B(est) and Q(uickest) Championship.

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Is Grid Legends the free game also for PS4? Will D/L tonight and test it out 👍
I presume it's the same for both consoles, there's a version for each anyway. It's cross gen multiplayer enabled as well with 21 cars (and/or AI). You've got to make an EA account though.

It drops you straight into a very quick race where you might have to use the controller. Once that's finished I'd suggest opting for career mode just to access the options, making it easier to set up your wheel.

Don't expect too much, treat it as a bit of fun. 😉
The FFB might feel a bit odd at first but I've been tweaking it.
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I won't (expect too much). Bought the original Grid for PS3 (it was called Race Driver: Grid) expecting it to be a successor to the Toca Race Driver Series (it was after all a Codemasters game) and because of this expectation I was VERY disapointed, so much so that I never bought any other title with "Grid" on it.

In fact, towards the end of the PS3 playing era I was not playing at all, the Gran Turismo games had become boring and no title offered me incentive to play. It also coincided with the era when I got into hillclimb racing with my beloved Plus4 and I guess that real-life experience spoiled me. It took Asseto Corsa and Project Cars 2 (both already from the PS4 era) to get me interested in dusting off the playseat again.

So, yeah, a Grid game for free, will see if there's any fun in using it ;)
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will see if there's any fun in using it
There's certainly an interesting selection of vehicles. It goes from the original little Mini up to full size truck racing! And for (sort of) free you can't complain.

Oh and it's got many of those original TOCA cars as well. Volvo estate included.
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Downloaded Grid Legends. Hesitated to do the first two races (they were in Moscow :yuck: ) but since I had to, I pretended to drive under the Ukranian flag. About the game itself, it's what I expected, and the T500 was recognized from the get go. However, the force feedback is completely outdated, I think I had best with GT3 and an old logitech wheel back in 2000. Amazing ...
However, the force feedback is completely outdated,
Hmm, I thought that too, it feels very odd to begin with compared to what we are used to. But now after a bit of tweaking of the various settings it's better I think. I mean it's no ACC/PC2, the underlying physics are simpler, but it's now more enjoyable in the "feels" than it was. I'll have to post up what I've set everything at.
Just a quick (and late) heads up for this evening's filler races...

I'm thinking of running a few 10/15 minute races around Nurb sprint short* using the 4 Touring cars (TC). Use any car but if you win you can't use that car again unless you win in all 4. It's a tester for a possible series. The TCs are fun to throw around.

I think my internet connection is okay now for hosting, it seemed fine recently, but we'll see how it goes.

*Other tracks are possible if we want a change.
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Sounds good, my suggestion is that we do a couple there and end with a 2 lap race in the big one. But whatever we set in "as we go" mode is fine! 👍
Results from Round 7, where I learned that trying to go around a very tight hairpin with a formula-style wheel is no fun.

Race 1


Qualifying for race 3

Race 3


where I learned that trying to go around a very tight hairpin with a formula-style wheel is no fun.
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that. Luckily you've managed to untangle your arms enough so that you could do the scores. 🙂
You've probably got options on the DD, but in game increasing the steering sensitivity setting might help with that problem.

I enjoyed the racing yesterday, even though there were a few absentees it was still quite intense. That's as long as you stayed off the grass.
Agreed, the racing yesterday was close and the fact that it was difficult to keep the car on-track throughout an entire lap meant that everyone had a chance until the line was finally crossed in the last lap.

My quick recap is as follows. Prior to the event, sometime during the weekend raeggee invited me to try this combo. He told me he thought "Stable" was the way to go but I just couldn't hold the car with that one, too much understeer. raeggee was doing fine though, I got trashed for a couple of races. So I decided to switch to "Loose". I kept crashing :dopey: while seeing raeggee just go away in a very controled, smooth drive. But come the last lap something clicked and suddenly I did the FL for that race (not by much, but at least it was a proper lap). So I thought that had to be my setup for monday.And this was my last "practise" race.

Fast forward to monday. Got a bit late but still in time for quali. Chose "Loose" and I didn't do great, but not too bad either. True I had crashes, but so had everyone else. I never truly felt comfortable pushing (every time I tried to push it ended badly) and I surely was unable to fight for position on-track, either I had the track and the optimum racing line to myself or I was totally lost.

And that's exactly how the stars aligned for the last race. Everyone had their own facepalm moment early on (half being the last to suffer from it) so quite unexpectedly I found myself alone out front. And after that all I did was managing the car and my own concentration levels, couldn't go slow, but didn't try to be a hero. And that's how I nursed the car home.

All in all a fun evening! 👍
I will be on holiday on Monday. If someone could capture and post the results I will update the leaderboard.
I will be on holiday on Monday. If someone could capture and post the results I will update the leaderboard.
Good god no! We skipped a week for Mario and I, so I don't see any problem with skipping another to give you a chance to belt the Ferrari around Norfolk (where's @Pantheons when you need him :))

My suggestion for a fill-in is... Spa (why the hell not?) Road B. Enough laps for a fifteen minute race, random grid. Everyone chooses whatever car they want for the first race. Second race, person who came last picks any road B motor, person who came second last picks any road B motor, but can't have the one already chosen. Third last picks any, except the two already taken, etc.

