B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
PSN ID: Blue2moro

Add me quoting B-Spec if you're a regular hoster. I run Yonis widget overnight 2-3 nights a week (thats 40-60 races per week), as well as odd races here & there, on reciprocate so if you do add me you're more likely to get raced yourself if you run my Bobs! :P
Just to tell everyone who's adding me/ thinking of doing so, I am not doing many races lately because I want to play some of the DLC some more, but I will get back to it shortly.
6 drivers shared at PSN: mfbmike
I do most of my remote b-speccing from PSN: mikebellr32

None of my real life friends have their b-spec drivers shared so I need drivers to remote b-spec with. lol. Add both. :)

Got a few friend requests to my secondary account. Thanks for the adds. Already using some of you guys drivers using the b-spec grinder. 👍

Could you please race my drivers? PSN: Spike338
I'm currently struggling with credits problem :)

I honestly say that I probably won't be able to host more than 10 races a week, but I will try.
Also, if you race my drivers frequently, you mind find a nice paint chip or a car from time to time :)

Add me at bmoe24x. Anybody who gets me money is subject to at least one prize (a paint or a random car) *money=more than 30k credits.
I have 4 drivers online, lvls 32 31 32 25

I also do about 5-10 remote races a day! So if you use mind I'll use yours ;)

PSN: DaNoob187

Mention B-spec or you'll be denied!
Hi! My level ~37 b-spec bobs are waiting for you! I've got the widget so I'll put your bobs racing also!

Add me PSN: Jouni17 and mention b-spec thank you!!!
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PSN; pmrtn
feel free to add me (mention bspec,i wont add randoms)
6 drivers ready to race
grind most nights, use my drivers and i use yours :)
PSN ID: dds-Leonardo

I do not use the widget because my account country isn't supported, but I host a minimum of 8 races per day. I add random racers with reciprocating priority.

You can add whenever you like.
