B-Spec is infinitely broken, not fun, and isn't racing

  • Thread starter Conquerer
Yes your right in the fact that every race you do A-spec is also in B-spec,but are you forgetting the License tests and the Special events?.they make up a good part of the game also.

I understand your Frustration with B-spec when having a low lvl driver,I didnt just jump from lvl 0 to lvl 30.I had to work at it and sometimes felt like my driver would Prefer to get out of the car and walk rather than win the dam race,he made lots of mistakes and I didnt help matters by thinking he just needed more power,although its a smart idea to give him some help in the engine departmemt.

I am not trying to change your mind on the B-spec element of the game,I Personally would like the Ability to keep front tyres and only change rear tyres on some cars,but thats not to be so I just get on and enjoy what I can do.

For anyone who is on the low lvl B-spec at the moment and feeling like its broken or flawed in some way,I can tell you I felt the same way,but stick at it and it will reward you,its not meant to be easy.

Ok, last post about this topic:
-> its not an accurate simulation of running a racing team, in a series that calls itself a simulator thats not a good thing.
-> No way am I going to sit and watch a game play itself (badly) when I can be driving the cars for myself.
-> You can't even pause it. In a mode where races are 4-8 laps long at the start thats a fatal flaw.

I'm happy some people like B-Spec, really I am, but its not for me.
I'm not being negative, I genuinely don't care about this mode and just pointing out my experience with it. I'm just amazed that its in the game in its current form, you can't even pause it and its over simplified and impossible at the same time.

Its not an accurate simulation of managing a race team (unless managing a race team is telling your driver 1 of 4 things), you can't monitor accurately how your driver is improving (surely if its meant to be a simulation you would work on your drivers weaknesses on a test track before a race, not in the race itself?). If I have to give my driver over powered cars for him to win races then whats the point in leveling up at all?
For a series of games that prides itself on its realism, B-Spec in its current form has no place in the GT series. Its only function is to artificially extend the length of the game.

Not being able to pause is a bummer in my opinion.

However, you can monitor how your driver is improving. The bars tell you. The longer it is, the faster and more resilient your driver.
If we were given the option to work on driver weaknesses on a test track, I am sure there would be moaning as well. ('oh so boring training up bob')

I would prefer just grinding for cash to improve my drivers than doing that.

Finally, GT is called the Real Driving Simulator as BMW is the Ultimate Driving Machine. Not all BMW models are fun to drive. We have got to separate the marketing from what it really is, a game.

Games will never be totally realistic, as you would never expect to wind an 88C-V for a few laps of Indy and Daytona.

B-spec is not totally hopeless, just need some patience (only in the beginning) and then it becomes easy.
I don't play it anymore, but I've played it enough to have an opinion on it, and as this is a thread discussing the negatives of B-Spec, so I'll provide my opinion on it, thank you very much. As for not getting it to "work", there seems to quite a few people with the same intellectual deficiency as me. Its true that no one is pointing a gun at me and forcing me to play, same way no one is pointing a gun at you forcing you to defend an obviously ill thought out, flawed and pointless game mode.

Of course, since you think so, then it's "obviously" true?

Some people certanly have an overly high opinion of themselves. This thread is highly amusing, though. The amount of complete nonsense in it makes Benny Hill look boring.
you're proving my points for me.
4 commands is the minimum and its all we got!
Also, "Every single race you can do in bspec, you can do in aspec", which you think about it, means its half the game!
Look, I gave up on B-Spec, I refuse to go through the frustration of watching my level 7 driver constantly forgetting how to steer a car every time he gets slightly flustered. As for people saying that the drivers get better after level 20, thats like saying that getting kicked in the groin gets less painful after the 20th time it happens, it might be true but I don't really want to find out.
I suppose you didn't think about it very much then. Did you forget about all the special events, driving tests and online racing?

B-Spec is a part of the game and in career mode it has the same number of events as A-Spec but it is not 1/2 the game.

