America - The Official Thread

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More trouble for the president.

Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Federal Prosecutors
Probe looking into whether committee misspent funds and top donors gave money in exchange for access to the administration

Looks like cohen does have tales to tell

And then there is this

The US Senate has voted to withdraw US military aid for Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen and to blame the kingdom's crown prince for the murder of a journalist.

The historic vote is the first time any chamber of US Congress has agreed to pull US forces from a military engagement under the War Powers Act.

For all intents and purposes, the United States has been at war against Yemen since 2015 and that wasn't authorised by Congress. It seems weird for Congress to put a stop to a war it wasn't consulted on and didn't approve in the first place.

But it is a monumental step regardless. USA-KSA relations should be quite the spectacle over the coming months and years.
So it seems the phenomenon of bomb threats took an interesting turn today, with dozens, even hundreds, of threats being emailed to businesses across North America, demanding a bitcoin payment in exchange for not blowing up the bomb(s). Everything from office buildings to elementary schools were targeted with these emails. I don’t think anyone sent money, and no bombs were found, but thousands of people’s time, and dollars worth of resources were wasted. Talk about taking a scam to the next level.
A floor at a DC appeals court was closed off to media for a secret hearing today. Lots of speculation but the running theory is that Trump's team has secretly been appealing a Mueller subpoena from October.
Mick Mulvaney will be replacing John Kelly as chief of staff.

My reaction:


I have no specific reason for that reaction, but that's it. I'm pretty sure he's the only one remotely in Trump's orbit that actually agreed to do it. I think he'll last less than 6 months.
For all intents and purposes, the United States has been at war against Yemen since 2015 and that wasn't authorised by Congress. It seems weird for Congress to put a stop to a war it wasn't consulted on and didn't approve in the first place.

But it is a monumental step regardless. USA-KSA relations should be quite the spectacle over the coming months and years.

At this stage, the gesture by the Senate is merely symbolic, lacking the force of law. But you are right - it's been a long time since Congress stepped up to its Constitutional responsibility to vote upon and authorize any wars of choice the Executive may wish to prosecute. Finally they have found some self-respect; I applaud and encourage them to keep up the pressure on this or any President attempting to exceed his proper authority.
A final deal to provide Department of Veterans Affairs benefits to thousands of veterans who served off the coast during the Vietnam War failed in the Senate on Monday night with only days remaining in the 115th Congress.

The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act would extend eligibility for disability compensation and health care to "Blue Water" Navy veterans -- service members who were aboard aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and other ships, some of whom have fought for years to prove they were exposed to Agent Orange. The dioxin-laden herbicide has been found to cause respiratory cancers, Parkinson's disease and heart disease, as well as other conditions.

Talk about hypocrasy , dont kneel or you are disrepecting the military , but if you served and inhaled agent orange to bad .
Hemp is now a legal agricultural product in the US. Some of you probably know it's a unique breed of sativa which allows differentiation based on its lack of THC. The plant has a high CBD content which is a huge market right now, and the plant itself can be processed to do things similar to cotton and corn, while being considerably less resource-intensive than either. It would probably become popular over time in areas with limited water access like out west. Plus, farmers growing corn purely for fuel purposes may switch to hemp and CBD sales (because E85 is a stupid idea anyway).
Hemp is now a legal agricultural product in the US. Some of you probably know it's a unique breed of sativa which allows differentiation based on its lack of THC. The plant has a high CBD content which is a huge market right now, and the plant itself can be processed to do things similar to cotton and corn, while being considerably less resource-intensive than either. It would probably become popular over time in areas with limited water access like out west. Plus, farmers growing corn purely for fuel purposes may switch to hemp and CBD sales (because E85 is a stupid idea anyway).
Potentially, this may be the most significant legislation in the past 100 years, the opportunities for industrial hemp being almost endless.
Meanwhile *Crickets*

These pseudo "news" channels on youtube, I only watch shows like these occasionally as entertainment and not as a source of news. I suggest to do the same. There are many on the left too and never can I take them seriously. These channels take bias to the extreme (left and right) and are not a healthy source for any news.

Clearly fake news! The Clintons can do no wrong! Just ask CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, etc...

Add Fox news to that list:

This clearly is a case of fake news.
This is a compilation of snippets. Without context you cant just claim that it is Fake news.

Not if someone is presenting information as facts. These are snippets from the same people, the same subject on the same 1 channel by the way. Your link, however showed snippets from a lot of different random sources spread over multiple networks. So dont compare apples to peaches dear sir.

I see what you did there, but you can watch Shep debunk Uranium one uncut here:

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Pardon my cynicism at the resurgence of the Uranium One story (didn't we cover that in some detail about a year ago?) with a big picture of Lockerupclinton with a caption saying "The Real Russia Scandal!" at this present time in Trump's administration. Even the caption references some other Russian scandal that might have otherwise made the news? If Trump's media defence is to simply point out other alleged criminals then... yeah.
Not if someone is presenting information as facts. These are snippets from the same people, the same subject on the same 1 channel by the way. Your link, however showed snippets from a lot of different random sources spread over multiple networks. So dont compare apples to peaches dear sir.

I see what you did there, but you can watch Shep debunk Uranium one uncut here:

It's still a series snippets presented without context.
"Snippets"? LOL. Feel free to watch the full length clips.

The "context"? I'll help you out on that one: the context is making up **** about the Clintons to influence the American voting public. When even Fox News anchors explain how it's all made-up **** ... you can be pretty sure it IS made-up ****.
The media on both sides said it's incorrect! The media must be right! I've learned not to trust a word from either side. I like to sit back and wait for court rulings now.

One would think after a certain point he would realize he may be the problem.
Or maybe he's actually draining the swamp. ;)
You gotta hire them to fire them. ;)
No, you don't.


We're no where near the America everyone cried would happen.
Please elaborate.
The media on both sides said it's incorrect! The media must be right! I've learned not to trust a word from either side. I like to sit back and wait for court rulings now.

Or maybe he's actually draining the swamp. ;)

Rynzo: do you really believe this? There's always been corruption in Washington of one kind or another, but this President has surrounded himself with swamp creatures. His own swampiness doesn't come from exposure to the political climate in the capital, it comes from his fundamental character going back decades. Can you really not see that?
Rynzo: do you really believe this? There's always been corruption in Washington of one kind or another, but this President has surrounded himself with swamp creatures. His own swampiness doesn't come from exposure to the political climate in the capital, it comes from his fundamental character going back decades. Can you really not see that?
Is the "Ryzno:" intended to suggest that @ryzno is saying this or to indicate the target audience?