ARL Wednesday Nights - Gr4 Championship

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
I'm super bummed that I didn't get to continue racing last night, and honestly a little concerned that whatever happened last night could possibly happen again and I'm not sure what caused it. If anyone can help please chime in here.

This is exactly what happened:
after the wild and crazy turns, heading down the straight away wide open throttle and as I crested top of that hill it felt like I was catching air and the steering went out, but then I left off the throttle but it stayed wide open. Also in attempt to not cause anyone else carnage I tried to hit the PS button (or whatever it is) to ghost and jump out but it wouldn't let me do was like the wheel was totally disconnected, but the little green light on the bottom left was still on. I'm running the Thrustmaster T300RS GT and I have never had this happen to me before, but I do have a couple years of trouble free use so I'm worried about this being my wheel starting to go. I've disconnected the wheel and pedals and reconnected as a hopeful precautionary measure.

So what's everyone's opinion? Was this just a weird glitch or could my wheel be on it's way out?
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I'm super bummed that I didn't get to continue racing last night, and honestly a little concerned that whatever happened last night could possibly happen again and I'm not sure what caused it. If anyone can help please chime in here.

This is exactly what happened:
after the wild and crazy turns, heading down the straight away wide open throttle and as I crested top of that hill it felt like I was catching air and the steering went out, but then I left off the throttle but it stayed wide open. Also in attempt to not cause anyone else carnage I tried to hit the PS button (or whatever it is) to ghost and jump out but it wouldn't let me do was like the wheel was totally disconnected, but the little green light on the bottom left was still on. I'm running the Thrustmaster T300RS GT and I have never had this happen to me before, but I do have a couple years of trouble free use so I'm worried about this being my wheel starting to go. I've disconnected the wheel and pedals and reconnected as a hopeful precautionary measure.

So what's everyone's opinion? Was this just a weird glitch or could my wheel be on it's way out?
Looks like someone should get that new DD from Fanatec. :cheers:
Looks like someone should get that new DD from Fanatec. :cheers:
That may be something I will look into in the future, but honestly I didn't plan on any upgrades until next year!
That and if this is the first time its ever happened…..i wouldn't panic just yet?
Yeah I'm gonna try a few things and go from there. After that happened I restarted everything and joined a lobby and had zero issues, but I didn't stick around for more than a couple of laps. My biggest fear is that this happens again when I'm around more cars and can't do anything to avoid carnage.....
This happened to me twice when I first got my Fanatec, but after a firmware update it never happened again

Try this
Thrustmaster Disconnect
Wow, why didn't I stay up to date with this! When I get home from work I'll be updating. I remember when I first got this wheel I had to update as it wasn't working properly out of the box, and the update fixed it immediately. Thanks for the reminder on this.