B-Spec is fine. It is not really exciting but it is something else to do and you do get some nice rewards for it. It requires more input from you than GT4 did but still not very much unless that is what you want. I find that I can give Bob an equal car and direct him to a win or I can give him a superior car and leave him to do all the work. Either way I get a win. If I want to watch the race then i will give him an equal car or even a bit weaker at high levels and direct him throughout the race for the win and If I do not want to watch then I'll just stick him in the FGT or something and go watch tv, go to work or go to bed.
Of course, since you think so, then it's "obviously" true?

Some people certanly have an overly high opinion of themselves. This thread is highly amusing, though. The amount of complete nonsense in it makes Benny Hill look boring.

If removing the pause function isn't indicative of this mode having problems I don't know what is. If people want to use b-spec to grind for money then good luck to them,personally thats not what I bought gt5 to do. As for all the nonsense, no one has presented a single counter argument to the flaws myself and other posters have listed about b-spec, apart from telling us we're stupid and playing it incorrectly. I'm done talking about it, if you guys enjoy it I'm happy for you
That's common sense, and that's what I'm doing. Idiot just doesn't know how to pass some cars. Then finally when he does if he ever does they just disappear behind him, showing how sad it is how long it took to get by. I find it very hard to believe you haven't had any problems with B-spec... You have no problems with your driver braking on straightaways and not knowing how to pass other cars?

It's not the one directing him who's the moron... You really seem to be defending the way these guys drive. And I'm not even talking about the NASCAR series. I'm not even close to that. I'm talking about the majority of the harder events from levels 1-10, especially ones like the Nostalgia Supercar. It doesn't matter how smart you are with your button pushing; your driver is just such an idiot that he doesn't understand how to pass.

No its not the driver bro its you. If i put you in a 1000hp veyron and said drive it fast without totaling it in race with other drivers that are better than you how would you do? Your B spec driver is an amateur. Slow cars are his friends up until lv 12 or so when he just start kicking some ***. And o stop trying to be in first on the first lap give him till about lap 3. And let him drive his own pace unless you see him getting hung up behind a car then you can give him instructions to pass and when hes in the lead watch him on the last lap because he will get lazy and start to let his opponents catch up to him. So if this don't help you just fire your B spec guy and hire one with better stats Because some B spec drivers have better skills than others, like my second B spec driver had the same stats at lv1 as my lv5 driver so look through the personalities. That's all i can offer to you to ease the B spec pain
I've only put up with the torture of B spec because of the cars it wins. All of these boneheads drive the same I don't care what the stats are.

On the other hand they just got to level 30 and that got me to the Vettel Challenge, which got me the X-1.

And op, you are absolutely correct in that GT4 had the B spec thing nailed. I have no idea why they fixed something that wasn't broken.

Agree 100%
RedSi, I don't know why you're so personally invested in this, but you really seem to have blinded yourself. My Bob is on the cooler side, starting temperament was about 1/3 of the way from cool to hot.

1. Bob runs just as good at full strength/mental strength as he does at empty bars. Don't bother trying to explain how realistic this is because I've gotten through 4 endurance races and I've only created one Bob.

2. He doesn't drive realistically, and although he has gotten better as his levels increased (in terms of smoothness, less errors), mine still does a lot of the same stupid stuff at level 32.

3. The overtake button does nothing. If he can overtake (according to his AI programming), then he will, whether I tell him to or not. I've seen him make some amazing passes that were exciting to watch, but without my input. When I tell him to overtake, he doesn't get any more aggressive in his attempts, he drives just the same way he always had. I'm not expecting him to dive into another car and ram them out of the way, or to leap across grass, but in real racing, when you decide to overtake, you have to do it aggressively sometimes, especially in corners. I've never seen late braking out of this guy.

4. When he's not fast, he's SLOOOOOW. In real racing, cooled off and bringing your pace down usually means don't do anything stupid/don't be risky/don't be cocky. In this game, as soon as he gets into the blue, he acts like he's getting groceries, and will allow the others to pass him with ease. A racer would only drive like this if there were mechanical failure or some other huge risk. No driver would say, "I haven't heard anything from my coach in a while, he must want me to relax and let the others pass me." Because of this utter stupidity, he can't hold a position unless he's warm or hot. In this case, telling him to slow down or maintain his pace is almost useless, strategically. Even when he has a vastly more capable car, you have to sit there and babysit him to keep him from going into cruise mode.

