VS Racing Series - Series will resume once GT6 arrives!

  • Thread starter Jawehawk


Get ready for some intense races, featuring rivals of all sorts, battleing it out on a wide variety of tracks!

General info about the Racing Series: This Racing Series will feature championships ranging from 3-7 races, usually lasting between 1-4 hours. Races will be held on different dates, usually on friday/saturday evenings in GMT time. ALL times posted by me are in the 24 hour format, and using GMT. During Summer time, everyone needs to add 1 additional hour to the posted GMT time.

Should you wish to participate in the event, you have to sign up in this thread, or by PM to me. Furthermore you have to attend at least one practice session, in order to prove yourself capable of driving clean and fair. There will of course be plenty of practice sessions to join before the event. You are of course expected to participate in all the races of the specific championship that you've signed on to.

If you sign up, I expect you to be commited. Should something prevent you from joining, you need to PM me as soon as possible. Furthermore, I expect participants to stay up to date on rules, and to not quit the race under any circumstances. If you can't follow these simple rules, then don't bother signing up. I've had it with people who sign up, only to forget about it the next day.

Participants will aquire points based on the position they finish in, in the different races.

1st receives 15 points.
2nd receives 13 points.
3rd receives 11 points.
4th receives 9 points.
5th receives 7 points.
6th and 7th receives 5 points.
8th, 9th and 10th receives 3 points.
0 points for anyone finishing above 10th place.

In all championships featuring Race cars, a weight penalty system is enforced. When you win a race, you have to add a ballast of 50kg to your car for the next race. Win the 2nd race, and you have to add an additional 50kg. Lose a race, and all the ballast you have added will be removed.

On the plus side, participants who win a race after having recieved a ballast penalty, will gain an additional point outside their position score, for every 50kg they have added as ballast.

General info about the current championship: ??

The cars in question are...

Car Name

(Car Info)

Car Name

(Car Info)

Car Name

(Car Info)

1st. Race. ??

(Race Info)

Race results:

2nd. Race. ??

(Race Info)

Race results:

3rd. Race. ??

(Race Info)

Race results:

4th. Race. 4 ??

(Race Info)

Race results:

Dates and times for upcomming practice sessions:

More sessions will be hosted at times yet to be decided. Feel free to give suggestions, either in the thread, or by PM. These practice sessions consists of some free running, as well as short 3-10 lap races. You can attend the practice sessions regardless of whether you've signed up to the race. However, should you choose to do so then please notfiy me in the thread, so I know you aren't just some random person joining the lobby. If you then find out that you'd like to join the actual event, just let me know so I can add you to the list of participants.

Rules and Racing Etiquette: In my events, you're off track as soon as you have less than two wheels on the track(Tarmac), unless oterwise stated in the individual race info. Should you go slightly off track on rare occasions, it's nothing to worry about. However, if you go off track by more than a car width, I expect you to slow down, and re-enter. Of course you should always take care not to re-enter the track right in front of other drivers.

You will of course do your best to drive clean and fair. You are not allowed to brake test or cut people off. Should you be responsible for damaging another driver, you will escort him/her to the pits. If you obtain damage to more than one wheel, you are required to pit. If you see or experience someone driving dirty, you notify me by PM, and I'll take action. Please inform me of the specific race, lap and turn when informing me of a bad driver. It can also be a good idea to save the replay, just in case I don't have it.

When driving without ABS, you are allowed to alter your Brake Balance. When driving with ABS, it has to be changed to 4:4 in order to counter the advantages given by ABS.

Overall Race results:

Hall of Fame:

Gallardo VS Scuderia - Jawehawk/Andy-Macnab using Lamborghini Gallardo - 41 points

Aston Martin DB9 VS Jaguar XKR - snowgt/GTP_SnowCrash using Aston Martin DB9 - 60 points

Viper ACR VS Ford GT - MattieM/MattieM using Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR - 45 points

Impreza '05 VS Evo '05 - Daniel46/TMguardian-DANI using Subaru Impreza '05 - 82 points

BMW M3 VS Mercedes AMG - Tavilha/Tavilha using BMW M3 - 63 points


GTP/PSN nick: Jawehawk/Andy-Macnab -

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

GTP/PSN nick:

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I've spend a good amount of time trying to make the thread accessible and comprehensible. Please inform me if you have suggestions or improvements of the OP. What do you guys think of the overall design of it?
I've spend a good amount of time trying to make the thread accessible and comprehensible. Please inform me if you have suggestions or improvements of the OP. What do you guys think of the overall design of it?

