Any chance diversity is effecting development?

  • Thread starter ctdc67
United States
United States
There has been some good games and many disappointments lately. Could the cause be from the development team or consumers high expectations…..
Any chance diversity is effecting development?
Game development isn't really a diverse place, so if you mean the lack of it, probably. You don't want everyone with the same viewpoint looking at a problem, especially design related issues. Execution is the easy part, usually.

While I haven't ran into the displeasure of a situation like this yet, finding the root causes of some bugs in large projects can be notoriously difficult to do. They may not always be addressed by the time the deadline comes around.

I always point towards the triple constraint when looking for reasons that a game may not come out the best. You can also say that consumers have high-expectations of the developers that - for whatever reason related to those constraints - might not always be possible for them to achieve.

It can be self-inflicted, such as when they over-promise on quality/features and cut them back without warning to consumers. Problems can also appear from simply allowing the consumers to freely speculate on the end-product for too much.
There’s certainly a Japanese bias in GT7 - whether that’s a good or bad thing depends on your preferences.

I certainly don’t think GT would be as good a games as it is if it’s was made by an American studio, but a European one…. But then I’m European, so that’s my internal bias
I tend to blame shareholders. Here's why most game companies are more concerned about quarterly dividends than putting out good games. If a game is good that is ancillary to profits. I'm not saying that is the only reason that effects development but I do it is definitely a factor
I tend to blame shareholders. Here's why most game companies are more concerned about quarterly dividends than putting out good games. If a game is good that is ancillary to profits. I'm not saying that is the only reason that effects development but I do it is definitely a factor

The games industry has gone the way of the movie industry in a lot of respects
The games are caused by the development team. Your disappointment is caused by your expectations.
Much to discuss about it, but I think the bigger the studio, the more known their game is, the less likely they are to reinvent the wheel.
GT, BF, CoD, whatever. Expectations to these games are generally high, but as it gets more and more difficult to be better than the previous game, so drops the reputation of that game.
"Smaller" companies manage to do the other way round when they have their first huge leaps into the market.
Kena, Stray, basically the most of Supergiant Games. Even though the game are seeing some kind of high expectations they didnt seem to lose face once released.
So definitly the last part is the most important: dissapointment sets in, when your personal expectations are different to how the game is developed, no matter how much money that game then generates for its actual qualities.
In Japan there isn’t any diversity issue’s unless they are promoting women over men. Is that a positive or a negative?