::::: World Super GT Championship - [Thread 6 Closed] :::::

  • Thread starter Masi_23

Did you hear about the man who lost his whole left side?

  • Total voters
I got BEAT up on the turn one and four, then again on six first lap.....six kinda my fault, lexus dropped to right and opened the left outside lane up I had a run and well he closed that door with my nose on his rear which put me in the sand. ....my wheel was clocked from the NSX anyway....pitted and repaired then rest of the race was lonely really. Had some time with the NSX again......odd my 534 HP 577 ft lbs of TQ could not get by you and I started in the draft.....DAMN FAST NSX....mine only makes 505.
Well, certainly an eventful race. Made too many silly mistakes really, especially the 2nd chicane on the first lap, misjudged slipstreams badly here. Even though I was a bit reckless and made a little bit of contact, I had a good battle with Owens 👍 I was desperately trying to catch up at the end, and hearing that he had to pit cause of no fuel gave me hope, but unfortunately he got out far enough ahead of me... :P

I only had one outlying 'incident' really, and that was when I lapped 3 GT300 cars. Kamy moved out of the way without a problem which I was glad for, but Senninha and Aizen literally blocked the road, side-by-side, so I couldn't get through. I understand that GT300 cars can keep their line, and that they were both locked in battle, but I lost at least 10 valuable seconds on Owens and I was being squeezed out of spaces and had to keep braking otherwise I would of rear-ended them. It was only until the last corner I got past, and I was fighting for space then.
Yeah I did have a spin at the lesmos, shame it went like that as I had an amazing start, but shot myself in the foot battling Nycrom. I apologise for the move at the first chicane when you passed me, had a red mist moment, that damaged caused me to pit, then Owen crashed into me after the stops forcing me to pit again, then I crashed again on lap 23 at the lesmo and that was it...

Fully understandable about the red mist :D it was scary but I got pass without recklessness :sly:
I don't think im up for the task of reviewing cut corners :P 35 laps? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, hope PD does something about this replay system.

Mini-review: Great start by everyone (GT300), very disciplined rolling start. Started off great on the first lap with Senninha leading. By the end of the first lap, everyone started stacking up like its Daytona. I took it easy every single turn... let off the gas early, and pressed the brakes gently. It was pretty exciting and i think that continued on for at least 3-4 laps. On that 4th lap, along front straight, i was leading, but then of course they start catching up with the slipstream, and eventually i got sandwiched in between. I thought id just let them go and brake early... but as i let go of the gas, i lose traction and had no way to brake at all, i think someone tapped me from behind; i went straight to the barrier and snagged 1 or 2 other cars. I limped to the Pits - after the repair, i went out and i thought my pedals were broken, but apparently, i forgot to depress start lol.

And so i was lonely for a few laps. Then a GT500 starts creepin up behind me... I approached the second chicane looking in the mirrors - missed my braking point and clipped the barrier. My steering was bent to the left and drove like that for 5 laps. I thought i could go on like that to make it a 1 stop race. But that was impossible. It was lap 15 :P

A lap or two later, my girlfriend is home and she has groceries. Had to help. So i sit on the pits. From then on, all was lost. I was off and on the pits. Eventually, i finished 11 laps down :(

Too many distractions, but awesome race at the beginning. Just like everything else in life. lol.

Edit: Apologies in advance for grammar and spelling.
Answers: Whatever you use on the first race of the season - will be your car for the rest of the season.

If you want to change classes, let me know before the season starts.

There will be no race next week since i will be out of town, although you guys can informally hold one if you'd like. Maybe run one class only races? GT500 vs GT500? GT300 vs GT300? La Sarthe night race? Random Grid. I don't know... you all decide.

I will open a new thread once i compile all the data.
Wow, what a race!...

I really need to improve my starts... I'm useless! I think i stayed way too close to Paginas and everyone else backed off a bit so they could get a run...I went from 2nd to 5th in the first chicane and then to make matters worse, the cold tyres caught me out in the 2nd chicane and i had to swerve to avoid contact. I ended up crashing there like paggy, but unlike him, i also had engine damage, so had to pit. I'm definitley gonna have to get my head around the rolling starts and the cold tyres issue before the next race.

Anyway, for the rest of the race i was extremely consistent. I was constantly in the low 1:46s even at the end of my 17-lap stints. I'm pretty sure that's why i got 109,000 credits at the end of the race, consitency. I did a 50+ lap race at Grand Valley in another SGT league and i got like 15,000!? it must be to do with consitency...

I had such a great battle with Paggy for 3rd place. i was actually sad when i saw him make a mistake and we were no longer wheel2wheel. He is MEGA quick in that Lexus! Nice job Paggy!

After battling with him i had pretty much settled for 3rd, but then on the beggining of the final lap, i'm approaching a gt300 car, and i'm not really bothered about getting passed so was just thinking i would stay behind him until after turn 1. Then from the right i see a car exiting the pit-lane. Now i'm thinking DEFINITLEY stay behind them both, Don't risk it! Then i realise it's Nycrom and i went for it...2ND PLACE.

Great race, wish i hadn't made the mistake on lap1 though. would have been nice to see how close i could get to Paginas. probably wouldn't have been very close tbh.

