Toyota TS030 vs Audi R18

  • Thread starter NGHTMRES
United States
United States
I'm debating on which car to buy. I've been very unlucky on the S class events(I finished 4th in one event thats it). My main problem is running out of fuel and seeing in the dark. I've tried the Minolta, Rocket, Peugeot, everything you could think of. Which of these cars last longer fuel wise and has a better lighting? Help much appreciated.

I've tried both for the IA and S events. Wasn't able to do anything with the R18, golded 'em all with the TS030 and had a blast. Trust me, the TS030 is much more driveable and the power figure doesn't do justice to the way it accelerates out of corners. It'll murder even Group C cars driven by the AI.



Edit: Just saw you were looking for fuel economy and lights. I've got no idea. I know for fact that the TS030 can do 15 minutes flat out in one tank of fuel, so there's that (20 mins Appricot Hill enduro). With the way it handles, I believe you should be able to outpace the AI to the point of having enough time to pit, because they'll pit as well. Lights seem to be quite impressive.

I've tried both for the IA and S events. Wasn't able to do anything with the R18, golded 'em all with the TS030 and had a blast. Trust me, the TS030 is much more driveable and the power figure doesn't do justice to the way it accelerates out of corners. It'll murder even Group C cars driven by the AI.


Thanks for the reply :) Everyone says it's better, but I wanted mo make sure.

I've tried both for the IA and S events. Wasn't able to do anything with the R18, golded 'em all with the TS030 and had a blast. Trust me, the TS030 is much more driveable and the power figure doesn't do justice to the way it accelerates out of corners. It'll murder even Group C cars driven by the AI.



Edit: Just saw you were looking for fuel economy and lights. I've got no idea. I know for fact that the TS030 can do 15 minutes flat out in one tank of fuel, so there's that (20 mins Appricot Hill enduro). With the way it handles, I believe you should be able to outpace the AI to the point of having enough time to pit, because they'll pit as well. Lights seem to be quite impressive.
Yeah, I'd have to say the TS030 as well for the acceleration. The lights are pretty good too.

Just bought this beast. This car is amazing! It takes corners so well. I went 100+ on the chicanes on Sarthe with ease. Thanks for recommending me this car!
I know. When I do fuel I lose my place and i'm never able to regain it. I took first using the Minolta on Sarthe, but I had to pit, which lead to my 4th place standing.
It seemed that you complained because you run out of fuel. Sorry, I have never been in this thread.
Well I just completed Le Mans 24mins with the TS030 with just an oil change and Racing Soft tyres - no other adjustments and it was TOUGH.

Lights were fine, don't worry about that, but the trouble was top speed. I only managed it through pit strategy and relying on the terrible AI having to pit up to 3 times.

I pitted once after 3 laps, filled up the tank and was fine the rest of the way, won by about 4 seconds.

So it's really up to you if you want to use the Toyota. If you don't I heard that the Red Bull Junior is another choice because all the AI use the same car, though I haven't tried that yet, will try it now and report back.
Well I just completed Le Mans 24mins with the TS030 with just an oil change and Racing Soft tyres - no other adjustments and it was TOUGH.

Lights were fine, don't worry about that, but the trouble was top speed. I only managed it through pit strategy and relying on the terrible AI having to pit up to 3 times.

I pitted once after 3 laps, filled up the tank and was fine the rest of the way, won by about 4 seconds.

So it's really up to you if you want to use the Toyota. If you don't I heard that the Red Bull Junior is another choice because all the AI use the same car, though I haven't tried that yet, will try it now and report back.
I think the Red Bull Jr. thing was a glitch and is patched now.
TS 030 uses a quater of a tank of petrol per lap (the best ive seen),i pit on the 3rd lap for fuel then go to the end,win by heaps,20-30 seconds but mistakes are costly.I do try to use the slipstream all the time and i try to be infront of the AI cars comming out of corners/chicanes that lead onto long straights.I also drop the downforce to the lowest settings,raise the car up.i like the TS030 alot,bring on the TS040!!!
I havent tried my 15th anniversary R18 but i will give it a try shortly
TS 030 uses a quater of a tank of petrol per lap (the best ive seen),i pit on the 3rd lap for fuel then go to the end,win by heaps,20-30 seconds but mistakes are costly.I do try to use the slipstream all the time and i try to be infront of the AI cars comming out of corners/chicanes that lead onto long straights.I also drop the downforce to the lowest settings,raise the car up.i like the TS030 alot,bring on the TS040!!!

Yeah, this is pretty much how I did it. Pit on lap 3, fill tank and race to finish. Slipstream when I can and try not to get any penalties or spin out (really helps lol).
With the TS030 you will pit only once for fuel, with R18 twice on 24 minutes of LM.
Audi is faster by 10sec per lap than TS030 with turbo stage 3, but in the end both win the race easily on racing soft tyres all the time.

I would pick TS030, not because of fuel, its a new car in the game and need some miles on the clock..