5. He doesn't block, ever. Even if a lot of us use it more dastardly than we would in real life, it IS a real racing technique. He generally follows his line, but he doesn't hold his position.

Everyone else has used the example of braking at the finish line, and braking at Daytona corners (Lift? Maybe. Brake? No.). I'd like to add another example here: braking coming out of a corner. Run Bob at Cote and watch him in the hairpins. He will be PAST the midway point, his car will be sitting on the apex, and he'll be pointed directly at the far side of the straight ahead (the ideal point of corner exit), and he brakes. The historic car cup would have been so much easier if not for this. Didn't matter what cars were around him, he would brake at the ideal moment he should be getting back on the gas.
you're proving my points for me.
4 commands is the minimum and its all we got!
Also, "Every single race you can do in bspec, you can do in aspec", which you think about it, means its half the game!
Look, I gave up on B-Spec, I refuse to go through the frustration of watching my level 7 driver constantly forgetting how to steer a car every time he gets slightly flustered. As for people saying that the drivers get better after level 20, thats like saying that getting kicked in the groin gets less painful after the 20th time it happens, it might be true but I don't really want to find out.

You know what people hate? People that complain about something with no suggestions on how to improve it.

So you think there should be more commands - I can't think of a single reason to have more than the four either, so then what should they be? You hate B-Spec, we get it, you really hate it - so what would you do to improve it?
-> No way am I going to sit and watch a game play itself (badly) when I can be driving the cars for myself.
-> You can't even pause it. In a mode where races are 4-8 laps long at the start thats a fatal flaw.

Who says you have to sit there and watch it? I just think those of you who despise B-Spec so much are approaching it wrong. Taking into account the exp system which PD implemented in this game, I think they added B-Spec in its current form mainly as an alternative to grinding A-Spec for those of us who don't want to have to repeat endurance races for days just to reach some of the higher levels.

The commands are unnecessary and sitting down and directing your driver is neither required nor fun. I don't see this as being the purpose of B-Spec mode. If you don't feel like grinding the same races repeatedly to level and still want to make progress towards level 30, 35, etc. then B-Spec is awesome. If you're monitoring and directing your driver and expecting to have fun doing it, then no you're not going to enjoy B-Spec.

I've done all of the A-Spec races up to endurance, I don't enjoy races which take hours against joke competition yet I still want to level so that's where B-Spec comes in. I have 4 drivers levels 29-33 and a Formula GT, all I do is set them up with an endurance race every few hours and go do other things. I love B-Spec for this, the AI does the mindless grinding for me. If you enjoy grinding the same A-Spec races to level then to each his own, but personally I'm very happy B-Spec is in the game.
se mode.

5. He doesn't block, ever. Even if a lot of us use it more dastardly than we would in real life, it IS a real racing technique. He generally follows his line, but he doesn't hold his position.

This needs to be a command. BLOCK!

So many times he has the lead on the last lap, but lets the AI come up right behind him and lets them pass. No matter what i told him to do, i.e Pace Up. Maybe he gets better, but his blocking sucks. A Block command would of helped.
Who says you have to sit there and watch it? I just think those of you who despise B-Spec so much are approaching it wrong. Taking into account the exp system which PD implemented in this game, I think they added B-Spec in its current form mainly as an alternative to grinding A-Spec for those of us who don't want to have to repeat endurance races for days just to reach some of the higher levels.

The commands are unnecessary and sitting down and directing your driver is neither required nor fun. I don't see this as being the purpose of B-Spec mode. If you don't feel like grinding the same races repeatedly to level and still want to make progress towards level 30, 35, etc. then B-Spec is awesome. If you're monitoring and directing your driver and expecting to have fun doing it, then no you're not going to enjoy B-Spec.

I've done all of the A-Spec races up to endurance, I don't enjoy races which take hours against joke competition yet I still want to level so that's where B-Spec comes in. I have 4 drivers levels 29-33 and a Formula GT, all I do is set them up with an endurance race every few hours and go do other things. I love B-Spec for this, the AI does the mindless grinding for me. If you enjoy grinding the same A-Spec races to level then to each his own, but personally I'm very happy B-Spec is in the game.

