Anyone going to the Chicago Auto Show 2005? (or, Detriot, LA, NYC ect.)

  • Thread starter re1987
This is something I have been doing for the last 3 years. The Chicago one is in Feb. and it only costs about $20 per person (including parking). Every car manufacturer will be their with all of their cars. You can get in most of the cars. Anyway, Chicago is a great place to see in the winter time. Maybe GT4 will be there too.
This is something I have been doing for the last 3 years. The Chicago one is in Feb. and it only costs about $20 per person (including parking). Every car manufacturer will be their with all of their cars. You can get in most of the cars. Anyway, Chicago is a great place to see in the winter time. Maybe GT4 will be there too.

I have been going to the one in New York since 1996 (every April). But by the time the auto show comes out in where I am, GT4 will *hopefully* already be released.
I'm going to the one in New York on my birthday in March! I should have GT4 by then, if not, they should have some kind of GT4 demo freebie. When I went to it last year, that's where I got the 2004 Toyota demo. YAY FREEBIES! :dopey:
My wife and I are planning on going to the NY auto show in March. I'm thinking since it is only a few days after the US release of GT4 (if that ever happens) there may be some GT4 promo stuff there. Eitherway it will be my first time ant an autoshow...looking forward to it.
To those going to the one in New York, we might run into each other and not even realize it! That's how packed the NYIAS is especially on opening day.
I'll be at NAIAS in Detroit for the fourth year in a week or so. I used to go to NY since I live just outside the city, but Detroit blows it out of the water so I don't make it a priority anymore. I'm pumped for the first car event of the year I'll be going to with the Sno*Drift Rally to follow at the end of January.

What I'm also psyched for along with the public debut of the C6 Z06 are the debuts of the 575 Superamerica and F430 since I have passes to go on the stand and see them up close and personal thanks to a friend who will be flying in from Manhattan for the show.
Im In Chicago, and I drive to Detroit every year. It blows away the Chicago show. I rememeber they had GT3 before it came out one year. It was sick.
I live about an hour and a half from detroit so you know where i'll be in a week or so :) Can't wait

edit: yes, the NAIAS in Detroit is the biggest and best auto show in NA easily, and probably the world
What I'm also psyched for along with the public debut of the C6 Z06 are the debuts of the 575 Superamerica and F430 since I have passes to go on the stand and see them up close and personal thanks to a friend who will be flying in from Manhattan for the show.

Lucky you! Any chance of an extra ticket?! :lol:
Yes, the one in Detroit is the most spectacular of all of them. They spend the most money on that one. I still go to the Chicago one because I love Chicago.
Yes, the one in Detroit is the most spectacular of all of them. They spend the most money on that one. I still go to the Chicago one because I love Chicago.

How much is admission, if you can remember. Last year I think it was $11 per ticket in NY.
Lucky you! Any chance of an extra ticket?! :lol:
Nope, I can't even get my friends from college on the list. He is only allowed one guest. We are gonna try to get them in but I don't have much hope for it. They can be pains about it. I went to the private showing of the Maserati Quattroporte in NYC last fall and they turned some people away because whoever they went with did not have them on the list.
Me, my dad, my friend and his dad have been going for the last 4 years. Its only an hour train ride into chicago for us, then like a 15 minute taxi or bus ride into McCormick Place. Thats not spelled right. But ya the show is awsome. Last year most GM booths had simulators of their new cars, then when you are done they give you a cd rom for your computer, and its the same game as the one you played in the simulator. Very cool. I got a Jeep offroad game, a chrysler 300C racing game, a toyota information disk, and a dodge pickup game where you hitch things up to your truck and haul them accross town and launch boats and park trailers and stuff. I hope they have some GT4 demos as well this year. I would be so happy because I havent played any GT4 demo at all.
I'm going to the Chicago Auto Show for the 4th year in a row. Now I have a decent digicam and a 256MB SD card so I can take a lot of pictures. We might even go as a field trip with the school, but if we don't, I'll go with some of my carnut friends. 👍 We'll have over 2GB of camera space! :D 👍
It's a lot of fun the first few years, but after a while it gets boring. I haven't gone in a few years. There should be a lot of new stuff to see, but I don't plan on going. The LA car show is pretty huge. Perhaps too huge.
I missed the auto show in DC, I was really pissed. Anyone go, I wanna know what I missed aside from ****ty celebraties
The Toronto show has got better since my first year, and it had a lot of the recent introductions from last year (the Maser Q-porte, Ferrari 612, Mustang, and C6). Since I'm now living in the city, I'll probably buy the pass to get me in throughout the week so I don't miss any special unveilings or anything. It's nice to go, and hopefully my camera doesn't die out again.

To keep it on topic; last year there were two instances of GT. Subaru had a simulator up and running, which required a "mandatory donation" (er, okay). Anywho, that thing was pretty fun, although it seemed to be off a GT3 build with the newer Impreza WRC car, that's all. Oh, and automatic only. It was fun and the physics seemed at least slightly improved over regular GT3, since the car *could* actually spin out, which was basically impossible to do to the regular Subaru rally cars, as far as I remember.

Also, the driving school or something had a big screen split-screen GT3 going on, and you could win a wheel (one of the GT ones, although I don't know which). Unfortunately, the races were done on Superspeedway with equal cars. Pffft. I wish I would've won the wheel.

(EDIT) Heh, seems my attempt to stay on topic only proved to be too late.
I'll be going to the Toronto show for the 2nd year in a row. Hopefully by then, i'll have scrounged up enough cash to get a spare battery and a 512 meg card. The best part is that i'll be using my own camera and not my brother's Nikon. The interface on that is really screwy and tough to work with to get any shots to look good.