Track Maker Wishlist

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor


HASA Member
Messed with the course maker for a couple of hours last night (again) and I here is a short list of my wishes that I feel would make it better. Maybe PD could do some of these in a future update...

First, I wish you could pick any time of day you want for whatever track you want. I want a toscana track in the day light!

Second, I wish the generator would pay a little attention to the topography when it's doing a layout. It's really challenging to find a random layout in eifel that doesn't have horrible blind off-camber falling-away corners. I finally came up with a couple of short (2.5 mile) layouts that had only 1 "bad" corner. And don't even talk about Mt Aso. Those tracks are mental.

Third, I wish you could change the parameters of one section any way you want without it altering the other sections. I get tired of finding a layout I like but I just want one section a little different. I change something and bam, the whole track changes.

Fourth, I wish there was a chicane checkbox in the section menu. It would give you a chicane in that section if you check it.

Fifth, I wish you could set the section length. If I want 2 long straights connected by a short technical section, I should be able to do that.
I love the concept of the course maker, however I wish it had the granularity of my sons Hot Wheels Stunt Track from 10 years ago.

I realize I wasn't going to be able to Little Big Planet build incredible, fully customized, tracks, but simple track placement would be awesome. My neighborhood would be awesome to ride around in a sports coupe - the turns have nice radius, etc. From my biking, I would could enter section lengths and turn radius and elevation - I suppose am asking for a lot, but man, a seriously good terrain editor, I would pay extra for as DLC.

These features are the most needed:
1. U can pick up the blue dots and place them anywhere on the map, and the course will adapt. (this is a big one, i dont understand why didnt do that in the first place)
2. Banking angles for each section, when checked it will automatically bank on bends, but u set the strength of the bank
3. Set the maximum or minimum elevation change for each section
Some quick ideas.

It would be nice if you could have a larger terrain base for each zone, and then be able to select the area covered by road from that, so you could have mountainous tracks or flat tracks within the same locale, and the ability to select a 'region' of height for a track to stick to if it is to be flat, so it could be still be high up but not as steep.

The track to remain the same as much as possible when editing, and only 'regenerate' fully when completely necessary, so you can edit complexity of a section while the rest of the track stays exactly the same.

From this, the ability to create and delete sections, and after completing an initial track a variation. For example, you could have a track consisting of sections 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1, but as there is only a small distance between part of section 3 and 5 for example the game could intelligently fit a curve/section between the closest parts of 3 and 5, and then be able to modify this as a normal sector, let's call it 'A'. When you then come to produce a track you could chose route 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 or 1-2-3-A-5-6-7-1 as variations, but both routes would be present in the track, like a real circuit, if you get what I'm saying.

The ability to toggle overall length of a circuit, overall elevation change, and overall scenery density (dense forest to dry fields), as well as banking in each section.

It may also be nice to include variables such as water; I was thinking of an area like the Peak District; you could have water height is a variable which may impact on for example elevation change.

Perhaps, although a wild idea, an option to base the layout of a track on a particular 'style' of corners and straights from another track, for example a track that has similar corners or a similar style of corner to those of the Nurburgring or Le Sarthe.
Third, I wish you could change the parameters of one section any way you want without it altering the other sections. I get tired of finding a layout I like but I just want one section a little different. I change something and bam, the whole track changes.

👍 The course maker just needs a "final" button for each sector when you have it the way you like.

These features are the most needed:
1. U can pick up the blue dots and place them anywhere on the map, and the course will adapt. (this is a big one, i dont understand why didnt do that in the first place)

👍 This would be so helpful. The only thing I can think of is that the track maker couldn't configure figure 8 eight tracks like Suzuka or Red Rock Valley, which might result if people could move the dots/sector markers.
1. U can pick up the blue dots and place them anywhere on the map, and the course will adapt. (this is a big one, i dont understand why didnt do that in the first place)


Also agree, If there was one feature needs changing, this is it.

As it currently is the placement of these dots is lousy and mostly falls into a predictable pattern.

Being able to user-edit the dot positions would make it so much more likely for users to be able to make a "close enough" version of real world tracks.

Think of the possibilities if they then allowed more blue dots.
I love the concept of the course maker, however I wish it had the granularity of my sons Hot Wheels Stunt Track from 10 years ago.

