What Car ???

  • Thread starter TrevElvis
I am wanting to do the trial mountain and Roadster endurance race and in the walkthrough it says use any F1 car but they are not allowed when I try to race, Can anyone give me a clue what to use and if I can use an F1 car , How. Thanks
The Roadster enduro, if you actually read the restrictions in the race screen, is only open to the Mazda MX5/Miata. Any Miata on R1 tires will win this race.

The Trial Mountain enduro is only open to street cars, and that's all you need. I think I ran it in a Viper GTS and that was plenty of car, if not too much. Any NSX would be a good choice. Go to the Writeups board and search for "Trial Mountain" and see what others have used.

If that walkthrough is suggesting using an F1 racer in any enduro, I recommend you stop reading it right now. There's absolutely no reason to bother playing GT3 if you don't enjoy driving for the fun of racing, and plan to simply bludgeon your way through it.

Welcome to GTPlanet.
Hi TrevElvis. I'm also new to the game and to GTplanet. I'm 50% complete (I've done almost all the amateur but only one pro league race.) I'm still a crappy driver.

I found a guide at IGN - http://guides.ign.com/guides/13846/page_12.html
That's the page on endurance races. This guide does talk about using F1's in enduros, but at least it doesn't recommend them for races that won't let you use them. Even I wouldn't do that. :) But I like the guide because it tells you what kind of cars the competition will be driving.

I started out GT3 just using hp to win races and it didn't help my driving. If I'm a lap ahead of the competition and I hit a wall, nothing happens. If the AI are lined up right behind my bumper when I hit the wall, suddenly I fall from 1st place to 4th place. That sucks, so I started trying harder to avoid hitting the walls. :)

The Miata endurance is easy in a Miata LS, even with T5 tires and 4 pit stops. (If I can do it, it's easy.) The deal is, the other Miata LS's will pit every three laps, so they spend an extra 135 seconds on pit stops.

Besides the Miata endurance, another good one to start with is the Rome endurance - passage to Colosseo. The competition is a Griffith 500 (330 hp) and a Clio Sports V6 (242 hp) and they pit every 5 or 6 laps. DaveS1138 (and others, I think) have won this one in a Mini Copper with 178 hp. :bowdown: Given my driving skills I think I'll try a Motorsport Elise.
PS and back to the original question of what you can use in an enduro:

If a race says "normal cars only" or "untuned" that means your car can't have any of the performance parts from the tune shop. You can use any tires you want, and you're allowed to change the oil for that 5% hp bonus, but no other add-ons. Most of the parts can be removed, though. Just go into Garage -> Run/Settings. Pick any tracks, but instead of start choose settings, then Change Parts and remove the stuff you bought.

The things that can't be removed are Port Polish, Engine Balance, and the Weight Reduction stages. If you think you'll ever want to use a car in a "Normal Cars Only" race, don't buy these.
Well, Duke mentioned the NSX (either Honda or Acura). They have less power, so you aren't as likely to lose control. But of course they're slower, so you'll have to do some clean cornering to make up for slower speeds onthe straights.

The Supra RZ is in between, a little more power than an NSX, not nearly as much as a Viper.

Lotus Elise has less power, but it also weighs less, so the power-to-weight ratio is good. It handles really well, too. That might do it.

Those are just a few ideas, there many more between the NSX and the Viper. Have you checked out GTvault.com? Tons of info and settings for all cars in GT3 and GT4. It's a free site, but you have to register.

Or you could just get a Viper, race it on Trial Mountain in Beginners League and Amateur League until you get used to the handling (making a little money while you practice), then go slaughter them in the enduro.

But hey, is there some particular reason you want to do Trial mountain right now? Are you just following that walkthrough you mentioned? The Miata enduro is easier. Rome is really easy. Seattle would even be easier than Trial Mountain, since you can enter any car you want.
Is there any car as good as the viper for the trial mountain endurance as not a very good driver and can never handle a viper ????