This is actually in contrast to those defending it, who say it's up to the manager's skill, and it's not about blowing the competition away, and you have to know precisely when to enter commands, blah blah blah. You can't pause, so they obviously expect you to walk away from it, but on the other hand, you have to give it a vastly overqualified car, or else you CAN'T walk away from it. That right there should be enough to prove how flawed it is.

I've used it simply because I can progress in the game while I'm busy with other things, like sleeping.
This is actually in contrast to those defending it, who say it's up to the manager's skill, and it's not about blowing the competition away, and you have to know precisely when to enter commands, blah blah blah. You can't pause, so they obviously expect you to walk away from it, but on the other hand, you have to give it a vastly overqualified car, or else you CAN'T walk away from it. That right there should be enough to prove how flawed it is.

I've used it simply because I can progress in the game while I'm busy with other things, like sleeping.

I'm not defending it in the sense that I think you can sit there and direct and expect a realistic racing experience while enjoying yourself. I'm defending its purpose in the context of the overall game, and I find it very useful for what I feel the developers intended it for.

It's not necessarily true that you have to give them a vastly overpowered car either. I finished the Formula GT and NASCAR series without issuing a single command, and won almost every race with the exception of 2nd on one race in each series. Tuning is far more important than directing your driver, if you can get your tuning setup right you can leave him to it and he'll do fine.
I've found that keeping the "tempreature" meter at or slightly above center results in the smoothest most consistent driving (and best lap times) from my driver.

I chose a driver with a cool temperament and it helps me tremendously when it comes to the more hectic moments. My take on it is that if you keep him bang on the center mark, he'll drive to the best of his abilities (the green bars on the attributes page), and the cars performance
He started slow, but once i figured all in the red is BAD he's progressed in leaps and bounds. he's level 16 now I think. Choosing what kind of driver you want is a big part of it I think. I chose reliably cool rather than erratic and fast.
Of course a good car is always a help.. last night my driver won the last of the Professional races (World championship?), pretty much unattended, in the Furai (love that car). Even when i fell asleep and let him drop to cold on the bar.. he was still lapping consistently faster than the others.

In fact in the last race (5 laps at Suzuka?) I fell asleep and woke up to find he'd just won the championship with all golds. Yay free Zonda R :)
In the 2 lap nurburgring race, he lapped a little faster than I can.
RedSi, I don't know why you're so personally invested in this, but you really seem to have blinded yourself. My Bob is on the cooler side, starting temperament was about 1/3 of the way from cool to hot.

1. Bob runs just as good at full strength/mental strength as he does at empty bars. Don't bother trying to explain how realistic this is because I've gotten through 4 endurance races and I've only created one Bob.

2. He doesn't drive realistically, and although he has gotten better as his levels increased (in terms of smoothness, less errors), mine still does a lot of the same stupid stuff at level 32.

3. The overtake button does nothing. If he can overtake (according to his AI programming), then he will, whether I tell him to or not. I've seen him make some amazing passes that were exciting to watch, but without my input. When I tell him to overtake, he doesn't get any more aggressive in his attempts, he drives just the same way he always had. I'm not expecting him to dive into another car and ram them out of the way, or to leap across grass, but in real racing, when you decide to overtake, you have to do it aggressively sometimes, especially in corners. I've never seen late braking out of this guy.

4. When he's not fast, he's SLOOOOOW. In real racing, cooled off and bringing your pace down usually means don't do anything stupid/don't be risky/don't be cocky. In this game, as soon as he gets into the blue, he acts like he's getting groceries, and will allow the others to pass him with ease. A racer would only drive like this if there were mechanical failure or some other huge risk. No driver would say, "I haven't heard anything from my coach in a while, he must want me to relax and let the others pass me." Because of this utter stupidity, he can't hold a position unless he's warm or hot. In this case, telling him to slow down or maintain his pace is almost useless, strategically. Even when he has a vastly more capable car, you have to sit there and babysit him to keep him from going into cruise mode.

