2004 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti


What are your opinions?




Personally I dont like it. Ferraris are supposed to look fast elegante and italian. This vehicle is none of the three. For some reason Ferrari is trying to make all of their vehicels odd looking first the Enzo now this!
I like it, It's very understated compared to the Enzo and the F50. I also like the FR layout, which is of course the perfect setup for Dorifto!!!;)
Originally posted by delucani
Personally I dont like it. Ferraris are supposed to look italian. T

Well this car was made specificaly for the American market.

I like the car, although it does look more like a maserati than a Ferrari, but I guess that's just what being a parent company will do to you. Although it's not as fast as other Ferraris, not to mention most other exotic cars out there, I think it will still sell.
It's a good car for ferrari to make....Way back in the day Ferrari had cars that wern't as outlandishly styled like they have been as of late, it's nice to know that they're coming back to styles like this......
That's why my current Fav ferrari cars are the maranello, and some in the Maserati linup...(just considers those ferrari's)
Originally posted by 69Dodge_Charger
Overall it looks kind of Jaguar-ish or Aston Martin-ish, and the back looks like a hint of skyline.:irked: :odd:

I was thinking the same thing.

I do like the looks of it, but it's not very "Ferrari" to me. Guess I'm sort of old school ... but not ... because I'm not old enough to be old school ... but I don't like the way car manufacturers are all trying to be hip and new. I mean some of that is cool, but I swear if Ferrari makes an SUV I'm going to destroy something beautiful.
In the pictures it looks a bit tame to me.. But Ferrari usually knows what they're doing so I'll trust them on this one;)
Originally posted by quicksilver1122
Well this car was made specificaly for the American market.

I like the car, although it does look more like a maserati than a Ferrari,

Well said x 2
Yeah, but it doesn't need headlamps. A large beam of light is sent out by the whole of the windscreen. It's pretty neat technology, but it's damn expensive when a rock decides to pay your windscreen a visit.

Yeah, I used the British word for windshield. Sue me. Please.
i think those side panels look like the old 50's vettes. and there isnt a ferrari on this planet that i wouldnt gladly take off someones hands :D :D :D