I realize I wasn't going to be able to Little Big Planet build incredible, fully customized, tracks, but simple track placement would be awesome. My neighborhood would be awesome to ride around in a sports coupe - the turns have nice radius, etc. From my biking, I would could enter section lengths and turn radius and elevation - I suppose am asking for a lot, but man, a seriously good terrain editor, I would pay extra for as DLC.


My idea is slightly off the bat but the above post sort of made me think of it. I already use a gps device to track my biking and running. Imagine if you could go on a drive in your car and then upload the map to a website and GT5 could then map the GPS route creating a track or stage depending on if you create a point-to-point or circuit while also taking into account elevation changes and corners. Imagine you could create your own circuit on the roads of the alps or just around your local neighbourhood.

Although perhaps both bits of technology have not quite come far enough for this.

All the ideas here would be great additions.
1. U can pick up the blue dots and place them anywhere on the map, and the course will adapt. (this is a big one, i dont understand why didnt do that in the first place)

I agree that this would be the most desirable way to do it, and no reason technically they didn't do it, so there must be some non-technical reason for it. Someone suggested it was so people couldn't create facimiles of real tracks. I don't know.

But given that they didn't do it that way to begin with I doubt they will do it as an upgrade. For my wishlist I stuck to changes I feel are realistic. (Not that manipulating the points is unrealistic technically. I just feel it's not going to happen.)
When i first heard that there was going to be a course editor i was thrilled, however the 2 hours i spent yesterday fliddling with a track left me feeling completely unsatisfied. I felt i had a complete lack of control in the outcome of the course. Once i had a goodish layout i had a race around the course and most of the corners were ruined the elevation changes and cambers.

In my opinion the course should be up of up to about 200 sections, where you can change the position of section markers and then be able to change the curve between points (from staight to a tight point for descent harpins and chicanes), rate of change of curves (for an opening or closing corner), elevation change, rate of change elevation (for crests and dips), banking/camber, convex or converse roll across the circuit (to create gullies), kerbs and the bumpyness. You should be able to define your own start finish point and timing sector points. You should b able to create the route of the pit lane and also small sections on the track that cut out large parts to make differing variations of the same course.

Then the game should create a landscape underneath the circuit based on several variables. Then i would like to add run off areas, barriers, granstands, advertising boards, bridges, tunnels, marshall posts, other stuff commonly found at a racing circuit and have great control over the pits.

Kaz, I thought you were a perfectionist
In order to make the courses playable online the terrain needs to be a constant. That's too much data to transfer online or hold on the servers. The tracks are only a small data file superimposed on the terrain data that every game has built in. We could change the course around on the terrain but we'll never be able to alter the terrain itself.
In order to make the courses playable online the terrain needs to be a constant. That's too much data to transfer online or hold on the servers. The tracks are only a small data file superimposed on the terrain data that every game has built in. We could change the course around on the terrain but we'll never be able to alter the terrain itself.

Not having control over the terrain is fine - IF we were allowed to determine how to best build a track utilizing the terrain features. As it stands, right now any track you build on Mt. Aso will launch you 40 feet into the air and into an invisible wall, because the game puts a turn right after the hillclimb to the peak. How spectacular would it be to have online battles with your friends with that kind of air, only to land on a wide straight and continue on with the race? The replays/pictures would be epic!
In order to make the courses playable online the terrain needs to be a constant. That's too much data to transfer online or hold on the servers. The tracks are only a small data file superimposed on the terrain data that every game has built in. We could change the course around on the terrain but we'll never be able to alter the terrain itself.

Ok, fair enough i didnt think about that.

Although when shared online, the terrain can be randomly generated underneath the circuit by each PS3 in the race, the terrain wouldnt really matter as long as the circuit and run off areas were the same.

Also on a different point, it would be nice to see the circuit as you build it rather than just see the layout. I realise that this is probably imposible with the finished graphics of GT5, but i wouldnt mind seeing a graphically simple 3D track rather than just the 2D layout.
Ok, fair enough i didnt think about that.

Although when shared online, the terrain can be randomly generated underneath the circuit by each PS3 in the race, the terrain wouldnt really matter as long as the circuit and run off areas were the same.