5. He doesn't block, ever. Even if a lot of us use it more dastardly than we would in real life, it IS a real racing technique. He generally follows his line, but he doesn't hold his position.

Everyone else has used the example of braking at the finish line, and braking at Daytona corners (Lift? Maybe. Brake? No.). I'd like to add another example here: braking coming out of a corner. Run Bob at Cote and watch him in the hairpins. He will be PAST the midway point, his car will be sitting on the apex, and he'll be pointed directly at the far side of the straight ahead (the ideal point of corner exit), and he brakes. The historic car cup would have been so much easier if not for this. Didn't matter what cars were around him, he would brake at the ideal moment he should be getting back on the gas.

1. This is not universally true in my experience. Again I ask, is your driver battling for position or just lapping cars in this state?

2. Your b-spec driver is an AI driver not a human. He can follow a line more consistently than most humans. Is this what you mean by not realistic?

3. This is not true at all. The overtake button will get an aggressive response when used in the correct situations and no response at all otherwise. It is true that they will attempt to overtake other cars when they are pushing without additional prompting from you, but this does not mean the overtake command is useless. It will get them by cars that they otherwise would have stayed behind without it. If you want to see more aggressive overtaking, you are going to need a driver with a hot personality. The differences in overtaking lines can be quite substantial. No, they will never do the sort of kamikaze dive passes we do in golding S licenses, but they will cut in underneath another driver to pass if that's what is needed. Remember, the AI's overtaking abilities are drastically different than a human's.

4. Yes, they will drive epically slow if you let them get all the way left. It seems this is designed to discourage running b-spec and walking away. Sure you can still win unattended with the right car, but the design philosophy of b-spec seems to be that it wants you in attendance for the race.

5. No, they don't take blocking lines. They will also happily slide over in front of a car they just passed to allow that car to catch up with a draft. The AI has 0 defensive capabilities basically.

Most of your complaints seem to be about the AI, not the b-spec mode. The AI has problem areas and you are tasked with interfacing with it in this mode. That can be frustrating at times, but you just have to learn to manage around these difficulties. You can either work to set up the car perfectly and push in the appropriate spots or just give them something way faster than the competition. If the latter is how you enjoy b-spec, that is certainly acceptable in my book. It doesn't mean the mode is broken though.
You know what people hate? People that complain about something with no suggestions on how to improve it.

So you think there should be more commands - I can't think of a single reason to have more than the four either, so then what should they be? You hate B-Spec, we get it, you really hate it - so what would you do to improve it?

Off the top of my head, ways to improve B-Spec:
1) let me pause it
2) let me fast forward it
3) give us a command to tell driver to block other drivers i.e drive defensively
4) give us a command to tell the driver to harass the car in front i.e pressure them into making a mistake
5) give us a test track where we can work on the drivers basic skills i.e over taking, cornering etc
6) give us the ability to cancel commands immediately if they are not working

I could go on and on, there's a ton of obvious ways it could be improved
I'll sum up my argument for this mode being awful and having no place in GT with a story:
Last night I was playing the Nostalgia Super Cars cup, driving a Lambo Countach (1974 i think?). I'd never driven the car and lost the first race, I came in 3rd. I went back and did it again. This time everything clicked, I was on fire. Controlling the back end of the car, drifting it around corners, I won the race. During it I had a smile on my face, this is what GT is about. Its as close as most of us will ever get to owning ridiculous cars and driving them at their limits, it makes all of us feel like experts and really care about cars we've only ever seen rendered on our tv screen, it makes us feel, even if its only for a second or two, just as long as it takes to get the a car perfectly around a corner that you always have trouble with, that we're one of the great drivers, a Schumacher or a Senna.
Can any of you defending B-Spec say you felt the same thrill while playing it? If your honest, you'll say no, and thats the reason B-Spec has no place in GT.
^Only thrills I've had in B-spec have been the same kind I get watching a race, last corner passes, close finishes, etc. I'd really rather just watch a real race, or even watch someone else play GT via GT TV. No, B-spec is not engaging, to put it simply.

1. This is not universally true in my experience. Again I ask, is your driver battling for position or just lapping cars in this state?

Both. I can come back after walking away and push a strengthless Bob back into first by selecting the "don't drive like an old lady" option over and over.

