"A connection to the server could not be established."

Every time the game goes to the Seizure warning, this appears: "A connection to the server could not be established.(ID=1:656). Can someone help me?
Same here. Was going to seach this site for that error code, but I guess the solution is not in my hands ...
If everyone is having the same issue, Polyphony will probably do something to announce what they are doing as of now. However, I don't see that to happen anytime soon.
Polyphony post on twitter the Gt6 server closed for 5 days..

It's a joke.
Wonder why they would close for as much people play on GT6 still. I guess it's a test of reaction of the community I guess, just to test us. :D
The GT6 Community website is down as well.
The community has been down for at least a few hours. I haven't been able to find any information whatsoever. At least its not region specific. Doesn't make me feel any better though.
This is literally the only video game I play besides GTA5 Online :(

I'm trying to wait it out until Sport is released to buy a newer console, but it's getting harder and harder...
I'm expecting PD to say nothing and the servers to be completely abandoned. That way, any news other than that will be good news! :crazy:
I was just about to do the seasonals.....darn. I'm getting really bored of doing the 10-minute races. :banghead: