Aggregate Time Trial: be fastest in 1/3rd the time

  • Thread starter Moto54
Heres a few notes for the 2nd Split: (1:01.272)
The first fast left is a flat out kink, not a corner! Treating it like a corner is slow. Start your
turn in earlier than expected and (do) flirt with disaster at the apex. Dont downshift at the chicane too
early. Staying in a higher gear preserves momentum for that extra split second. The 4 corners that
follow can be thought of as a unit.. have it clear in your head (and the seat of your pants) so as
not to be fast in one at the others expense.

3rd Split: (1:02.964)
I pinch it tight at the hairpin entry, but at exit let the corner open up again. The right at the top
of the rise is deceptive. In the McLaren I go ahead and hit 4th and enter fast, making the exit a bit
slower, rather than treating the corner like a perfect circle. The rest of the sector is basically
snaking your way through fast bends, lifting off the throttle to help turn the car and anticipating
the amount of slide you will encounter. Fun stuff.

So hows it going for you guys? The Mazzanti is a strange fish, isnt it? I never drove it before now
and can see it is faster than the McLaren, assuming you can keep it pointed in the right direction.
Lets see how Ozzy wrings the Mazzanti's neck though, because I having a feeling Ozzy likes strange fish.
And strange chips.

edit: i already had this wrote up before i saw Ozzy's time is #1. no biggie. Ozzy can (and I
hope he will) give some thoughts about Munnar as he goes.
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edit: i already had this wrote up before i saw Ozzy's time is #1. no biggie. Ozzy can (and I
hope he will) give some thoughts about Munnar as he goes.
I'll be editing my video and posting the split times, as well as the full lap time for both cars :)
I'll be editing my video and posting the split times, as well as the full lap time for both cars :)

I will make the changes to the first post in the thread tomorrow to reflect the
smashing-ness of your submissions. Thanks for giving me a few hours in the
sun. ANyway- Im the fastest with a wheel damnit. :)
I will make the changes to the first post in the thread tomorrow to reflect the
smashing-ness of your submissions. Thanks for giving me a few hours in the
sun. ANyway- Im the fastest with a wheel damnit. :)
Haha, you can proudly say that i would say, i'm using the pad :). I've had a few hours in the sun myself. Lovely weather we're all having.
Ozzy can choose the next circuit and you the car Moto. We might need to think of a way of keeping him under control. This can still be fun, as long as he doesn't win every time!!! The only way I will get close to him is on my own circuit or a car circuit combo I can choose!!!! You on the other hand are pretty damn close already, I wish you were online. Btw, where's our previous champ, Centura?????
Quite right. I've beaten kie25 a few times now especially on Oliver's Landing. Following my One:1 record on there. But I'm still improving :)

oo, nice, makes me feel a lot better you being a second faster than me on Sinclair ;) boo though on picking P2P, I will sit this one out as hate P2P tracks, I am definitely a circuit kinda guy
oo, nice, makes me feel a lot better you being a second faster than me on Sinclair ;) boo though on picking P2P, I will sit this one out as hate P2P tracks, I am definitely a circuit kinda guy
Me too!!! This was the first time I've even tried to learn one of the p2p tracks. I think it's time for a showdown on tamal nadu one next, ideally in the venom so we can all challenge the hot lap times!!!!!
Me too!!! This was the first time I've even tried to learn one of the p2p tracks. I think it's time for a showdown on tamal nadu one next, ideally in the venom so we can all challenge the hot lap times!!!!!

Wdreamsmaycome and yourself have a good point. Actually that makes TWO good points total. Funny
that your disfavor equals a Point-to-Point when added up. (that joke was a stretch)

Next, lets use one of the cars coming out this week, eh?
Anyone of us not getting them?
We'll for sure use a track/circuit.

Be back in a few hours, once my fast wi-fi is available.
Wdreamsmaycome and yourself have a good point. Actually that makes TWO good points total. Funny
that your disfavor equals a Point-to-Point when added up. (that joke was a stretch)

Next, lets use one of the cars coming out this week, eh?
Anyone of us not getting them?
We'll for sure use a track/circuit.