2. Your b-spec driver is an AI driver not a human. He can follow a line more consistently than most humans. Is this what you mean by not realistic?

Poor avoidance of other cars primarily, braking at completely unnecessary times, following the leader instead of taking another lane, and the typical AI stuff where a car suddenly becomes unrecognized in certain positions. Lots of people have been pushed for long distances because the computer doesn't know the car is touching them.

3. This is not true at all. The overtake button will get an aggressive response when used in the correct situations and no response at all otherwise. It is true that they will attempt to overtake other cars when they are pushing without additional prompting from you, but this does not mean the overtake command is useless. It will get them by cars that they otherwise would have stayed behind without it. If you want to see more aggressive overtaking, you are going to need a driver with a hot personality. The differences in overtaking lines can be quite substantial. No, they will never do the sort of kamikaze dive passes we do in golding S licenses, but they will cut in underneath another driver to pass if that's what is needed. Remember, the AI's overtaking abilities are drastically different than a human's.

I've seen some aggressive, opportunistic overtaking done entirely on the computer's volition, and I've seen easy chances missed when I give the command. I've seen enough of both of those cases to convince me that I can't have an effect on him. If my car is approaching a corner with another car that it's closing in on, and I tell him to overtake, you think he would make an attempt to brake a bit later and take the inside line. He doesn't. He simply doesn't when he should and can.

4. Yes, they will drive epically slow if you let them get all the way left. It seems this is designed to discourage running b-spec and walking away. Sure you can still win unattended with the right car, but the design philosophy of b-spec seems to be that it wants you in attendance for the race.

First of all, checking my pulse isn't gameplay, and I'll firmly opine that if that was their intent, it's simply flawed logic. If all it takes to win is not straying too far from the "go" button (and that's all it takes most of the time), then B-Spec is no different from slot car racing.

Secondly, the fact that they included races ranging from 15 minutes all the way to 24 hours and offer no pause option tells me that they expect you to take off and let Bob go it alone. Not to mention the fact that Bob is perfectly capable at zero strength, and he can pit on his own good judgement. Some really confusing design choices...

5. No, they don't take blocking lines. They will also happily slide over in front of a car they just passed to allow that car to catch up with a draft. The AI has 0 defensive capabilities basically.

Yep. The AI will move into my way to follow their line, but not to block me. They will not move out of my way if I'm going much faster than them and have clearly "won" a corner or straight. This does happen in real racing, if you didn't know. What this boils down to is, if you're not in front of them, then you don't exist to them. Big time flaw, and I've yet to see it disproven.

Most of your complaints seem to be about the AI, not the b-spec mode. The AI has problem areas and you are tasked with interfacing with it in this mode. That can be frustrating at times, but you just have to learn to manage around these difficulties. You can either work to set up the car perfectly and push in the appropriate spots or just give them something way faster than the competition. If the latter is how you enjoy b-spec, that is certainly acceptable in my book. It doesn't mean the mode is broken though.

The B spec is almost entirely AI, so the complaints apply to both. I don't enjoy overpowering the other cars, it's just the only way I can get past them. An evenly matched or slightly stronger car will get left in the dust in Bob's hands. B-Spec could be more fun if I had more of an affect on the race, but it's still no comparison to driving by myself, so I think it should be truly optional (Ala GT4), not half of the game. In its current state, I don't think it offers hardly anything for gameplay, as I feel more like a cheerleader than a radioed race coach. It offers as much fun as watching my friend race, except my friend kinda sucks. To me, that's broken.

Thanks for being able to respond and offer an opinion respectfully.
The only problem I have with it is having to aquire certain cars for races which means waiting for second hand or leveling a spec etc. That part is a real shltty thing to do to us. 90% of the actual racing sucks as its rarely even too.
This thread was a fun read, people on both sides. It's funny to me because if people are actually having their drivers win races in comparable cars and others are having trouble, then I have to guess that it comes down to the temperament and skill of your driver and your management along with car setup.

