What is the worst song ever?Music 

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Originally posted by miniMADness
Damn the Police suck! I absolutley hate Sting!

Hey - the Police were ok :irked: (Every Breath You Take)

but "dont stand so close to me sucked" ;)
"Every breath you take" may be alright, but the rest just suck. And whats with Sting and Craig Davids song, Rise and Fall, it makes 50 Cent look good!
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
True. Snoop Dogg is the bam bizzly-ist rapper ever. Godlike, I must say. And Ludacris is just a wordsmith of astronomical heights.
I agree fully. ;)
Anything by Journey
Any Emo, ( teenage angst, and no lyrical skills make bad music)
anything by Nelly
anything by Cold
any 80's synth music
any pop, fill in the blank
any eurobeat

I can't think of anymore right now, but I think I've covered the bases.;)
Originally posted by Giancarlo
Aqua - "Barbie Girl".

I dare you to listen through that whole song. Seriously.

You're just trying to cause some violence aren't you? Listening to that song in the car causes serious road rage. I almost ran over a little old lady last time I heard it.

Originally posted by GTR DriftMaster
i second "anythingNelly " he sucks

I couldn't agree more.

Originally posted by silviadrifter
Anything by Journey
Any Emo, ( teenage angst, and no lyrical skills make bad music)
anything by Nelly
anything by Cold
any 80's synth music
any pop, fill in the blank
any eurobeat

I can't think of anymore right now, but I think I've covered the bases.;)

I agree with everything but Emo, 80s synth, and Pop. It's kinda ridiculous to just disregard an entire genre like that.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I agree with everything but Emo, 80s synth, and Pop. It's kinda ridiculous to just disregard an entire genre like that.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but "emo" is the stuff "performed"(Wow that's stretching it) by those random 15-25 year olds who all have some combination of all black clothing, 50 chains hanging down from their pants, 50 piercings in their face, or hair that looks so goddamn greasy it shines more than the diamonds in my necklace, then go on TV whining about their life and how bad it sucks and how nobody likes them even though they have thousands upon thousands of fans who give them loads upon loads of money for crap CD's that sound like, well, crap...Right?

Not to be rude or anything, but I honestly don't see what people see in that crap. I can understand if it sounded good, but if I wanted to hear some white kids whine about how bad their life is, I'd go break some 15 year old's legs with my Louisville and then visit him in the hospital. It'd probably be more entertaining than the crap they push off as "music" on TV and the radio these days.
Thing is some Country music songs are bearable, and maybe even good.
Pop on the other hand is always the same "happy happy" crap. It has no context or message. Just one stupid beat that'll roam around your head for hours on end if you're unlucky enough. :banghead:
I'm happily disregarding an entire genre of music. I've never heard a country song that I liked....ever.

On the other hand, there are a few pop songs I like, though they're mostly 80's pop songs that I used to listen to as a kid.

Originally posted by Ethix101
Country music is worse.


Country is alot better than Pop, in fact Country would have to be my 3rd favorite genre of music. it goes

5.alternative rock
Anything by the White Stripes.:yuck: 👎
gives me a headache hearing that one song "the hardest button to button" that is really annoying. The hardest button to button, the hardest button to button,