Dual-Use Garage: Open for Requests.

  • Thread starter bergauk
Anything from my side of the garage would be cool, I'm sure T-Squared would like one too. Go right on ahead on anything that piques your interest though. Just note, mine are ment to slide, T's are particularly 'Grippy'.
Sorry if I haven't posted anything, my PS2 being stupid again, but I'll try to get it somewhat working tonight and post a car or two.
That explains it. No worries. I'm thinking of creating the Banners for the Tommy Kaira and Vibe tonight. I've been a bit lazy on that. I'm also trying to figure out the two cars I promised would be here in the garage. I cant seem to figure out what to do to them. The R390 is stable in stock form, I changed the gearing around a bit, but I think thats all I'm going to be able to do. And the Pajero, I'm debating on whether or not to make it a rally truck, or a racer. Its got the gearing for both, but I cant decide what to do past that.

Any Insight on that T?
That explains it. No worries. I'm thinking of creating the Banners for the Tommy Kaira and Vibe tonight. I've been a bit lazy on that. I'm also trying to figure out the two cars I promised would be here in the garage. I cant seem to figure out what to do to them. The R390 is stable in stock form, I changed the gearing around a bit, but I think thats all I'm going to be able to do. And the Pajero, I'm debating on whether or not to make it a rally truck, or a racer. Its got the gearing for both, but I cant decide what to do past that.

Any Insight on that T?

I've never driven them so I wouldn't know.

EDIT: My little Brother has a friend over and they get to have the PS2, so I woun't get a chance to try and get my GT4 running again tonight.
Honda Element RR (Reverse Racer)

Parts to buy
Racing Exaust
Racing chip
NA stage 3
Racing Brakes
Port Polish
Engine Balance
Suspention Racing
Triple Plate Cluch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
LS 1.5
Stage 2
Standard Tires/Tyres

Spring rate 5.0 5.0
Ride heigth 110 110
Shock bound 5 5
Shock Rebound 5 5
Toe 2.0 1.0
Camber Angle 0 0
Stabilizers 5 5

Driving Aids
They are on




0-60 in reverse 5.7 seconds with nitrous

Top speed in reverse 128mph

This thing will smoke F1 cars and group C cars if you have to race in reverse.
’88 Supra review

Please understand that I'm a relative newbie at the game, and my driving style (especially drifting) must account for much of the confusion. Also, I hate this course (Infineon Sports) with a passion; 2 or 3 of the crests are just nasty, and 2 of the hairpins have such restricted visibility that I invariably enter 20mph slower or faster than I should.

Drift version:
Understeer was a severe problem for me. I watched the car slam into the same two corners every time, either just before or just after the ghost car. I'm no tuner but it seems like absence of brake power hurts the car, in addition to the twitchy suspension.

I managed to get more than 10 seconds off the suggested time (I presume this time was a typo error), but was still not drifting the car, just using it as a gripper with some convenient sliding. I had all sorts of problems initiating drift on R3s, and tried S3s, which simply couldn’t cope with the acceleration, and were disastrous for braking.

This car was an entertaining drive for me, cause I really had to pay attention or risk sliding off the road. I’ve kept the drift settings on the car, so when/if I learn to drift properly I’ll post my methods and results.

Grip version:
Even though I’m a grip driver, this setup gave me worse times and bigger headaches than the drifter. All was well and good until 2/3 of the way round a corner, when the back end gave way and I’d be lucky to do only 180 degrees of sliding. I tried an original (though rather ‘conventional’) grip setup and immediately smashed the previous times, though I’m unsure whether this is due to different driving styles or not.

For both tunes the gears seem rather strange. 1-3rd seem too short and all six seem too close together. I tried Tranny trick -> Final 3.9 (I think) and that seemed much more usable, though second and third could still have been longer. I don’t have time to test my gear setup vs yours, but would love to see a comparison of ¼ mile, 0-100 and time to top speed between the two.

Drift version is an entertaining ride. Not terribly fast but will keep you on your toes and is fun to drive when you get the swing of it.

Grip version didn’t do it for me, but all the testing made me tune my own version of the car that goes like the clappers. I had never even noticed this car before, but now have two fairly good tunes to play with. Thank you!
Thanks for the Review.

I'm sorry if the drift version confused you alittle. I tend to drive it really hard it go straight past the redline alot, because I have an abundance of cash ingame I can readily buy a brand new one and apply the settings.

But I guess you could swap the braking out for the grip brakes to smash it noseforward and break traction on the rear. When I drive it, it seems to do what I like it to.

I encourage to come back and try it out again when you've gained a bit more skill in GT4, It make work a little better for you.

The twitchy handling is what I like about it the most.

And for the 1/4 mile comparisons. I'll go do those tomorrow and see what I get. I might end up making some better gearing for it too.

Again. Thanks for the review. It's much appreciated.

Oh, btw, since that first time was posted I've gotten better times with it. somewhere like 1:30:XX
Woo thread revival.

Sorry about not doing anything for a while. I've been busy failing summerschool.

I'll have a month starting Monday to start working on cars again. Then its back to regular school, which means there will be another lull in production.

Anyways. sorry for not making anything for the past six weeks. Stupid summerschool.
I might take a part in this if you let me. I can invite my Corvette Z06 from the 2.3 Championship eons ago (albeit slightly tweeked.) as well as my SLR, also from the Champ. and tweeked. Some other ideas on the ground floor include my 705 horse, 234 mph Superbird and perhaps my decimating drag car FTO, all if you want me to post.