I just started B spec for the first time and I use a comparable car in the first race which I chose was Tsukuba in the Hachi Roku and my driver was a little hot head. He won that race with no problem, I never had to tell him to increase pace because he was hot headed to begin with, he drove the wheels off that car from jump. Then I went to Grand Valley, oh boy this guy really needs some attention because he gets aggravated really quickly and tends to get sideways coming out of that tunnel leading back to the start/finish line. Spun the car every time too, took 7th place, then I moved onto Autumn Ring mini, he took 7th there. It's not like he couldn't win but I had to pace him down often because well he would try too hard to pass and burn the tires on corners. Took 7th in that race too. So I headed back to Grand Valley with the same car, didn't have to push him once, he drove, broke the tires loose on one lap and basically walked away with a victory. Headed back to Autumn Ring mini and had to watch him closely because one of the AI had a more powerful car, but he got caught early on with traffic by the 4th lap he was closing in on my driver who was leading, I had to tell my driver to pace down as he was getting frustrated this guy was tailing him, that course is small so there aren't many over taking advantages to be had. He took the win and is about to be level 4 I think. He doesn't seem stupid, just tentative at times and a real hot head that overcooks tires at times. So far it's fun for me I'm at level 22 myself and saw this as an opportunity to gain some extra cash quickly and so far it's funny to watch when he spins the car.

This mode is definitely not for people with little patience, it shows with your care taken for keeping him in control of his vehicle. I haven't tuned the car he drives yet and he can win using it, so try to build on what it takes to keep him consistent. Trial and error is how to do it, you need patience to make headway through B Spec mode. Impatience will net you frustration. But it can't be completely bad if others are basically getting good results from their experience, so maybe you need to check yourself and how you attacked the mode to begin with.
^When you start, you have to tell him to cool down for corners he can't handle if he is "in heat." Once you get past level 12 or so, he isn't so prone to mistakes, and he's actually faster when he's hot. It's not as in depth as you think, they just suck less as you progress. Baby them for a few levels, then let them run free after a while.

Example: I'm running the Formula GT challenge now. My driver is level 33 (again, only driver), of course everyone has the same car (cannot be upgraded), and he laps each driver at least once without me pressing a single button. Setting the controller down for 45 minutes at a time (this is a long championship...) is what I'm calling a "broken" game mode.
Reading the Apex book that came with the S.E. box the other night, there was a chapter about racing psychology. Tailgating was one tactic, for instance, whereas the driver is supposed to hang on close to the guy in front and wait for him to lose his temper, thus making a mistake.
There were other types too and I remember getting quite a lot explained to me, in regards of Bobs behaviour. They are trying to implement some real racing moves into the a.i.
That said, I enjoy it to some extent - working hard irl means I can still play, while not being sharp and alert enought to drive myself. Plus there are some seriously great moments to be had provided you give him a good car and can direct him well.

As an old-time gt'er imo the a.i.'s always drove a little too clean before, didn't play GT4 that much tho. In GT5 b-spec imo they make mistakes, lose their temper but can win in a dramatic manner through risky moves aswell.

Just my two cents.
I can't understand this mode at all. The frustration involved with it is so extreme. My drivers aren't even racing. They're just driving with a bunch of other cars on the track. He has the inside line? Doesn't matter, he'll let the car he's actually ahead of through. Chance to pass? No, he'll brake early. Passing on a straightaway? Nah, he'll have a look and then drive back into the rear of the car or just brake instead of trying to pass.

And the best are ovals... Yes, brake on Daytona repeatedly and watch your opponents go past you... Makes a lot of sense. And when he's 75% or more into the red he makes the exact same mistakes at each corner every single time... ramming the throttle before he's even at the apex. Nice to see he's learning anything at all.

It's such a shame. The idea of this mode is great, but it's just so so so so so so so extremely poorly implemented. I can't even believe it's possible for a team to allow it to be this bad. My drivers are up to around level 10 and there's still no improvement whatsoever. I win races handedly in bone stock cars but even when I give them 300HP+ over the competition they still pathetically manage to not even come close to winning in some races.

It's so just unbelievable. B-Spec was fine in GT4.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pace speeds and an overtake button. Perfect. Oh, and your driver actually wasn't a retard with no concept of racing or competition within him. He actually raced at the pace you told him to, did it consistently, and drove like a regular driver would. In GT5 there is no such thing. This is not racing at all....