Not so. The terrain matters alot. If the same corner has positive camber for one player and negative camber for another player that would give a huge advantage.
Not having control over the terrain is fine - IF we were allowed to determine how to best build a track utilizing the terrain features.

Most time spent in the track creator is wasted test driving course after course trying to find ONE without horrible terrain layout. I have one that I like alot but it's got a hump in a band on the main straight that launches cars 40 feet. If I could add a chicane it would be fine but no joy.
Would be nice that you could add some features to the scenery (spelling??) like a fun fair, houses, tree's etc... WOuld also be good if you could use your created tracks to make up your own event for GT mode.

Why not go crazy and make the course designer on a seperate blueray with full editing features.
Wish you could import a Google maps file and then race on it. Maybe just a pipe dream, but I also have some nice roads where I live. I wish this could be done somehow, but sure it wont be.
Not so. The terrain matters alot. If the same corner has positive camber for one player and negative camber for another player that would give a huge advantage.

By terrain i meant the scenary. Do you think i would leave a huge post complaining about not be able to control cambers and elevations and then in the next post forget what camber meant and how it affects the circuit.

The way i see it is the circuit can be boiled down to about 200 sections. using co-ordinates to show the markers. If we had the 8 or so variables for each section i talked about in my first post then each track would be no more than 10MB in size. the scenary could b random, no-one would really care, it would all look much the same. I dont see why my idea wouldnt work due to the size of the file that had to be stored on a server.

At the moment, due to the random element of the track editor (section complexitity 10 makes some weird outcomes) the file size is probably much bigger anyway
Wish you could import a Google maps file and then race on it. Maybe just a pipe dream, but I also have some nice roads where I live. I wish this could be done somehow, but sure it wont be.

sounds like such a sweet idea. its a shame gmaps doesnt have contour lines on it. but still it would be good as a start point to then alter to make look real
I agree with everyone's ideas here, they all seem like they could add infinite levels of replayability and fun (although the technical demands may be insurmountable...). I have ONE simple desire for the track editor, and it's a very minor one. DISTANCE MARKERS TO CORNERS. 💡 Maybe if we had these nifty guys in there, it'd be easier to avoid getting launched into low earth orbit if we knew how far away we were and could guage our braking better. The scenes/ backdrops are so bland and featureless, it's nearly impossible to find visual cues for braking and turn-in points. It would at least minimize the fun-robbing of all these blind corners and launchpads. Who wants to drive a crummy course for an hour just to memorize turns to realize the course sucks? They don't all have to try to be the Nurburgring. (I'm not saying the 'ring sucks, because it doesn't, I mean the track editor is trying to make nurburgrings with different backdrops and little character.)200m, 150m, 100m, 50m. Is that too much to ask?
Personally I love the "horrible blind off-camber falling-away corners". Makes it challenging, and takes plenty of laps to master. That's the best part! Of course, Mt. Aso tracks are by far my favorite :)

I wish the other themes weren't so bland.
By terrain i meant the scenary.

Terrain means topography. If you meant scenery then obviously scenery is irrelevant, except as it can be used as visual markers for braking zones, etc.

Personally I love the "horrible blind off-camber falling-away corners". .

One man's trash is another man's treasure...
Terrain means topography. If you meant scenery then obviously scenery is irrelevant, except as it can be used as visual markers for braking zones, etc.

It made sense it the context i was using it. I dont think you understood my post
How about something that's already supposed to be there? From the manual:

Third, I wish you could change the parameters of one section any way you want without it altering the other sections. I get tired of finding a layout I like but I just want one section a little different. I change something and bam, the whole track changes.

That's the main thing why track editor is annoying for me... This should be the first thing to be considered!

More scenic themes, GB\Finland forest, Jordanian\Turkish gravel, more rally oriented tarmac themes.

Ability to make extremely narrow gravel\snow stages, seems tarmac is the narrowest and gravel snow are super wide even at their narrowest.

20km limit.

More scenery, Mt Aso is boring as hell, since its so ridiculously undulating driving fast cars is not an option, hell driving at high speeds isnt an option, its a cruising theme, but there aint nothing around to look at while you cruise.
Rollercoaster tycoon style builder. Build the track segment by segment, with desired height, angles, and banking. That's initially what I thought, not some randomizer.