varmintx's GT5 photo album [updated 8/22/11]

  • Thread starter varmintx

This one looks really cool. Has this "Miami Beach" - Feeling. I like that!
Do you edit your pictures? If not, I would do so.

Also you seem to have the focus only on your car, try to show a lot more from the scenery. It is good in some cases, but because very odd and boring if you always see the car.

Gran Turismo 5 give you the best tools for photography, and If you know how to use them, you will get a feel for the zoom and stuff :)

If you got the time, you can read this:
I've done very little editing and a few HDRs though the effect isn't very pronounced as it ends up looking too cartoony for my taste. I'll try to experiment more, but the time commitment seems rather steep. I've read through the tutorials in the general FAQ (still waiting for Moglet's to get fleshed out) but if you or anyone else knows of any other tips or tutorials on how to make your photos more realistic, I'd be more than willing to give them a read.

As for the comment about focusing too much on my're right that the last page here has been all about single cars. This wasn't intentional as I do have several wide shots on the first 2 pages, it just seemed to work out that way. I don't actually have any new pictures at the moment, so I'll try to focus more on wide shots when I get back to taking some.