See you guys at Le Sarthe.
good race

Mini Report

Had a cool start (hope it was good enough for everyone). 1st lap cold tyres nearly caught me out but i got very lucky... While falcon and nycrom were fighting over 2nd i started to pull away...
Erm rest of race i will pulling away from nycrom bit by bit, i was pushing hard 99% of race. i didnt make 1 mistake (i think) but nycrom kept me honnest, well done mate
watched a few gt300 battles which were quite interesting, i was sad to leave them on the striaghts lol

sorry for a boring report but thats all that really happend to me lol

Driving Line
i think it should be banned or at least banned for the night race, as it has a big advatage at night. we all know the tracks well should do lol.
what do others think?
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interesting that owen mentions 534hp, how many drivers are running without engine upgrades?
Just a curious question.

My car has 0 upgrades, not even soft tires for those occasional uses. About 400 miles and several oil changes. . . repaired both and it never gets used unless online.

EDIT: Biffy check lap 19, that was some clean side by side racing, I think we only touched once and very little.
I had such a great battle with Paggy for 3rd place. i was actually sad when i saw him make a mistake and we were no longer wheel2wheel. He is MEGA quick in that Lexus! Nice job Paggy!

Thank you for telling me Nilsurban :D I've been thinking if it was fast enough, but i did some great laptimes with it.
Yep the battle was awesome, 3rd place -> 4th place -> 3rd place -> 4th place -> 3rd place -> 4th place -> and so on, until my mistake :D We also had some very close braking-battles, dangerous as hell :scared:
but you were good, and congratulations with the 2nd place:tup:
Driving Line
i think it should be banned or at least banned for the night race, as it has a big advatage at night. we all know the tracks well should do lol.
what do others think?

I think it's at best a crutch, and at worst dangerous.

There are two parts to the driving line; the line itself and the braking marker. No one should need or use the line itself, it's frequently wrong and you should know your way around the course anyway. The useful part is the braking marker.

The reason I don't think people should be using it is that there's a tendency to use it exclusively, to the point of not using your own judgement. Braking and turning should be relatively automatic tasks, so that you can concentrate on the cars around you.

It's easy to get focussed on the blue and red lines, and not look ahead or behind you until it's too late. At least twice during this weeks race I saw someone approaching to quickly from behind into a corner and avoided them. Sure, it's their mistake but because I was focussed on the road around me I avoided the accident, and they went into walls by themselves.

The driving line has it's place, in learning a track. I have found it very useful learning new tracks in the past. But that's preparation. When you are in the race, it's a distraction from what's more important. If you don't know the track well, the correct answer is to slow down and take it smoothly, not to speed up and try and wing it with some aids.

I think too many people focus on driving fast, when really it's consistency and racecraft/avoiding accidents that produce good results and ultimately a pleasant race for both yourself and your competitors. I was neck and neck for at least 20 laps with GT500s simply because they couldn't keep it out of the wall and I could.

Hence why I was so vehement about having it off in race. I sincerely believe it would have been a better race for all had we not used it. But, what's done is done.
I think it's at best a crutch, and at worst dangerous.

There are two parts to the driving line; the line itself and the braking marker. No one should need or use the line itself, it's frequently wrong and you should know your way around the course anyway. The useful part is the braking marker.

The reason I don't think people should be using it is that there's a tendency to use it exclusively, to the point of not using your own judgement. Braking and turning should be relatively automatic tasks, so that you can concentrate on the cars around you.

It's easy to get focussed on the blue and red lines, and not look ahead or behind you until it's too late. At least twice during this weeks race I saw someone approaching to quickly from behind into a corner and avoided them. Sure, it's their mistake but because I was focussed on the road around me I avoided the accident, and they went into walls by themselves.

The driving line has it's place, in learning a track. I have found it very useful learning new tracks in the past. But that's preparation. When you are in the race, it's a distraction from what's more important. If you don't know the track well, the correct answer is to slow down and take it smoothly, not to speed up and try and wing it with some aids.

I think too many people focus on driving fast, when really it's consistency and racecraft/avoiding accidents that produce good results and ultimately a pleasant race for both yourself and your competitors. I was neck and neck for at least 20 laps with GT500s simply because they couldn't keep it out of the wall and I could.

Hence why I was so vehement about having it off in race. I sincerely believe it would have been a better race for all had we not used it. But, what's done is done.

i agree use it in practice on your own not in qualy or in the race. your own line is better any how.
Would like to know which laps the disconnected guys left (Division 2), along with best laps.

Cant view replays right now - busy.

Any pics yet Kamy?
yeah Imari is spot-on. Driving Line should definitely be OFF.

i aggree the DL is dangerous. and in several ocasions i think the driving line is wrong on monza dont know if it set up for F1 cars or something but its not correct IMO. i also dont think it tells u when to brake properly maybe if u have ABS on ten, but can this really take into account the draft you are in.
heres a few pics from D2 race


First chicane GT300


2nd Chicane dunno who crashed either scanny flick or ?


The damage has been done


One of many times dodging this guy :)





This is why you should check all a round before coming back on track, this guy the hit cranky456(the rx7) who then had to pit.



Me in background when i lost neo :(


GT500 D2 winner Boltzz_


Only needed these guys once