Be back in a few hours, once my fast wi-fi is available.
That sounds an excellent idea, I suppose it's Ozzy's turn to choose something, car or circuit. Funnily enough this point to point stuff is starting to grow on me!!
This can still be fun, as long as he doesn't win every time!!!

Was trying to make a 1st Split under 1:00.000 last night (and did) when this lap happened. At 3:04.035 its
about as close to a 3:03+ as is possible. My 3 best Splits (uploading to post #1 now) actually add up
to 3:03.533, so I give up half a second to what would be a perfect lap for me. I'm not complaining!
If Ozzy beats this full laptime of mine he will have to visit the 3:03's to do so. The Mazzanti is all
Ozzy's though.. I'm not going to post a time. He already crushed it. And then some.

Speaking of Ozzy, I'm including a music video just for him. Its a private joke between us, to mark my 3:04.035 hotlap. The song is: "In The Sun"

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Was trying to make a 1st Split under 1:00.000 last night (and did) when this lap happened. At 3:04.035 its
about as close to a 3:03+ as is possible. My 3 best Splits (uploading to post #1 now) actually add up
to 3:03.533, so I give up half a second to what would be a perfect lap for me. I'm not complaining!
If Ozzy beats this full laptime of mine he will have to visit the 3:03's to do so. The Mazzanti is all
Ozzy's though.. I'm not going to post a time. He already crushed it. And then some.

Speaking of Ozzy, I'm including a music video just for him. Its a private joke, to mark my 3:04.035 hotlap.
The song is, of course, "In The Sun"

Very impressive, the 12c record is yours!!!!
Very impressive, the 12c record is yours!!!!

I would rather have to find 1 tenth than 4 tenths, but Ozzy can do it if he tries hard enough.
The secret, truth be told, was a 3rd Split for me that was worlds faster than ever before.
Oh, and I just updated the individual splits on the thread starting post.

Thanks Mcpartyman--
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Aggregate Time Trial: Munnar, India
Heres an idea for TT that will not require you to memorize every inch of a track.
We will accept screenshots (but prefer video clips) of individual sector / split times instead.
How good can an individual split time get, when that is all that matters?
We will keep a running tally of what our total aggregate laptime amounts to

Please submit your times as Splits.
(if you cannot edit your videos post the whole thing and I will edit it for you.)
We will run 2 cars in this competition!
A chance to see how different Super Class cars stack up against each other.


Car 1: McLaren 12C

Its fast, its beautiful, has a Formula One lineage, and its English. So its probably damp as well.

Car 2: Mazzanti Evantra
Its too fast, its challenging to handle, it has a funny name. (the car, and also my ex)

Munnar, India: what DC is famous for: speed, elevation change, irregation systems, and tea.

McLaren 12C, 1st Split- 0:59.977

McLaren 12C, 2nd Split- 1:01.168

McLaren 12C, 3rd Split- 1:02.388

AGGREGATE TOTAL: 3:03.533, McLaren 12C. Munnar, India.

Under 1 minute for the first sector is insanely quick, mind you I got a in the Mazzanti and Ozzy was still well ahead so he may have broken the 1 minute mark in that car!!
Under 1 minute for the first sector is insanely quick, mind you I got a in the Mazzanti..

I know how to do a low 1min+, but I dont know for sure how I shed 2 tenths on that sub-minute lap.
It only happened once in dozens of heated and concentrated attempts. oh well-
Ozzy I want to keep this friendly, but in the Sinclair Pass thread you showed up with a WR about 5 minutes
before we were set to call that contest over. In this thread you made a WR early, but didnt post a replay or
give split time specifics at all, again- until we were ready to call the contest over. See a trend there?

Go read the #3 post on this thread. Even back then I called your Sinclair time '11th hour'.
Go read Mcpartymans post #22 on this thread about split times and your answer on post #25..
("you'll have to find out in a little while").

