The human comedy missions

  • Thread starter Martar82
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hi everyone first time post, in missions on the human comedy is there some kind of bug? Not matter what car what setup I use I just can’t seem to keep pace with the front of the pack, I recorded the fastest first and second lap yet the AI just constantly pull away how is this possible if I got faster lap times
But no, seriously, it's an endurance.

What matters most is consistency, not one fast lap. A very exaggerated example would be you setting the fastest laps of 1:10 for lap 2, then do 1:10.5 and slower while the AI are constantly doing 1:10.2.
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I do realise that but, after a few laps when you are that far behind you have no chance of catching up, but thanks for the response
My advice is to check the forum for any other similar topic instead of posting another new one despite it being your first post here. You get better info and faster responses.
A few content creators have highlighted that there appears to be a bug with the AI when anything but the hard difficulty setting is used.

When you enter the race from the mission select menu, the game loads your opponent AI profile, sometimes this results in the AI pack being able to pull away, sometimes not. Apparently if you select easy or normal difficulty, you seem to be more likely to get the hardest AI set in the race.

I've done a few endurance races so far and find them easier on hard difficulty.
But no, seriously, it's an endurance.

What matters most is consistency, not one fast lap. A very exaggerated example would be you setting the fastest laps of 1:10 for lap 2, then do 1:10.5 and slower while the AI are constantly doing 1:10.2.
According to a few videos I’ve just watched on YouTube there does seem to be some sort of bug where it’s impossible to catch the lead car

A few content creators have highlighted that there appears to be a bug with the AI when anything but the hard difficulty setting is used.

When you enter the race from the mission select menu, the game loads your opponent AI profile, sometimes this results in the AI pack being able to pull away, sometimes not. Apparently if you select easy or normal difficulty, you seem to be more likely to get the hardest AI set in the race.

I've done a few endurance races so far and find them easier on hard difficulty.
Thanks for that 👍
Been doing them on regular difficulty (2 left) and haven't noticed anything similar even though some have taken many attempts.

I've found most to be reasonably difficult (Maggiore particularly, just won it earlier today) and that the AI do seem to get quicker after the first couple of laps. You just need to get faster, which might involve a lot of effort.
There are a few strategies that can be helpful. As said before, keeping a good pace is the key on endurance races, and that's where the AI fails. It seems like they aren't "aware" of the fact that they are on a endurance race, not a regular sprint race. At first they will feel very competitive, they will race as hard as they can, but then come the consequences. On most races, they will pit more often than the player will if a few measures are taken, like adjusting the fuel mixture and preserving the tires.

There are other threads with great advice for each race, I suggest you to take a look at it, if you don't mind.
Can someone give me a tip?
I am trying to win the race at lago maggiore and have huge problems.
My best result was with the porsche 911 rsr and laptimes of 1.57 and 1.58 on medium tires.
But i just cannot keep up with the leading cars that drive 1.56. I tried it a lot and i think i know the track well now but i just cant get any faster. Also keeping the pace for one hour is tiring.
Maybe some one knows of a better car choice or strategy or else i dont think i can do it.
The completionist in me is scared 😜
Thanks in advance
Can someone give me a tip?
I am trying to win the race at lago maggiore and have huge problems.
My best result was with the porsche 911 rsr and laptimes of 1.57 and 1.58 on medium tires.
But i just cannot keep up with the leading cars that drive 1.56. I tried it a lot and i think i know the track well now but i just cant get any faster. Also keeping the pace for one hour is tiring.
Maybe some one knows of a better car choice or strategy or else i dont think i can do it.
The completionist in me is scared 😜
Thanks in advance
First, make sure you are on the hardest difficulty level. There is a glitch which makes the easiest level harder. Then read this thread:
Hi everyone first time post, in missions on the human comedy is there some kind of bug? Not matter what car what setup I use I just can’t seem to keep pace with the front of the pack, I recorded the fastest first and second lap yet the AI just constantly pull away how is this possible if I got faster lap times