Another fifteen minute race, and repeat the process.

Weather conditions optimised (roughly) for good grip.

All in favour say "Aye!"
Agreed, great racing in all races, and all that (dis)organized ;) system about picking cars was funny but worked very well IMHO!

I'm going to post about the endurance event for this next sunday, will open a thread for it just to make it more visible.
all that (dis)organized ;) system about picking cars was funny but worked very well
There was a system!? 😄

I don't know what it is about Spa but It's not a circuit I'm confident of having a good race at. Sort of 50/50 on Monday.
Don't know what racing we're doing tonight 12/06/ 23.? Perhaps not racing at all .? If the UNICEF soccer match hadn't been on at the same time I probably would have entered.
Well, I don't know how many have had a crack at Sakkito on ice, but it's a little more tricky than I had recalled. T/C might be advisable for some.

I think that Mario's safe, but where those from second down to sixth will end up is questionable. Very interesting...
where those from second down to sixth will end up is questionable.
In the barrier? :mischievous:

When you say "on ice" do you literally mean on ice - the date set to Xmas day - or do you mean it's snowing? You'll get studded tyres on ice but only wets on snow (I think).
When you say "on ice" do you literally mean on ice - the date set to Xmas day - or do you mean it's snowing? You'll get studded tyres on ice but only wets on snow (I think).
Well, my initial plan was for ice, but I'm not sure where that plan came from. My memory suggested that studded tyres on ice gave the car a benign manner, but my little runs since have not concurred. I'll have a look tonight, and if I can get it running well on a wet track, without aquaplaning, we'll go for that.
If I understood the scoring system correctly, my tally will be added by a minimum of 51 points, to a total of 414, even if I don't take part. Considering that a perfect score by Zolon (64) will give him a final score of 402, I guess I'm safe, yes ;)

@Zolon32 's minimum score to be added is 46, so even if he doesn't take part, his final score will be 384. That's 59 points clear of raeggee, meaning that for Zolon to lose 2nd place he would have to score less than 46 with raeggee scoring more than 59. A tall order, I guess Zo is safe too.

After this is when things get interesting:

Raeggee will have a minimum of 44 points added to his tally, moving it up to 369 even if he gets zero.

@half_sourly will have a minimum of 47 points added to his tally, moving it up to 367 even if he gets zero.

@IfAndOr will have a minimum of 40 points added to his tally, moving it up to 355 even if he gets zero.

@richroo will have a minimum of 45 points added to his tally, moving it up to 358 even if he gets zero.

So, I guess half and raeggee are safe from IfandOr and Rich, bu both these pairs have it all to play still.

Fun simulation:

raeggee gets 45 points ----> 370

half gets 50 points ----> 370

IfandOr gets 55 points ----> 370

Richroo gets 57 points ----> 370

Yes, I'm bored :D
Nice analysis Mario. Whatever the results, I think that Paul's intervention has led us to an excellent finale.

Sorry I didn't get the testing done sooner...

Anyway, it seems like, racing on 28th January, midday. Two weather slots, first snow, then clear skies, will give us ace conditions, with grip changing throughout, and not too much in the way of aquaplaning.

I can't wait!
Sorry @Zolon32, I meant to ask this previously so that you could have answered it in your last post.
Are we talking the GP layout of Sakitto, not one of the variations? I think it'll be the full version but I thought I'd best check.

Okay snowy rather than icy. I'll get the pit crew to turn the tyre heaters up a notch. 👍
It's the full monty Paul. A decider in a series as important as this simply has to be on the GP circuit. Anyway, that's where I've practised :)
Well done to @Hun200kmh 🥇
And fellow podium-ers @Zolon32🥈 and @half_sourly🥉

Knowing everyone's styles really does help with close racing and as a result yesterday's racing was quite intense. We'll have to do that again. 😉

I hope your knee gets better soon @richroo 🦵👍
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Thanks @IfAndOr ! I really enjoyed this B&Q championship, as ever you guys - in this case @Zolon32 - manage to come up with new and interesting ideas and how to implement them well. This time the most interesting new aspects were the inclusion of a pure "time attack" session and also the consequence of it being a reverse grid for the longer race. Well thought by the (dis)organizer ;) in chief, even better experienced by us all.

Also the fact that one could miss out on a race or 2 without losing touch with the "battle" for classification honors was nice, funny thing is that for the first time EVER (I think) I didn't miss any of the weekly events (of course that happened because we "paused" the event a few times due to announced absences, and I benefitted from that)

Shout out to raegeee, he drove some excellent races in this event, earning a well deserved 3rd place in the table before this last race, but real-life issues he had/has to contend with meant he couldnt be with us, or defend his position, for the final round. Same with @richroo, I wish you both get everything sorted and return to racing with us asap. 👍

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