►TURTLE RACING LEAGUE l Saturday Night Enduro Series l Accepting New Members Everyday!Open 

  • Thread starter Ph1sh
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new DLC!!


Race 2: Suzuka Circuit 👍
Car: BMW Z4 '03
Tires: Sport Mediums
Laps: 18
Date: December 21, 2013

Turtle Racing League - Division 1

Race 1 - Results

Poll - AndroR35

1st Place: lightningdf22b1 (Fastest Lap - 2'27.396)
2nd Place: AndroR35 (Fastest Lap - 2'27.437) +05.209
3rd Place: GTP_Ph7shr (Fastest Lap - 2'27.506) +05.690
4th Place: GTMX-HECTO1 (Fastest Lap - 2'28.767) +21.518
5th Place: TX_Executioner (Fastest Lap - 2'29.015) +24.135
6th Place: DolphDrago (Fastest Lap - 2'28.834) +32.714
7th Place: gr8racrs (Fastest Lap - 2'29.419) +39.371
8th Place: Monkeyboy-4q (Fastest Lap - 2'29.521) +54.406
9th Place: BionicDerp (Fastest Lap - 2'28.234 ) +Disconnected

Race 2 - Results

1st Place: GTP_Ph7shr (Fastest Lap - 2'27.173)
2nd Place: lightningdf22b1 (Fastest Lap - 2'27.573) +0.263
3rd Place: GTMX-HECTO1 (Fastest Lap - 2'27.448) +14.406
4th Place: Monkeyboy-4q (Fastest Lap - 2'28.587) +18.789
5th Place: DolphDrago (Fastest Lap - 2'27.478) +36.206
6th Place: gr8racrs (Fastest Lap - 2'27.034) +1'16.863
7th Place: AndroR35 (Fastest Lap - 2'26.636) +Disconnected

BionicDerp - DNS
TX_Executioner - DNS

Turtle Racing League - Division 2

Pole - Liampage123

Race 1 - Results

1st Place: Liampage123 (Fastest Lap - 2’29.257)
2nd Place: BigMoMo101 (Fastest Lap - 2’29.356) +4.778
3rd Place: LateNight-Rider (Fastest Lap - 2’30.401) +25.316
4th Place: ThethirdRoy (Fastest Lap - 2’30.252) +26.705
5th Place: iceandspice (Fastest Lap - 2’30.814) +45.057
6th Place: ANFD (Fastest Lap - 2’30.449) +57.893
7th Place: SpeedDeemin (Fastest Lap - 2’29.881) +1’42.222
8th Place: iboostdaily ( Fastest Lap - 2’33.166) +1’52.333
9th Place: ZzTop-CheapSunglasses (Fastest Lap - 2’32.543) +Time Expired
10th Place: gtp-jaydoc (Fastest Lap - 2’33.487) +Time Expired
11th Place: BustedFoSho (Fastest lap - 2’39.309) +Time Expired
12th Place: johnsom (Fastest Lap - 2’29.174) +Disconnected
13th Place: mc_polo (Fastest Lap - N/A) +Disconnected
14th Place: LeoStrop (Fastest Lap - N/A) +Disconnected

Race 2 - Results

1st Place: ThethirdRoy (Fastest Lap - 2’29.862)
2nd Place: ANFD (Fastest Lap - 2’29.827) +Approx. 3.500
3rd Place: SpeedDeemin (Fastest Lap - 2'30.076) +6.168
4th Place: johnsom (Fastest Lap -2’29.907) +N/A
5th Place: Latenight-Rider (Fastest Lap - 2'31.275) +N/A
6th Place: Liampage123 (Fastest Lap - 2'28.704) +N/A
7th Place: spyagent1439 (Fastest Lap - 2'31.105) +N/A
8th Place: ZzTop-CheapSunglasses (Fastest Lap - 2'32.230) +N/A
9th Place: BustedFoSho (Fastest Lap - 2'37.841) +Time Expired

iboostdaily - DNS
doawheelie - DNS
BigMoMo101 - DNS
iceandspice - DNS
gtp-jaydoc - DNS

Turtle Racing League - Division 1 Final Results

1st Place: Lightningdf22b1 (93 Points)
2nd Place: GTP_Ph7shr (90 Points)
3rd Place: GTMX-HECTO1 (81 Points)
4th Place: DolphDrago (69 Points)
5th Place: Monkeyboy-4q (66 Points)
6th Place: gr8racrs (63 Points)
7th Place: AndroR35 (47 Points - Pole)
8th Place: TX_Executioner (36 Points)
9th Place: BionicDerp (24 Points)

