gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
Best SSX shots I've seen so far. Even with this pony in front of the Mustang.:dunce:

And I need to join the next online photoshoot again. Those shots looks delicious! 👍
Well, good to see those came out well received :D Thanks guys! As for now, it's a little update, tommorow I'm putting out a serious non-pony related set so don't worry :lol: Here we have Derpy Hooves and her own custom Trans Cammer at Piazza Del Campo. Why? Because Derpy. And Lyra makes a guest apperance. I'm planning on more pony sets, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and a proper Zecora F40 seeing as she is my favorite :sly: Also included my Photoshop Entry because I'm damn proud of it. As for the song, Derpin' in Ponyville by VoodooPony fits perfectly.

Nice shots of the Trans Cammer, and I like how you didn't forget to add shadows for the pony's :lol:
So bronies have made their way into the GT5 photomode section...



Besides that, the car looks fantastic on those steelies and the tones are top-notch as is usually to be expected from you! 👍
Oh Bram :P There's alot of us here, I'm just the only one who'll admit it *coughcough*fishy*coughcough* :D Anyways, thanks guys, I do have more coming still, just have to shoot them and get them edited up, as for now, NO PONIES. Yep, here's the overdue TC/RM Shoot at Tokyo with nanabu, fishy, taz and the rest from December. Yes, I know they're no where near as good as Fishy's or nanabu's so I tried to make up for it with alot of shots. As for song, Bangarang by Skrillex fits a bunch of rowdy ricers hoonin around the tokyo streets.

ohh dear lord i forgot to send you the replays :/ lol ah iam so sooorry . i try to do it tonight mate . by the way :D amazing work as usuall :) thx for participating :)
Really, I mean... really? The quantity, but that's not enough... Dat quality. No offence nanabu, but I think this is way better than yours, and such an incredible amount better than me. And I am not just saying this, I really wish I could do things this good. :lol:

And you know, I used to be a closet brony, then I took a snow shovel to the knee. ;)
How do you even properly comment on an update like this????? I mean......uhhhh....I got nothing. 👍
Thanks again guys and RG, That's a helluva comment from you :drool:
Okay so a bit of a delay yes, I keep shooting and stockpiling. I'm not joking in the least bit when i say if i stopped shooting, and edited all the sets I have still to do, and posted them maybe 3 a week. I'd probably be done by December. As for todays, It's massive. 29 pictures. TWENTY-APPLEBLOOM-NINE. And it's not even all of the cruises from the online sessions, only 5 of them. So yeah, You've been warned. If you look close, you'll see that some are edited/shot based off of my favorite photographers yet again, Nanabu, Mitch, Fishy, happycorey, SlipZ, RG, Some 440 Charger-esque (I Actually have a set coming up that is solely inspiried by RG and 440) Also I'm making music and such, so hopefully I'll be displaying my own songs with sets. Also, I'm going to be making/streaming this weekend How to edit on PDN with GT5 pictures. I'll let ya'all know when exactly it'll be and I'll make videos to upload to youtube. This sets song, quite hard to pick, but I think Kyoto (Feat. Sirah) by Skrillex is pretty hard with a massive drop, quite like this set.