The thread is looking very good Jawehawk, there's nothing that really needs fixing in my opinion. I would also like to sign up with this in a Ferrari F430.
Hey Andy, i thought you might had thrown out your PS3 after last event :). Sign me up please, i'm looking forward to this. I do have 1 comment about your OP, i believe there isn't info about wether damage is enabled or not. I assume damage will be set to heavy for al races like all previous events hosted by you.
Hey Andy, i thought you might had thrown out your PS3 after last event :). Sign me up please, i'm looking forward to this. I do have 1 comment about your OP, i believe there isn't info about wether damage is enabled or not. I assume damage will be set to heavy for al races like all previous events hosted by you.

Meh? I can tell if it's going to be heavy damage or not. If the race is taking place on a track where there is no pitlane then the damage is turned off. If the track does have a pitlane then damage is turned all the way up.
Hey Andy, i thought you might had thrown out your PS3 after last event :). Sign me up please, i'm looking forward to this. I do have 1 comment about your OP, i believe there isn't info about wether damage is enabled or not. I assume damage will be set to heavy for al races like all previous events hosted by you.

Well spotted. 👍
Damage info have been added to the OP along with some nice count down timers courtesy of GTP user Asdfg11.
I've forgot to mention which car i'll drive, but i see you already know it 👍.

Nice countdown, now people should not be able to forget when the races will take place.
Hi Andy I would like to join please, don't know which car will test and let you know:tup:
Just removed the practice session for June 16th, as it had the misfortune of being hosted the same time as Le Mans in France. :)
Just removed the practice session for June 16th, as it had the misfortune of being hosted the same time as Le Mans in France. :)

Good. I'm in Tavilha's Le Man's race at 8:30GMT anyway. Thats if I can be bothered to run it. The penalties are so 🤬 annoying :grumpy:
Well spotted. 👍
Damage info have been added to the OP along with some nice count down timers courtesy of GTP user Asdfg11.

I've always wondered how those countdown timers work.
Is the host allowed to "bump" threads? :)
C'mon, this event is aweosme. Join!

I'm not sure, but if we have a conversation about bumping threads we could bump in the process of discussing bumping :sly:
Excactly what i am looking for this summer, you can count me in.

PSN ID : GTP_Racingworld
Car : Will be decided afther tests.
Well, it looks like bumping the thread worked. :sly:

I'm feeling awfully lonely in my Gallardo though. :nervous:
Will have to show those Ferrari's what Lamborghini's are made off.
Well, it looks like bumping the thread worked. :sly:

I'm feeling awfully lonely in my Gallardo though. :nervous:
Will have to show those Ferrari's what Lamborghini's are made off.

Altough i did not test them yet, put me down for the Gallardo, I will join you ;)
It's a mighty fine car. You won't regret it. :)

Well there is still plenty of time to get used to it, I intend to participate in the upcomming practise session on Sunday.
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Maybe a difficult request, but is it possible to set the race of june the 7th to june the 6th? Otherwise i'm afraid i can't join that race :(.
Maybe a difficult request, but is it possible to set the race of june the 7th to june the 6th? Otherwise i'm afraid i can't join that race :(.

Date for the 2nd race has been changed to July 6th at the request of the mighty MattieM.
If anyone has any problems with this, let me know, and we'll see what can be done.
Date for the 2nd race has been changed to July 6th at the request of the mighty MattieM.
If anyone has any problems with this, let me know, and we'll see what can be done.

Ah cheers m8! Thanks! I hope it isn't because of pity, as Denmark won from the Netherlands last saturday :ouch:.
Ah cheers m8! Thanks! I hope it isn't because of pity, as Denmark won from the Netherlands last saturday :ouch:.

Nooo, not at all. :dopey:
Denmark shall win in football, as they shall win on the Racing track. :D

Too bad I'm the only Dane here... :scared:
Uhmm, I mean. Denmark couldn't be in better hands!
Nooo, not at all. :dopey:
Denmark shall win in football, as they shall win on the Racing track. :D

Too bad I'm the only Dane here... :scared:
Uhmm, I mean. Denmark couldn't be in better hands!

Well much like football, England will crash and burn with me being English :lol:

6th works for me too 👍 On a lighter note, I put the dates for the practice sessions into my calender, yet not the actual races :confused: :dopey:
On a lighter note, I put the dates for the practice sessions into my calender, yet not the actual races :confused: :dopey:

Powerful in this one, the Derpy is. :D
Nope, I don't expect you to understand that one hehe.
Well, it looks like bumping the thread worked. :sly:

I'm feeling awfully lonely in my Gallardo though. :nervous:
Will have to show those Ferrari's what Lamborghini's are made off.
One word; Ferrari. 'nuff said.
Powerful in this one, the Derpy is. :D
Nope, I don't expect you to understand that one hehe.
LOL :crazy: ! Am I the only one who thought a little bit off-topic on this one?