Find some good setups from the tuning page. The stock cars are not that good tbh , even though they fit into the PP of the missions.
The only hard one is the Maggiore.
Imbalance of Power locked cars, starting 3rd last and trying to catch the leader is very hard, even if you use the same cars as the 2 fastest cars.
Rubilar seems to have more power than what the settings would indicate.
Funny thing is they wiped some of my legit records away because of the pp abuses by other Guys.
After I looked over the record charts again the same **** is all over again….🤮
First, make sure you are on the hardest difficulty level. There is a glitch which makes the easiest level harder. Then read this thread:
I haven't tested this yet, is this still true, the hardest difficulty level has the slowest AI cars?
is this still true, the hardest difficulty level has the slowest AI cars?
Some say it is, I dont think so.
Would require quite a few hundreds of attempts to have somewhat comparable times, because solely comparing AI times is made difficult by AI randomness and wind directions as a factor of general speeds on a track.
AI cheats in the Maggiore race. I don't know why it was changed but as of 1.46 it's unwinnable, even if you tune the car.
I ran it six or eight times today, every single time I got pitted and spun by an AI car. Every. Single. Time.
Assists and tuning for maximum grip make zero difference.
AI cheats in the Maggiore race. I don't know why it was changed but as of 1.46 it's unwinnable, even if you tune the car.
I ran it six or eight times today, every single time I got pitted and spun by an AI car. Every. Single. Time.
Assists and tuning for maximum grip make zero difference.
same here however i finally beat it but i rammed the lead car on the last few laps..bass turd had it coming.

closest almost loss ive ever had. i was ahead for about 4 laps before the end finally. second place cheated and came from behind like it had 100 extra hp and passed me on the s curves. on the 3rd to last lap i rammed him off on the first curve after finish line as hard as i could. of course he hung on to traction as if on rails but i got him on the dirt a little and took my lead back. i usualy never ram them like that but im tired of gt7 cheating.

on what i thought would be the final lap he gained on me again as if he had extra hp and passed me about 5 curves before the finish line and once again took the lead. i got lucky as can be and we crossed the finish line with only 2 seconds left on the 1 hr time limit so thank god for that as i now have 1 more lap left. 2 seconds!!!!!

so once again i rammed him on the first curve and took all momentum i had and pushed him off just enough and kept all my tires on the pavement. in the rear view i saw him spin around in the grass, so after that i took the lead and still saw him coming up behind me a few corners before the finish line, but he didnt have enough this time to catch me, but he GAINED ALMOST ALL OF THAT DISTANCE BACK from a complete spin in the grass a minute and a half earlier!!

i crossed the finish line and won with about 5 seconds to spare.

now i love a nice close race but this is absurd. i still have 7 of HC left to beat and at this point im about to say "screw it", and not even try anymore. the level of cheating the AI does kills my desire to do much more. if i lose because im not the best driver im very cool with that, but this race single handedly proved to me once and for all this game isnt like the previous GT games as weve all said many times on this forum.

i have gave a few other HC races a go and im at a lose as to which car is best and honestly doubt i wanna put much more time into it.

PD needs to fix this and stop trying to milk us for more money because really thats whats happening. gotta cheat to win it seems. i feel like im driving for Team Demorat" if you catch my drift.

I do realise that but, after a few laps when you are that far behind you have no chance of catching up, but thanks for the response
get ready to be bashed for noticing something isnt right. we have some here that sucks PDs "tailpipe" daily, who will defend any cheating the game does and then blame you for being a bad driver, when anyone with a brain knows its just the game cheating. read my post here on this as i totally believe you.
wall of text, calling forth me
Im sorry to say it, but if the AI leaves the impression of cheating to you, you are at least simply bad at the track and car combination and confirming my 1st try on that track; without practice, this somewhat mediocre AI is still too much too handle.
Without a certian skill-level, you cant even comprehend where you are losing it.

As soon as you are somewhere middleground on it, you wish the AI would still be faster.
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Im sorry to say it, but if the AI leaves the impression of cheating to you, you are at least simply bad at the track and car combination and confirming my 1st try on that track; without practice, this somewhat mediocre AI is still too much too handle.
Without a certian skill-level, you cant even comprehend where you are losing it.

