Add Image Left Side/Right Side

Is there an easier way to add the same exact image on the left and right side of the car? I am trying to get it right at the same sport for both sides. Right now, I am eyeballing the image to the exact same location as the other side of the car. Or maybe everyone is doing the same thing as I am doing, eyeballing to the exact location. Be great if there was a Mirror feature that would place the image exactly for both sides.

Step 1: Place a decal, in the decal positioning menu you should find a button labeled "layer controls"


Step 2: Access the layer controls menu and select "Duplicate on reverse"


Doing this will replicate a near mirror image of the decal on the right side to the left. You must do this for every decal in order for it to be 100% symmetrical.
Worth remembering that some decals will be reversed using this technique. Simple extra step of 'flip horizontally' once it is on the other side will fix this.
Also worth remembering that you should mirror every decal as you place it. It's a real pain to go back and mirror one and one decal at a time when you're done on one side, say you have 100 decals to mirror.. As you can't select / group multiple layers it's basically a must to do each side at the same time. :cheers:
If I have a decal that does not have text or otherwise needs to be flipped for the opposite side, I use the "align to camera" and set the angle and depth to max. Using that method, the same decal layer shows on both sides so I end up using half the layers. If I need to go back and realign or change positions I only have to move one instead of worry about deleting the second, moving the first and then duplicating again. Obviously it really only works from the side.