I just used the RUF RGT in the Polyphony series and I usually lapped the field. That is until I started giving them a head start. Races 7 and 8 I let the time hit 1:00 minute before I started. Races 9 and 10 I gave them 2:00 minutes. Hey, I had to make it some challenge. I used T3 tires and pitted once around lap 11 or 12. It's a pretty easy handling car even with all the driving aids turned off.

I'm tentatively planning to do that race with an RX-7 or an EVO VII
ok I will try the lotus, I want to do the trial mountain as apart from the roadster I have done the rest and I want to try and get 100% as even though I played this game before I have never tried for it.

Can someone tell me who makes Miata as cant find it anywhere on the PAL version , Thanks
It's called the MX-5 in Europe, or the Eunos, I believe. And if you need practice driving, I strongly suggest that you run the Roadster Enduro before you tackle the Trial Mountain race. It's got a more relaxed pace, and it's only 40 laps. You should be able to finish it in about an hour and a quarter.

Get the Miata LS and put it on R1 tires. You'll only have to pit once, and the somewhat low grip will teach you how to manage traction. The Miata is a real treat to drive, particularly on Apricot Hill. It's a well balanced car that's very forgiving.

There will be a fast car that just takes off and leaves you - don't worry about him. He's quick, but he will pit 13 times to your single stop on lap 20 or so. At the end of the race he'll be in last by far.
ok I am in the UK so I have the choice to buy a MX-5 1.8RS, a MX-5 1.8i or just a plain mx-5. I cant find a eunos. So whats best or are they all the same , Thanks
The RS should be the newer version fixed headlights (not pop-ups), I believe. That one is a slam dunk for the win, even if your driving is not solid yet. But frankly, any MX-5 can win this race, especially with the R1/one-pit-stop strategy.
I am wanting to do the trial mountain and Roadster endurance race and in the walkthrough it says use any F1 car but they are not allowed when I try to race, Can anyone give me a clue what to use and if I can use an F1 car , How. Thanks

Why would anyone want to use an F1 car when they're up against an NSX or Corvette ? Some of those walkthrough guides drive me :crazy: crazy!!! Anyways, I recommend you buy a reasonably fast production car (that you can control with minimal accidents) then take it to


or whatever. Basically, just take your car to Trial Mountain, put some sports tires on it, and do some laps on an empty track. Keep doing laps till you start to know the track. Yes, this may seem boring...but in the long run, knowledge of the track (where to brake, steer, and accelerate, where walls jut out, etc) is more important than horsepower . Knowledge of the way your car behaves is twice as important.
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I must be rubbish , I tried the Trail mountain endurance with the Viper but after 15 laps I was 35 secs behind the leader which was a Supra . Even after it pitted I was 20 secs behind, I just cant do it, which is annoying as I cant manage 100%
Well, then, practice makes perfect, or at least better. Now that you have the car, run it in free run until you are smooth and fast enough.

Just for comparison, I ran the TME in a Viper GTS on Medium T5 tires. I pitted every 5 laps on the same schedule as the NSX, but if I remember correctly, I did that just to match his schedule. I think my tires would have gone 8 laps or so (but I may be mistaken). You'll have to see how long you can stay out with those tires.
  • My fastest lap time was 1':32.428".
  • My average lap time (with pits figured in) was 1':38.190".
  • I did 74 laps and my total time was 2h:1':06.198".
At those specs I finished 2 laps ahead of the NSX and 3 laps ahead of the Supra RZ. So let's do a little math:
  • 2 laps >= 185.low" lead, minimum
  • 185.low" / 74 laps = 2.50"
So, by this, I could afford to be 2.500" slower per lap and still beat the NSX. So that means a fast lap in the 1':34.high" or 1':35.low" range is good enough to beat the NSX on a 5-lap pit schedule.

Now, pitting every 5 laps, I made 14 pit stops. I you could stretch that to 8 laps, you'd only need to make 9 pits. Pits cost about 20-25 seconds each, so we'll work with the lower number to be conservative:
  • 14 - 9 = 5 saved pit stops
  • 5 stops x 20.000" = 100.000" saved
  • 100.000" / 74 laps = 1.350" (average) per lap saved
We saw above that a 1':35.000" fast lap should be enough to win. With fewer pit stops, we can afford another 1.350" or so per lap, meaning that if you can make 8 lap pit intervals, a 1':36.350" fast lap should be good enough to win this race against the NSX (which is, as I recall, the fastest opponent).

