2016 GTP Awards - Nominations!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
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Goat of the Year
United Kingdom
It's nearly time for the annual GTP Awards, and we're making a couple of changes this year to reflect a few changes at the site.

This year, instead of a simple voting process, it's going to be split up into two stages. For the first part we'll be collecting nominations for all of the awards. When the nominations period is closed - on Monday 12th December - we'll collect all of the nominations in all of the categories, pick from the most-suggested valid nominations and post up voting threads for each.

The winners will be announced on Christmas Day!

To make a nomination, simply PM me or @Famine your selection - you can nominate in as many or as few categories as you wish and as many times as you wish, but only to a maximum of once in each category, so there's no need to wait to get a nomination in - but nor should you rush in as you won't get a second chance!

There's also been a change to some of the categories, and the complete selection is below:

Most Helpful Member

We're pretty much all a helpful bunch here, but who goes out of their way to help as many people as possible?

Friendliest Member
Who always greets you with a smile on their face (if you could see it), and warm-hearted messages?

Funniest Member
Who makes you laugh the most with their great (or awful!) sense of humor?

Nuttiest Member
Bonkers, barmy, nutty call it what you will. Who is the most... that?

Most Knowledgeable Member
Who here has the biggest brain?

Most Opinionated Member
Who seems to voice their opinions more than most? Perhaps they may be found in discussions or debates?

Quote of the Year

Thought-provoking, genius, ridiculous or just plain side-splitting - what's the best thing you've read on GTPlanet this year (post must have been made after 31/12/2015)?

Thread of the Year
A good forum lives and dies by its threads, and we're looking for the discussion that's had you most enthralled this year (thread must have been started after 31/12/2015).

New Member of the Year
Someone that has joined in the last year (from 01/01/2016) and has needed no tuition in how to be a great GTP member. They have contributed to the forums from the word 'go'!

Member of the Year
Who has been the member who has, more than any other, made GTPlanet the place you keep coming back to?

Well... what are you waiting for?
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IAre we doing banners again?

I don't have Photoshop but I have a beer belly and some stickers...

Excited for this. Looking forward to casting my votes in due course as it should be relatively close!
Good God! I thought I just got Whammed! Thank God I have auto play off!
I noticed that Darwin Awards is no longer present.

Darwin award. @DQuaN for forgetting the Darwin award.

Also Famine better not get the most knowledgeable again or I call Illuminati confirmed. :P
I don't get the cult around him.
I won't be surprised if i ended up winning the darwin award. It's been the worst year for me over here, with everyone replying to me due to me posting something stupid.

That if there's darwin award this year.
I won't be surprised if i ended up winning the darwin award. It's been the worst year for me over here, with everyone replying to me due to me posting something stupid.

That if there's darwin award this year.
No way. I'll win that eventually lol.

Its probably intentional, though. Quite many times people turned off by Darwin Award in the past years and so.
I noticed that Darwin Awards is no longer present.
Darwin award. @DQuaN for forgetting the Darwin award.
I won't be surprised if i ended up winning the darwin award. It's been the worst year for me over here, with everyone replying to me due to me posting something stupid.

That if there's darwin award this year.
There is no Darwin Award. Nor, for similar reasons, is there a Most Improved. It will become clear very soon what those reasons are.

Apologies if you were really looking forward to being told that you suck or that you used to suck.
There is no Darwin Award. Nor, for similar reasons, is there a Most Improved. It will become clear very soon what those reasons are.

Apologies if you were really looking forward to being told that you suck or that you used to suck.
I was actually. Can you tell me directly that I suck, to make up for it?
I won't be surprised if i ended up winning the darwin award. It's been the worst year for me over here, with everyone replying to me due to me posting something stupid.

That if there's darwin award this year.

No way. I'll win that eventually lol.

Its probably intentional, though. Quite many times people turned off by Darwin Award in the past years and so.
I'm pretty sure neither of you are worthy of a "Darwin Award".
I think one must die of their stupidity to qualify for a Darwin Award in real life.
Does this mean I retire pretty much undefeated in best Avatar / Username / Sig combo?

Does this mean I retire pretty much undefeated in best Avatar / Username / Sig combo?

Yep - unless an update to XenForo makes a bigger deal about user profiles. Your award was the one we were least happy about losing, if it's any consolation.
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