As soon as you are somewhere middleground on it, you wish the AI would still be faster.
and there is the post proving what i said. do you honestly believe the AI doesnt cheat in this game? im not the best driver but i do well. been playing this game since gt 1 was released. ive never had issues like i do in gt7 and this forum is filled with others who experience the same.. lol why do you care if PD gets called out? like what do you have to lose by it? the game cheats and thats a fact.
im not the best driver but i do well
No you dont, obviously not beating an AI agent that is propably not even silver rated.
been playing this game since gt 1 was released.
What does it matter? Propably you have lived passed your reflexes - is that what you want to say?
filled with others who experience the same
And lots of people who experience the other way, yet you wont hear the millions saying "easy" because no one cares.
lol why do you care if PD gets called out?
Because it is factually wrong.
the game cheats and thats a fact.
I am sure you can provide evidence? Like real evidence? A situation in which it would be impossible to reach the speed you claim the AI to have?

like what do you have to lose by it?
My temper, my most precious thing in my whole existence! 🙄
and there is the post proving what i said. do you honestly believe the AI doesnt cheat in this game? im not the best driver but i do well. been playing this game since gt 1 was released. ive never had issues like i do in gt7 and this forum is filled with others who experience the same.. lol why do you care if PD gets called out? like what do you have to lose by it? the game cheats and thats a fact.
I think we all recognise that there is rubberbanding in GT7.

But I don't understand your position here. Take a step back from your frustration and consider this properly: if the AI cheats to the extent that you say it does, the implication being that the race is unfair and almost impossible for you to win, why then have so many people successfully won the event?

Do you think it's more likely that your personal copy of the game has AI that "cheats" more than everyone else's or that there is a skill issue?
I think we all recognise that there is rubberbanding in GT7.

But I don't understand your position here. Take a step back from your frustration and consider this properly: if the AI cheats to the extent that you say it does, the implication being that the race is unfair and almost impossible for you to win, why then have so many people successfully won the event?

Do you think it's more likely that your personal copy of the game has AI that "cheats" more than everyone else's or that there is a skill issue?
It's an opinion issue of lack of choices in a single player event in this game. Some events are easy which is totally OK regardless if it is against an AI car or just a time limit. It takes only a few hours to code options in HC and other events which make it as challenging as we want it to be. My favorite option would be that for every time a player crosses the finish line, 1% of the time limit is added to make it less difficult. Against AI cars it would function like we get to start 1% earlier for every attempt that we finish i.e. without fail test happening.
same here however i finally beat it but i rammed the lead car on the last few laps..bass turd had it coming.

closest almost loss ive ever had. i was ahead for about 4 laps before the end finally. second place cheated and came from behind like it had 100 extra hp and passed me on the s curves. on the 3rd to last lap i rammed him off on the first curve after finish line as hard as i could. of course he hung on to traction as if on rails but i got him on the dirt a little and took my lead back. i usualy never ram them like that but im tired of gt7 cheating.

on what i thought would be the final lap he gained on me again as if he had extra hp and passed me about 5 curves before the finish line and once again took the lead. i got lucky as can be and we crossed the finish line with only 2 seconds left on the 1 hr time limit so thank god for that as i now have 1 more lap left. 2 seconds!!!!!

so once again i rammed him on the first curve and took all momentum i had and pushed him off just enough and kept all my tires on the pavement. in the rear view i saw him spin around in the grass, so after that i took the lead and still saw him coming up behind me a few corners before the finish line, but he didnt have enough this time to catch me, but he GAINED ALMOST ALL OF THAT DISTANCE BACK from a complete spin in the grass a minute and a half earlier!!

i crossed the finish line and won with about 5 seconds to spare.

now i love a nice close race but this is absurd.
I did the race a couple of days ago, here, and I experienced nothing like this whatsoever. The lead AI gained no time at all in the final few laps.

I've got a full replay saved and I can show you pretty much anything you want to see. Do you have a replay saved of your race so that you can show what you saw?
It's an opinion issue of lack of choices in a single player event in this game. Some events are easy which is totally OK regardless if it is against an AI car or just a time limit. It takes only a few hours to code options in HC and other events which make it as challenging as we want it to be. My favorite option would be that for every time a player crosses the finish line, 1% of the time limit is added to make it less difficult. Against AI cars it would function like we get to start 1% earlier for every attempt that we finish i.e. without fail test happening.
Personally, I respectfully disagree; I think it's good to have some events with a fixed difficulty that are at least a little challenging. Nevertheless, I have no issue with your opinion but it's absolutely not what @flair1111 is expressing.
I did the race a couple of days ago, here, and I experienced nothing like this whatsoever. The lead AI gained no time at all in the final few laps.

I've got a full replay saved and I can show you pretty much anything you want to see. Do you have a replay saved of your race so that you can show what you saw?
i didnt save it. i rarely save races, just photo mode pics. i wish i did though because that was about the toughest win ive ever had. was fun in the end but frustration seeing that rubber banding to the extreme.
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