It looks like we're going to try a racetrack next using one of the new cars coming out. If you want to play
I suggest a change of tactics. This is a friendly and open contest, its not about gamesmanship. And dude dont
even try to defend yourself. It was obvious on post #3 and its obvious now.

btw, im not mad or anything. im just saying knock it off already.
Ozzy I want to keep this friendly, but in the Sinclair Pass thread you showed up with a WR about 5 minutes
before we were set to call that contest over. In this thread you made a WR early, but didnt post a replay or
give split time specifics at all, again- until we were ready to call the contest over. See a trend there?

Go read the #3 post on this thread. Even back then I called your Sinclair time '11th hour'.
Go read Mcpartymans post #22 on this thread about split times and your answer on post #25..
("you'll have to find out in a little while").

It looks like we're going to try a racetrack next using one of the new cars coming out. If you want to play
I suggest a change of tactics. This is a friendly and open contest, its not about gamesmanship. And dude dont
even try to defend yourself. It was obvious on post #3 and its obvious now.

btw, im not mad or anything. im just saying knock it off already.
I know i haven't posted anything, i simply haven't had the time, i'm working on them right now as we speak. I'll be uploading 2nd and 3rd Split times from both cars. I'll link them here once done.

EDIT: Didn't see that we can upload all 3 Split times now, will be doing that for both cars. Almost done! [03:15]

EDIT 2 : Just wanted to apologize on the late upload, however i have a question, is there a time-frame in which we have to get this submitted by? Because if there is, my eyes have failed me yet again. That and it feels a bit frantic on getting these lap times posted in as if it was some sort of school/college assignment haha, but i suppose it gets the blood pumping on where the competition lies :)
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If you guys prefer Full Laps, let me know and i can do that for you when ever i'm available

McLaren 12C | 1st Split | 1:00.088

McLaren 12C | 2nd Split | 1:01.166

McLaren 12C | 3rd Split | 1:03.176

Mazzanti Evantra | 1st Split | 0:59.156

Mazzanti Evantra | 2nd Split | 1:00.998

Mazzanti Evantra | 3rd Split | 1:02.744

I know i haven't posted anything, i simply haven't had the time, i'm working on them right now as we speak. I'll be uploading 2nd and 3rd Split times from both cars. I'll link them here once done.

EDIT: Didn't see that we can upload all 3 Split times now, will be doing that for both cars. Almost done! [03:15]

EDIT 2 : Just wanted to apologize on the late upload, however i have a question, is there a time-frame in which we have to get this submitted by? Because if there is, my eyes have failed me yet again. That and it feels a bit frantic on getting these lap times posted in as if it was some sort of school/college assignment haha, but i suppose it gets the blood pumping on where the competition lies :)
That's a late night Ozzy!! Thx for posting. To be honest we are, if you will excuse the pun, racing through these challenges a little!! Poor old Centura didn't even have a chance to post anything for these two. Maybe we should set some kind of time frame???
Maybe we should set some kind of time frame???

Well at Sinclair the purpose was entriely different.. it was going to last about as long as it took Mcpartyman
or myself to make the Top 3 (more or less). Neither of us was expert at Sinclair before we started. Once
that happened (I was ahead of Centuras WR for 2 splits), I was ready to stick a fork in it. Also, we were trying to help others. Centura wrote a massive excellent track guide on the Sinclair thread.

At Munnar the purpose was to make AND POST split times. Now, silly me, I didnt realize it would turn
into the Ozzy and Moto54 show. I made a post about changing the rules for that reason (its somewhere at the bottom of page one on this thread). And I changed the wording of the thread starter as well.

For the next track we should clarify everything. You know what my goal is? Its for the fast guys to
make good times right away, and then post replays of them soon, and continue on like that until there
is no more cow-bone dust in the dirt (sorry- only Mcpartyman will understand that one.)
The time frame can be whatever.. the longer we assault a place the more we will destroy the Global
Leaderboard there. Its simple math. Especially with YOU buggers.

Later today I will try to formalize what Ozzy just posted. He deserves it, and that was the intention of
this going in. Ozzy's Mazzanti time will be #1 as long as the grass is green and the sky is blue. So thats
the time frame for that one.