Hey, I'm working on a TVR Speed 12 tune and I was wondering if I was done could I post it in here.
Absolutely. Whoa, I didn't even notice that you had said something. I need to stop not paying attention to my garage.. But go ahead.
Is there any chance of a BMW 3Seris (not the M3, I just can't remember the proper name) tha is a pure track racing car, like the touring cars in WTCC and BTCC?
Money is no object to me, so I will buy anything for it.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Could you PM me the setup incase I forget to check back here. Thanks.
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Wow, took long enough :lol: S'all good though, I'll get the settings jot down in a few days.

Is there any chance of a BMW 3Seris (not the M3, I just can't remember the proper name) tha is a pure track racing car, like the touring cars in WTCC and BTCC?
Money is no object to me, so I will buy anything for it.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Could you PM me the setup incase I forget to check back here. Thanks.

Sure. I'll get right on that after I release something that I've been working on for the past few days.

It would be nice If I knew exactly what car you were looking for. But I'll try and find it anyway.

Another thing. What do you want it tuned for? I do mainly drift. But I have tried to venture into grip a few times. Just haven't gotten it right though..

Which will it be?
Sure. I'll get right on that after I release something that I've been working on for the past few days.

It would be nice If I knew exactly what car you were looking for. But I'll try and find it anyway.

Another thing. What do you want it tuned for? I do mainly drift. But I have tried to venture into grip a few times. Just haven't gotten it right though..

Which will it be?

Maybe both, if possible?
Thanks for the help.
I got a new PS2!:dopey: And GT4 works! More tunes from me, and if thats a good thing I don't know, but any way, yay!:dopey:
Maybe both, if possible?
Thanks for the help.
Well ok then, I shall give it a try some time tonight. I'm sure I'll nail the drift setup first then I'll get the grip one down.

I got a new PS2!:dopey: And GT4 works! More tunes from me, and if thats a good thing I don't know, but any way, yay!:dopey:

AWESOME! Now the garage can get back up and running. I'm glad to hear you got a new PS2.
Sounds good. Do you even know what car hes talking about? I truly have no clue.

I hope it's the BMW 330i because I just tuned it and it's about ready to be posted. And also when I have a chance I'm going to post my 315mph Toyota Minolta.
I hope it's the BMW 330i because I just tuned it and it's about ready to be posted. And also when I have a chance I'm going to post my 315mph Toyota Minolta.

Well go ahead and post it up and if its the right one then I'll go ahead and tune it as well.

Also sweet Minolta tune, at least I'll finally be able to drive past the 300mph barrier haha.

Wait! I found it. Its a BMW 320i its 450k. But go ahead and post up the 330i as well. I'll post up a Z4 when I get around to finishing it.
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Well go ahead and post it up and if its the right one then I'll go ahead and tune it as well.

Also sweet Minolta tune, at least I'll finally be able to drive past the 300mph barrier haha.

Wait! I found it. Its a BMW 320i its 450k. But go ahead and post up the 330i as well. I'll post up a Z4 when I get around to finishing it.

Noooo he wants the 330 tuned to run like a touring car.
BMW 330i DUR (Dual-Use Racing)

Parts to buy

FC suspention
Racing Exhaust
NA kit stage 3
Racing brakes
Brake controller
R3 tires
Carbon driveshaft
Racing Fly Wheel
Triple plate cluch
Weight stage 3
LS 1.5
FC Trany
Engine balance
Racing Chip
Port Polish

Driving aids



spring rate 10 8.5
ride height 79 85
SA - -
spring bound 9 9
spring rebound 9 9
camber 2.5 1.5
toe -1 0
stabilizers 7 7


Auto 8

Final 2.500

1st 3.798
2nd 2.700
3rd 2.040
4th 1.613
5th 1.335
6th 1.168




Toyota Minolta 88C-V 315mph

Parts to buy

Turbine kit stage 4

Driving aids



spring rate 14.8 15.8
ride height 105 55
SA - -
spring bound 8 8
spring rebound 8 8
camber 2.0 1.0
toe 4 0
stabilizers 7 7


Auto 25

Final 3.400

1st 3.415
2nd 2.142
3rd 1.494
4th 1.101
5th 0.858
6th 0.649





NOTE: At the time this tune was made the car had about 3430 miles on it so your car my go faster than 315mph, not that thats a bad thing.
(Tweaked) 2.3 Championship Corvette Z06 (553 horsepower)
Parts to Purchase
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
Port Polish
Racing Brakes
Racing Suspention
Stock Transmission
Triple Plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
Oil Change

Spring Rate 10.8/ 9.8
Ride Height 85/ 90
Bound/ Rebound 8/8
Camber 2.0/ 1.0
Stabilizers 4/5

Max downforce values front/ back

TCS optional

The car works well on sports tires and the stock transmission matches perfectly with the character of the car. The first 5 gears are nice and short and the 6th gear keeps accellerating up to around the 220 mark.

2.3 Championship Merc-Benz SLR McLaren (886 horsepower)
Parts to Purchase
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
Engine Ballancing
Port Polish
Racing Exhaust
Sports Chip
Racing Brakes
Racing Suspention
Racing Transmission
Triple Plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
Oil Change

Spring Rate 15.4/ 15.8
Ride Height 111/ 111
Bound/ Rebound 8/8
Camber 3.4/ 1.4
Toe -1/ 3
Stabilizers 5/5

Default, Auto 20.

The car is designed for end-all be-all decimation on racing tires. The car exhibits some understeer on braking but with throttle application or mild let-off will have better turn-in. The car on these settings can generate sub '50.000's at Tsukaba. (I ran a '48.008 after 3 laps.)

Any criticm, even negative, is welcome. Here's to some good settings. :cheers:.
