If you dont like glitch server, then dont join. If the servers are to weak, then PD can get new ones. The servers are to crappy annyway. I think it is hard for guys like you, that people like me have about 15 milion credits without even racing, just doing autogrinds. And that I can show all of my x1 that I havent bought, and smoke you in a second. Thats what bothers you. Or that you have a bad internet connection so you cant play online at all. Should PS get tid of online play aswell because you cant play online?
What I meant was that those things I was about so say to you, would get me banned and put away to the guantanamo base. You are sick man, get rid of a whole track because PD failed with their code?

U are 100 % right that was what i meen
Dont running my mouth man. If you havent got anything important to say, dont say it.

U are a really friendly guy i see

Maybe u do not know this but this is a free world and a public forum

Again this cheat has to be taken off line in a minute !!
If you dont like glitch server, then dont join. If the servers are to weak, then PD can get new ones. The servers are to crappy annyway. I think it is hard for guys like you, that people like me have about 15 milion credits without even racing, just doing autogrinds. And that I can show all of my x1 that I havent bought, and smoke you in a second. Thats what bothers you. Or that you have a bad internet connection so you cant play online at all. Should PS get tid of online play aswell because you cant play online?

I repeat, I could give a rats backside what you do offline, or how many credits or cars you have, or how uber-l33t you are, or if you can "smoke me in a second". The acquisition of credit, xp, cars or l33t reputation don't concern me in the slightest, I like to 'drive'.

All I care about [in the context of this discussion] is the negative consequence on the online experience for everyone who actually wants to drive/race with like minded people around the world.

But I guess that element of the game doesn't matter anymore.
Yes, this cheat, but not the whole track genious. The way you expressed yourself was very immature and unrealistic. If you dont like online racing, dont go online. Personly I love wagan and street drag =).