Whats next? Well Ozzy should pick either one or two of the new cars coming out tomorrow (?), and
I will pick a track. Its no secret. Most likely one of those at the end of the India list.. Tamar Nadu?
Nadu Tamil? Curry Tamari? you get the idea. Id love to see Wdreamsmaycome involved, so speak up
if youre allergic to the track. And Centura should roll with us too, obviously.

Alright. You know where I stand :) I'll make the changes here later today. Good going--
Well at Sinclair the purpose was entriely different.. it was going to last about as long as it took Mcpartyman
or myself to make the Top 3 (more or less). Neither of us was expert at Sinclair before we started. Once
that happened (I was ahead of Centuras WR for 2 splits), I was ready to stick a fork in it. Also, we were trying to help others. Centura wrote a massive excellent track guide on the Sinclair thread.

At Munnar the purpose was to make AND POST split times. Now, silly me, I didnt realize it would turn
into the Ozzy and Moto54 show. I made a post about changing the rules for that reason (its somewhere at the bottom of page one on this thread). And I changed the wording of the thread starter as well.

For the next track we should clarify everything. You know what my goal is? Its for the fast guys to
make good times right away, and then post replays of them soon, and continue on like that until there
is no more cow-bone dust in the dirt (sorry- only Mcpartyman will understand that one.)
The time frame can be whatever.. the longer we assault a place the more we will destroy the Global
Leaderboard there. Its simple math. Especially with YOU buggers.

Later today I will try to formalize what Ozzy just posted. He deserves it, and that was the intention of
this going in. Ozzy's Mazzanti time will be #1 as long as the grass is green and the sky is blue. So thats
the time frame for that one.

Whats next? Well Ozzy should pick either one or two of the new cars coming out tomorrow (?), and
I will pick a track. Its no secret. Most likely one of those at the end of the India list.. Tamar Nadu?
Nadu Tamil? Curry Tamari? you get the idea. Id love to see Wdreamsmaycome involved, so speak up
if youre allergic to the track. And Centura should roll with us too, obviously.

Alright. You know where I stand :) I'll make the changes here later today. Good going--
Excellent Moto, at least we will all be virgins in the new cars. Tamal Nadu are good circuits and in fact all three are very different despite emanating from the same place. In my days of pure speed with the one one I have one track I am 0.5 off the WR and another 0.3 off, so hopefully I can live with you guys for once!!!
Whats next? Well Ozzy should pick either one or two of the new cars coming out tomorrow (?), and
I will pick a track. Its no secret. Most likely one of those at the end of the India list.. Tamar Nadu?
Nadu Tamil? Curry Tamari? you get the idea. Id love to see Wdreamsmaycome involved, so speak up
if youre allergic to the track. And Centura should roll with us too, obviously.

Alright. You know where I stand :) I'll make the changes here later today. Good going--

I've learned. I'll most likely pick the Nissan's if anything, but if i can't pick two of the same manufacturer, it'll most likely be the Nissan GT-R and Corvette Z06. This time i'll upload my splits as soon as i'm done recording the time :) 👍
I'll most likely pick the Nissan's if anything, but if i can't pick two of the same manufacturer, it'll most likely be the Nissan GT-R and Corvette Z06. This time i'll upload my splits as soon as i'm done recording the time.

I made some changes to the thread starting post showing your splits/aggregate time, and pointed people to
post #49 to see your replays. Went ahead and posted a new thread for the damage we're about to do at
our Indian track. Its fine to pick 2 cars. Probably more fun. In my case fun equals just about anything
with four wheels that is not called Mazzanti.

replays: its not as if we're locked into setting one best time. i'll probably go through 4 or 5 replays in
one car before we're through. good luck and have fun at tamil nadu!
I made some changes to the thread starting post showing your splits/aggregate time, and pointed people to
post #49 to see your replays. Went ahead and posted a new thread for the damage we're about to do at
our Indian track. Its fine to pick 2 cars. Probably more fun. In my case fun equals just about anything
with four wheels that is not called Mazzanti.

replays: its not as if we're locked into setting one best time. i'll probably go through 4 or 5 replays in
one car before we're through. good luck and have fun at tamil nadu!
The Mazzanti is relatively harmless alongside the atom I got a world number two with today. God forbid we ever do a challenge with that!!!!