I mean seriously, am I out of line here? Please tell me how some of you have the capacity to do this... Is there anyone that disagrees with what I've said? I'd really like to hear what some of the people who are enjoying this mode have to say.
Pd half-assed every aspect of this game except 200 or so cars, the graphics, (sort of) and physics.
Don't sound so surprised.
Well, I've been messing around with B-spec and frankly find it no fun for many of the reasons given.

Unless they fix, I probably won't bother to mess with it further. Even my teenage son said it was "stupid broken". I'm not sure how long he played around with it, but he wasn't happy....a lot of....why can't I block? Why can't I do practice laps? Why is my driver an idiot? Why can't I....etc. etc. etc.

When GT5 shines....it really shines. At other times it's like they polished it with a turd and brick.
I do agree with some of you guys, he does drive like hes in kindergarten at times.

If he gets slidey with the cars i give him, I have a few 4wd cars that he drives (Acura Dn-x, r32 gt-r, etc) and sometimes i have to adjust the car to his driving style since the b-spec driver doesnt have the same intelligence that the older one did.

Basically, PD asked for too much with too little to work with.

EDIT: Yay I'm a senior member now:sly:
B-Spec is a decent game mode IMO. Its not perfect (like many things in GT5), but somehow I like it a bit more than GT4's B-Spec. My driver is at Level 8 now, with a temperament slightly above the middle. He doesn't overtake when I tell him to, and he can't really win without a significant car advantage, but he generally keeps his nose clean and doesn't crash very much.

Also I think the races can be interesting, even if he isn't winning. For instance I tried the Miata race with a Eunos Roadster with sports hard tyres and some small power upgrades. C. Mueller dropped back at the start to last (12th). I knew at that point he couldn't win, but I wanted to gain some positions somehow. So I told him to drive at only 75-80% for the first six laps to conserve his strength, then to go flat out the rest of the way. He managed to pass four cars and finished 8th. :)
-> You can't even pause it. In a mode where races are 4-8 laps long at the start thats a fatal flaw.

You're a funny bloke. Are the races too long for you or are they too short? Why would you want to pause a short race and why would you want to make a long race longer by pausing?

I don't hear Christian Horner complaining about 2 hour GPs.

"Hold it! I need a leak, can everyone on the track just stop for one minute while I take a slash?! I'll be right back, I promise!"

The problem with B-Spec is that it's not really optional if you want some of the best cars in the game without having to save up for them. A lot of the best prize cars are won in B-spec. As such you sort of feel compelled to do it. I know that winning the Zonda R and the Citroen race car were major incentives for me.

In terms of actually doing B-spec; I hate it. It's not fun nursing a moronic driver around the track for races that are generally much longer than their A-spec counterparts and pay less money. If you could just set a pace and then walk away and leave the rest up to the driver, it wouldn't be so bad but unfortunately your driver needs to be reminded at least once every 30 seconds to actually step on the pedal. It's frighteningly annoying.

Sometimes your driver will perform mind boggling feats of stupidity. On at least 5 occasions my driver has spun out on the last lap (often last corner) of a race and cost me the win. After spending 10-15 frustrating minutes begging him to actually drive, words cannot explain the feeling of watching him do that. I won't even get into his performance in the truck race.

This game could have been close to a perfect 10 if they had just balanced it better to remove the tedium.
I'm not sure why everyone is having so much trouble with B-spec, I'm already at the endurance events and havent had any major problems. the worst part about it is that the races are much longer than the A spec events and dont give as much xp as the A spec ones. all you have to do is give your driver a superior car and he will win, end of discussion. Just stick with one driver all the way through the extreme series of events then create 3 more for the endurance races and have them race the 60 laps of grand valley and they will all get the same amount of xp for winning i.e. the other 3 drivers will rank up to around level 16 for just one race, then do it again and they are all above level 20. the only downside to B spec is that it is very time consuming, but the cars you get along the way make up for the lack of money you receive for doing the events, and also if you get it all the way up to level 35 you get an x1 for it