Hope this helps. Now, get back in your Viper and find tires that will last 8 laps of Trial Mountain, then practice until you can clip off 1':36.000" laps when the tires are perfect. That should put you in the winner's circle.
This is really going to help me out, since I haven't run the TME yet. It's nice to know how fast the AI is running, and how often they pit, and especially what kind of lap times it'll take to win a race.

It would really be cool if there was more of this info available for the other enduros and maybe for the longer Pro level series. Maybe with car/tire suggestions for people of different skill levels. So for say the Roadster enduro it might say:

Beginner: Miata LS with T2s, pit once on lap 20: Your lap time with green tires should be 1'47.000"
Intermediate: Miata RS with T3s, pit on laps 10,20,30: Lap time on green tires should be 1'46.000"
Expert: Miata J with T5s, pit every 8 laps: Lap times of 1'45.000"

(All those times are just estimates.)

I'm not really making a request here, I realize it's a lot of work and there aren't that many new GT3 players on the board. The race reports have the really important info - the finishing times and info on the AI competitors. Duke just demonstrated how to figure out what kind of lap times I need for a given pit schedule. Then I just need to pick the car that'll let me do those kinds of laps.
I am going to try the RUF in the trial mountain as used it in Polyphony ok, but the only thing thats giving me alot of trouble now is the GT championship as against other polyphony cars I have no advantage
Really, DO NOT just go get a bigger hammer and beat it to death. That's what's gotten you into this position. Take some time, practice, and learn to drive the track better.

You have no advantage against equal cars because you've been using power to make up for lack of practice. You can't do that in some series. So in the long run, you'll be better off just getting more seat time and learning how to drive the tracks better. It's the only real way to do it - don't fall back on that crutch again.

Go run the Viper until you can make the lap times I showed you. It will make you a better driver, which will help you in every race.
I'm not really making a request here, I realize it's a lot of work and there aren't that many new GT3 players on the board. The race reports have the really important info - the finishing times and info on the AI competitors. Duke just demonstrated how to figure out what kind of lap times I need for a given pit schedule. Then I just need to pick the car that'll let me do those kinds of laps.

Duke pointed all the math involved, too. I like math 👍 Funny because when I was in school I really hated it, but now I am fascinated by it.

I am going to try the RUF in the trial mountain as used it in Polyphony ok, but the only thing thats giving me alot of trouble now is the GT championship as against other polyphony cars I have no advantage

You seem not to have learned your lesson when you ran a Viper. But you will. Just practice first. Set aside some time and get it done...it only makes you better at the game.
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I did a trial run of the TME the other night with an RX7 type RZ. (I didn't have time to do the whole thing) I used T3 tires to qualify 2nd and T2s to start the race. After bumping around on cold tires the first lap and a half, I had to work my way back up from 5th place. My good laps were 1:37s and 1:38s but I felt like I was in the hunt. I settled into second place and went to work figuring I could beat the NSX on tires. I pitted on lap 11 the first time but decided later that that was too soon. I found I could easily get 15 laps and stretch to almost 20 if I drove more carefully. At around 45 minutes (when I quit and went to bed) I was 12 seconds behind the NSX and I had taken the lead twice during pit stops. I could have been leading if I hadn't banged around so much in the early laps and made my first stop so early. I think I can do this with the RX7 if I can keep better than 1:38.5 lap times and pit at 18 lap intervals. Now I just gotta find two hours. I kind of found this car in my garage with no miles on it last week. A forgotten prize car or impulse purchase I guess.
I am wanting to do the trial mountain and Roadster endurance race and in the walkthrough it says use any F1 car but they are not allowed when I try to race, Can anyone give me a clue what to use and if I can use an F1 car , How. Thanks

I think I used an NSX, but the Vette is even fast enough and the Viper should blow away the field.