What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
"Party all the time" by Eddie Murphy....yes he tried to sing lol, what a dud that was !

Worst song ever?:confused: Well i could put a long list of songs that i think are the worst in my opinion, but for now i think im just going to pick one. My pick?

300 Soldiers by Rick Ross!:mad:
My reason for why i hate it? Well theres way too much swearing in it even for a rap song! If i had to put a censored smiley for every vulgar word in that song, well there wouldn't be much left.:indiff: Gets stuck in my head really easy to and it is very annoying! Thats one of the many songs on my list right now. I could name so much more, but i thought i would keep it simple for now. P.S. This is just my opinion;)
EDIT: Is it a violation of the AUP to mention this?:confused:
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There are many songs which I hate most. In that list most are hard rock songs. I actually hate listening to hard rock songs and it really brings me a huge headache.
Beez in the Trap by Nicki Minaj....worst song ever.

'tis true. Rap music really is the bane of all ears. It is basically a meld of the worst parts of music and poetry. This combination is like food and enzymes. Both start off as great parts of evolution and culture, but after a combination, both end up as a pile of crap.
there is a new genre of music out now, and it makes my ears bleed! it is the worst music with the worst creativity, and all you rap/ hip hop fans can thank your beloved artists have started their own record labels and signed these artists I refer to it as "the black edition" but many of 13 year old girls call it "Beiber fever"

so a lists of artists that have made/ make ear bashing noises are,

Justin Bieber, all songs,
Rebecca Black, all songs,
Pink, all songs,
the black eyed peas, all songs,
all rappers/ hip hop artists that have become world famous after the unfortunate murder of 2 pac!
all forms of Dub step!
all dance, trance, techno and disco,
and country music,

and yes I agree with most of this thread, and I can't stand creed, but I do respect them, anyone can mix up on decks or a PC, but I respect most rock bands and orchestra's and music alike even though I hate it and it makes me be sick, but I respect they took the time to learn how to use their instruments correctly and then put their own twist on it,

perfect examples of this would be, Jimmy Hendrix, Kirk Hammet, Lars Ulrich, Dave Grohl, just to name a few,
I don't agree. I really like that song. A lot.

I typically pretty good at ignoring something that gets an enormous amount air time... But this song annoys the the hell out of me. But maybe that's just Bon Jovi.

Glad I'm not the only one, I don't like any Bon Jovi but there is a special hatred towards that and Living on a Prayer.:yuck:
Sometimes I felt like I may have been the only one of this forum that doesn't like Bon Jovi. But everyone loves the 80's for whatever reason.

'tis true. Rap music really is the bane of all ears. It is basically a meld of the worst parts of music and poetry. This combination is like food and enzymes. Both start off as great parts of evolution and culture, but after a combination, both end up as a pile of crap.
Depends on what 'rap' you are listening. Because you can't lump it all together.

there is a new genre of music out now, and it makes my ears bleed! it is the worst music with the worst creativity, and all you rap/ hip hop fans can thank your beloved artists have started their own record labels and signed these artists I refer to it as "the black edition" but many of 13 year old girls call it "Beiber fever"

Its not new... The 90's had the Boy bands that are just as bad. The 80's had an enormous amount of generic pop/ballad rock that was pretty effing terrible that had the exact same fan base, but that fan base is 30 years older so everyone views it as more 'sophisticated' and 'better' because its not from another time. But is it any better? No. Its terrible. Generic love related lyrics, with chord progressions that have been used more then a free hooker. The 70's, 60's aren't any different with its fair share of generic boring pop rock. So if everything

so a lists of artists that have made/ make ear bashing noises are,

Justin Bieber, all songs,
Rebecca Black, all songs,
Pink, all songs,
the black eyed peas, all songs,
all rappers/ hip hop artists that have become world famous after the unfortunate murder of 2 pac!
all forms of Dub step!
all dance, trance, techno and disco,
and country music,

So anything you don't like should just be lumped into the 'What is the worst song ever?' thread? Your post is less original then said music.

and yes I agree with most of this thread, and I can't stand creed, but I do respect them, anyone can mix up on decks or a PC, but I respect most rock bands and orchestra's and music alike even though I hate it and it makes me be sick, but I respect they took the time to learn how to use their instruments correctly and then put their own twist on it,

perfect examples of this would be, Jimmy Hendrix, Kirk Hammet, Lars Ulrich, Dave Grohl, just to name a few,

Lars isn't that good of a drummer. Grohl is a cool guy but in the world of musicianship he isn't very high.
I really tried to think hard if I ever heard anything worse than what I'm about to post here and nothing came up.

I now understand why Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide.

Any normal song that people try making a dub step remix with I find just terrible. Its like taking someones favorite dessert and pouring salt over it in my opinion.
Justin Bieber, all songs,
Rebecca Black, all songs,
Pink, all songs,
all rappers/ hip hop artists
I agree with this.👍 Who actually likes Rebecca Black's song friday anyway? It's so annoying!:mad: I mean really in the whole song she sings as if she is holding her nose the whole time! Who could listen to that crap?!?!:ill:
As for Pink, i never really have liked her at all, she sounds almost like a man.:ill:
Rappers, don't even get me started....
Same for Justin Bieber.:crazy:
Beez in the Trap by Nicki Minaj....worst song ever. I honestly rather listen to Hot Problems or Baby.
Lets not forget that song "Did it on them", that song is really messed up, just like here verse in "Dance" by Big Sean, both of them rappers should just quit the music industry and never come back.👎

Now heres a song i absolutly can't stand! This song right here is pure torture!:ill: Enter if you have the courage!:ill: *Language Warning*
P.S. I can't embed for some reason so i put a link instead.
I don't get how that warrents 12 million views, and 200,000 dislikes? I don't like that sort of music anyway but it's not much worse than any of the other chart songs.
I agree with this.👍 Who actually likes Rebecca Black's song friday anyway? It's so annoying!:mad: I mean really in the whole song she sings as if she is holding her nose the whole time! Who could listen to that crap?!?!:ill:

At the current rate of pop music decline, "Friday" will sound brilliant in less than two years. :scared: :nervous:

Great beat, incoherent mumbling for lyrics as is the norm in 95% of modern rap.
At the current rate of pop music decline, "Friday" will sound brilliant in less than two years. :scared: :nervous:

There is no decline... Its always sucked.

Anyways... At my work I hear this song at least once a day... It is so dull and energy draining.

Somber, actually. Not a terrible song, and not Sting's worst, by far. It's one of those songs you listen to after a break-up. :D
Somber, actually. Not a terrible song, and not Sting's worst, by far. It's one of those songs you listen to after a break-up. :D

The music its self... I've never heard such a dull, repetitive, uninspired series of copy pasted chord progressions.