• Thread starter Jw_wk1010
Step 1: delete every game you own except gts
Step 2: if you start the download after gr4 tonight it might be done by next Friday
Step 3: blame Ryan if you loose
You forgot his favorite game is Paw Patrol though! Can’t delete that one :lol::lol:
NO FREAKING WAY!!! I follow them on Facebook. I’m super jealous!!
I don’t think he was there while I was live based on the time he left the comment. Still crazy. I actually used to do some YouTube for a few years with a fishing channel, had a couple videos get some decent views, but nothing crazy. Now I ain’t even trying and I get a mega star on one. Wtf yo?!? Lol
@Neutty ..... you ain’t gonna believe it...... cause I can’t.....

I have a question for you all. When uploading pictures, I've noticed some upload them with the ability to "click on the picture) to make them larger. How does one do that?
I have a question for you all. When uploading pictures, I've noticed some upload them with the ability to "click on the picture) to make them larger. How does one do that?
I upload from my phone only thing I do is leave it at “actual size” when selecting picture, then I select insert full image.
Howd I know this would make it's way onto the forum :lol:

Jokes aside, well done on your driving last night Nick. I was impressed and you are definitely improving
Thank you sir! Much appreciated....I will be a somewhat regular in that lobby. It was a lot of fun.