600cc Spring Challenge *Pre-season*

  • Thread starter Spectre600
1'19.471" so far with the Gixxer. that was only with about 30 min of practice.

this was a clean lap and I did not cut the chicaine on turn 4.

I could probably pull a 1'18" easy if I can get a deeper exit out of T1. my 1'19" was running a normal line through T1. I can see 1'17" with a deep exit out of T1 and cutting the T4 chicaine.

Having the best luck with stock settings so far. I could pull a little more exit speed if I stiffened it up a tad but the bumps would launch the bike off the track. this is running soft tires
mess with the suspension a little bit. im not giving away my settings, bu play around a little. change some settings (there are little ? buttons that explain what each setting does), run a few laps, and if it doenst help, change it again...work it, like it, love it...do it
I've only played TT with an automatic and newbie mode, so it's taking me some time to relearn how to ride the bike. I'll post some times when I'm not too embarrassed by them. But for now, just call me "Backmarker."
I've only played TT with an automatic and newbie mode, so it's taking me some time to relearn how to ride the bike. I'll post some times when I'm not too embarrassed by them. But for now, just call me "Backmarker."

haha...it will come with time. put a good hour, maybe two into driving ONLY deep forest, learn the lines, and it will come easy to you.
Yea, the trick in learning a MT or Pro Mode is practicing on the same track. This way, you already know the lines (turn in points, breaking, shift timing) and you only need to focus on the controlling aspect. If you try to do it in a races, you tend to overwhelm yourself.
haha...it will come with time. put a good hour, maybe two into driving ONLY deep forest, learn the lines, and it will come easy to you.

The funny thing is that I've been a motorcyclist for 25 years. Using brakes independently of each other and the clutch and shifter and throttle all come naturally to me. But trying to condense it all down into a few finger and thumbs is nerve-wracking. When coming out of corners I go for the tuck and hit the back brake instead. I hold the brakes too long. I upshift when I mean to downshift. Etc etc. It's taking time, but I'll get there. I need to uphold the pride of the British after all (even though I'm an American.)
I think for the most part using best judgement for what is cutting and what isn't. I was going to ask about T4 because I've used that concrete patch from the start as that is the most sensible race line. Otherwise why would it be there. It reminds me of the alabama rollercoater at Barber, where your best line is to run over the concrete instead of actually going through the chicane. On the other hand at Suzuka, I think someone mentioned 130R section (is that the fast part right before the final hairpin?). Well even though you can go out into that wide area that would seem to be off track without getting a FC, I always try not to and only do so if I make a mistake.

At other spots I've clipped a curb or two but there is a difference between clipping a curb and/or having a tire slightly in the dirt and just completely cutting a corner.
The funny thing is that I've been a motorcyclist for 25 years. Using brakes independently of each other and the clutch and shifter and throttle all come naturally to me. But trying to condense it all down into a few finger and thumbs is nerve-wracking. When coming out of corners I go for the tuck and hit the back brake instead. I hold the brakes too long. I upshift when I mean to downshift. Etc etc. It's taking time, but I'll get there. I need to uphold the pride of the British after all (even though I'm an American.)

well, i can see your not a novice motorcyclist. but i can see where youre coming from since ive ridden before too. good luck with this. :)
slow1 - i was pointing out that the game considers anything not dirt or grass legal even if its pavement off course. so, if you can run off course at the 130r and stay legal, then how is the concert bit legal? specially sinces its raised and has curbing?

[edit - the ai doesnt use it]
Motorcycles prefer late apexes... Turn one is a good example. If you apex early, you will be leaned over the whole time trying to accellerate. If you mid-apex, you do ok, but cant accellerate till your past the apex. If you go deeper, brake hard, turn fast and accellerate *through* the apex, you are leaned over for a minimal time, and accelerating for longer and harder.
Bleh. I worked at it for an hour today and only got one clean lap out of it, and it was a mid-1:25. Right now my frustration level is higher than my enjoyment level.
I managed a 1:19.547 on the cbr600rm, failures on, manual, so much more challenging, have a habit of pressing the wrong top buttons, no consistency neither , out of 10 laps I got 2 clean ones.

Yeah, this pro mode and manual transmission is a bit tricky to get the hang of. Been trying on and off this week to get better and I'm down to 1'20's and 1'19's with the Daytona 650 RM but having trouble stringing clean laps together, that first corner gets me quite often or the turn just before the first tunnel. More practice for me!

I took a day to rest the fingers (cramping) big mistake. Two day ago I was running 1:20 to 1:22 now I'm at 1:23 to 1:25. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I save all my setting for the bike now I can't come out with one clean lap. I like Deep Froset but I can't wait to start a new track next week because this is getting fustrating.
This is what i do for T1. After the start finish line there is a bump before the corner. Just lift the fornt wheel just a little till the top of that bump and then full brake. If you do it right the byke should go to almost touching the grass. The byke is less shaking after the bump that way and i notice that the center of the road is less bumpy but i still keep to stay to the right. This way i manage to do the first sector in 0:25.223 and a total time of 1:17.754. I'm running the track betwin 1:18.5 and 1:17.8 so far.

I don't think i'm the fastest on the best. Many talk about trouble for that first corner so i'm just trying to help. And i really hope that could help at leats someone.
I managed to get a high 1'18 last night, and there is still a little more room for imporvement, without tweaking any settings except for ratios...
1:17 without using the turk button. Try this :

Riding Form

Head Roll Angle 100
Head Pitch Angle 8.0
Torso Roll Angle -8
Torso Yaw Angle -25
Body Lean (Full Bank) 25
Arm Angle 30
Seat Position (Forward/Back) 0.0
Lateral Slide 25
Vertical Slide 5
Leg Angle 80
Body Lean (Upright) 25

Watch for you'r head when you came close to wall. If someone have the chance to try this, comment are welcome.
well, if the body angle is set in a tuck anyways, i dont think it would matter. now, if the game figures aero like that no, it wouldnt slow you down.
I started practicing on Laguna Seca got say I'm happy for the much smoother track.
I ran 7 laps straight and I didn't fall off at the corkscrew 👍 ,but I fell in turn 1 and the turn before the corkscrew.:grumpy:

Its hard to recover the bike once it touches the dirt.

My best time so far: 1:28:886 but with more practice I shed off more few more seconds.

Edit: I was using the ZX-6r.
Nice going corn13,

I've only managed a 1'29.200 with the Daytona at Laguna Seca. There are places I can shed a few seconds but turn 2 and the corkscrew get me quite often.

More practice!

i don't kionw what set-ups i was using when I was pracitcing and got in the high 1.28:xxx but I could not do it again in the actual race.

Sense Midfield been my favorite track sense GT2 hopfully I move up in the standings.