Turtle Racing League - Division 2 Final Results

1st Place: ThethirdRoy (87 Points)
2nd Place: Liampage123 (81 Points)
3rd Place: ANFD (78 Points ~ Tie Breaker ~ 2'29.827)
4th Place: LateNight-Rider (78 Points ~ Tie Breaker ~ 2'30.401)
5th Place: SpeedDeemin (72 Points)
6th Place: johnsom (54 Points)
7th Place: ZzTop-CheapSunglasses (51 Points)
8th Place: BigMoMo101 (45 Points)
9th Place: BustedFoSho (42 Points)
10th Place: iceandspice (36 Points)
11th Place: spyagent1439 (30 Points)
12th Place: iboostdaily (27 Points)
13th Place: gtp-jaydoc (21 Points)
14th Place: mc_polo (12 Points)
15th Place: Leo_Strop (9 Points)

Turtle Racing League - Race Night Racap

Division 1: With a couple of New Turtles joining Division 1 on Saturday! It was quite intense in Japan! In Race 1, AndroR35 was sure leading most of the time, but with some Turtles right behind him like GTP_Ph7shr and Lightningdf22b1, they all had a 3 car battle for the entire race, though lightningdf22b1 won the first race, Followed by the rest of the pack right behind him. In Race 2, AndroR35 went head on collision into the wall and Blew up his engine and had to head back to his Turtle Garage to repair his engine! That left it with a epic side by side door battle for the win between GTP_Ph7shr and lightningdf22b1, though GTP_Ph7shr was able to edge out Lightning, but not by much. GTMX-HECTO1 and Monkeyboy-4q as well had an epic battle, until Monkeyboy-4q made a slight mistake, GTMX-HECTO1 was able to separate himself from monkeyboy.

Division 2:
Well, Looks like D2 brought their game to the Turtle House! With almost a whooping full house of Turtles, they all battled everywhere! They all seemed to be running at the same pace, just off a couple of seconds between each other. Liampage123 was able to grab Race 1 victory in the big crowd, setting the tone for Race 2, But for some odd reason, Liampage123 had some troubles in Race 2, Seems like the Crew Chief must have made some bad adjustments in his car! Either way, Liampage123 fought through the tough times, and pulled in a great 6th Place Finish in Race 2. Also In Race 2, ThethirdRoy Really turned on the Turtle Power, and just took off from the field, ThethirdRoy was very dominate in Race 2. Congrats too the winners in Both Races! We had many as well that were very consistent, like ANFD, SpeedDeemin, and more. Latenight-Rider did very well in Race 1, but wasn't clicking as much in Race 2, Still finished very well! Division 2 also had some connection issues unfortunatly, johnsom though came back, which was great to see and did very well in Race 2! Thanks for the New guys for Coming Out

Here is Some Videos Captured by @Masterhec In Division 1

Race 1

Race 2

Here's a Couple Of Division 1 Photos Taken by @GT_Racer22

Division 2 Pictures Taken by @LeadFootLiam






To View All Photos Click Here to View Turtle Racing League's Gallery

Turtle Racing League - Simply The Best
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I'm not complaining but can we get a little more roof cam love on the replay videos? I don't think the tv camera angles or whatever do a good job of representing tight battles. Just a suggestion.

Very nice turnout and congratulations to everyone on a great night of turtle action
I'm not complaining but can we get a little more roof cam love on the replay videos? I don't think the tv camera angles or whatever do a good job of representing tight battles. Just a suggestion.

Very nice turnout and congratulations to everyone on a great night of turtle action

yesterday i went back to look at the replays, and i noticed the same thing. i ended up just looking at the 'on boards' to get the best view of the action.

Turtle Racing League - Enduro Series

Practice Tomorrow Night is Postponed to Friday Night!

Practice on Friday begins at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/5pm Pacific

Race 3: Bathurst
Car: Lotus Elise '96
Laps: 16
Tires: Sport Mediums
Date: December 28, 2013

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@GT_Racer22 What?!!! Ah man you got to be kidding me, i was too lazy to look back too spell out paranama, so thats why.. :lol:

Ive stared at that first page too much today (typing results)[/quote]
Haha were all like that :lol: Have to do something? Yes. Do you really want to do it? No. Then don't do it :lol:
I was really happy for a second for practice, and then realized it's going to be Friday.. :c
well todays christmas day so i figured not many would show up, so i thought friday would be better

Edit: Got Banner Fixed 👍 Not bad! Derp, If you want, i can hold a little Turtle Racing League Practice Session tonight with some practice races, (Not official Practice, just for fun) Then on Friday we will have our Normal Practice. Sound Good??
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Pre-Practice Room is now Open! (Official Practice is on Friday)

Room Number: 1472-6118-3916-1736-2157
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