Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Anyone with decent audio is going to hear you running up on them.

This. I was playing some TDM the other day on Rogue Transmission (ugh) and someone managed to get up top the highest tower. I spent most of the game sniping him off there but he had a spawn beacon. While looking up I heard some guy rush me from the side and jumped back, his knife swipe missed and then I pulled my pistol and dumped him. The rage he must have felt.
I have decent audio, decent enough that I've been accused of aimbotting because I've been able to whip around and kill a guy who was going for my tags on several occasions, so I know you have to crouch to stay quiet! The biggest difficulties I have are with squad mates spawning on me as I reach the guy, his squad spawning on him and hit boxes meaning I sometimes can't quite get the right angle when they're prone (which they almost always are).

I'm assuming this means they're soon dumping support for BF4 and won't even bother fixing the 🤬 game!

EA, DICE, this is a joke if this is really happening. I'm not even going to bother playing any Battlefield game ever again if you go forward with this.
I'm assuming this means they're soon dumping support for BF4 and won't even bother fixing the 🤬 game!
End Game DLC is only for Oct-Dec. Only CTE user can get a taste of the EG as of now and there's still the big patch coming somewhere this month.
I'm not as negative about BF4 as you are. I had and will still have good times and enjoy the game very much.
I wonder if the railgun and hover tank are a sort of soft test for the Battlefront game they're developing? Maybe the railgun will be hitscan, I can imagine they'll want to test how hitscan stuff works in a Battlefield context if they're going to have laser weapons in Battlefront. I assume there'll be some sort of hovering tank in Battlefront, too. I can't imagine this will live up to the 'oh my god it's BF2142.5!' hype they're probably hoping for, I mean they added a sort-of Titan mode and it wasn't particularly well-received either, but... Who knows.
The only issues I've had lately with the game is when my thumbs don't do what I want them to. :lol:

I've also almost exclusively stuck to Obliteration, except for a warmup match on a 300% Op. Locker. I felt I made a terrible mistake with that decision as I spent nearly half the match chucking grenades through one of the chokepoints, which defeats the purpose of warming up. Then my team pushed the other team back to E so I ran back and forth in the medical room getting enemies at various angles.

I think I did pretty decently considering I joined about 5 minutes into the match.
I'm assuming this means they're soon dumping support for BF4 and won't even bother fixing the 🤬 game!

EA, DICE, this is a joke if this is really happening. I'm not even going to bother playing any Battlefield game ever again if you go forward with this.

DICE Sweden's already dropped support for the game when it released. The DLC and CTE has all been done by DICE LA (AKA Danger Close AKA guys who made Warfighter).
End Game DLC is only for Oct-Dec. Only CTE user can get a taste of the EG as of now and there's still the big patch coming somewhere this month.

Whew, that makes me feel better now, thanks for explaining what will happen with Final Stand.

DICE Sweden's already dropped support for the game when it released. The DLC and CTE has all been done by DICE LA (AKA Danger Close AKA guys who made Warfighter).

That's a shame the main DICE dropped support as soon as the game launched.

Only DICE LA are our only hope for saving BF4 now (not that DICE Stockholm may still help out and assist but not as major work as I thought would happen).
DICE LA was in charge of Multiplayer, which is why they continued to work on the game. DICE Sweden is currently working on Mirror's Edge and Star Wars Battlefront entries.
I'm assuming this means they're soon dumping support for BF4 and won't even bother fixing the 🤬 game!

EA, DICE, this is a joke if this is really happening. I'm not even going to bother playing any Battlefield game ever again if you go forward with this.

What's so bad about it? This is seriously the best game I've ever played to play with my friends :) Got home yesterday at 11.30 pm and played with my buddy till ~ 4.20 pm. Time just flew by, didn't get me a drink, nothing. I even had a small headache of being so focussed on the telly.

Until GTA V comes out for the PS4 of course....
So no new weapons in final stand?? :( Much dissapoint. With the punchline of experimental weapons and all that, I was hoping for some really intresting new weapons. Oh well to many in BF4 now I suppose anyway.
What's so bad about it? This is seriously the best game I've ever played to play with my friends :) Got home yesterday at 11.30 pm and played with my buddy till ~ 4.20 pm. Time just flew by, didn't get me a drink, nothing. I even had a small headache of being so focussed on the telly.

Until GTA V comes out for the PS4 of course....

Before you get carried away, I love the game.

From personal experience, I haven't run into anything that didn't ruin the game for me at all. I was just purely stating all the above posts from the perspective of most players.
I think I've finaly retired from BF4, Since reaching the lvl cap and recent releases of Destiny and Fifa I can't remember the last time I played it. Sadly what happened in BF3 occurred in BF4 aswell, When I reach the lvl cap I lose most interest in playing it (which is weird as I never consiously played just to level up) Still, For all its troubles BF4 was one if not the best gaming experiences I have had. Can't grumble with over 430 hours of entertainment :)

I'll give it a go when Final stand drops but I doubt it will draw me back in as much anymore. I was planning on getting back into it when the patch comes but I think I'll just wait for the FS DLC now.
I tried to play some BF4 today but it was impossible trying to kill people today because my bullets rarely registered. I used everything from Guns to grenades to the RPG/SRAW, nothing would work. I even hit guys directly with a SRAW from 30 meters only to have them turn around and kill me with 73 health left. I hope the fall patch fixes everything so I can return to Battlefield.

I'm guessing this Tuesday is the patch.
Just installed the patch, came in a heavy 1.16GB, still waiting for Battlelog to come up and update, so I can test if this game is finally fixed and in a playable state.
I've had the chance to customize my screen in an empty server already, just will have to make some more little tweaks in a full server I think.
Looks better already with less things on my screen.
I'll be on BF4 and a bit of The Crew Bèta this evening.
I don't see what options are there to customize the HUD, although I did turn Battlelog in-game off.
Would that matter though? Isnt it through the game, and not battle log?

IIRC, it was just in the settings menu, but I forgot which section :(

I'm so stuck on Destiny right now that I dont think I'll even get to try it out anytime soon. Also with Forza Horizon 2 out as well..

Did they also update when aiming down the sights? do bullets actually follow the reticule now?