Battlefield V ( November 20,2018 )

  • Thread starter GTFan24

Here’s a quick summary at what’s included in the beta and how you can be an early part of a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Keep close tabs on the Battlefield News page this week for a more detailed rundown of all that’s contained in the Battlefield V Open Beta.

When Can You Start?
The Beta opens to the public on September 6 and runs for a limited time. So, tell your friends to wake you up when September begins.

Pre-load load starts on September 3, at 8:00 UTC.

How Do I Get in Early?
If you subscribe to either EA Access, Origin Access, Origin Access Premier, or pre-order a copy of Battlefield V today on PC, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4, you’ll get early access to the Open Beta starting September 4.

What Multiplayer Maps and Modes Can I Play?
Players can jump into the up 64-player Conquest mode on the Rotterdam map, set in the embattled Holland city, or the Arctic Fjord map, set in icy Narvik, Norway. In Conquest, you must battle for control of key locations on a massive multiplayer map, using the new Fortifications, towable weaponry, and Squad Reinforcements system.

Two “days” of Grand Operations are also available to players in the Open Beta. In this modular narrative experience inspired by historical events, each day is represented by a round of play, and player actions have a direct impact on the next round. Up to 64 players can deploy in the Airborne and Breakthrough modes on the Arctic Fjord map.

A Quick Ride on the Tides of War
A preview of the Tides of War — the ever-evolving journey through WW2 featuring a new narrative every few months — also awaits players in September. Each chapter of Tides of War is designed to focus on an aspect of the era, with unique gameplay experiences to drive players forward.

A five-part Tides of War chapter will be part of the Open Beta. Players who complete the chapter will earn an exclusive in-game Dog Tag in Battlefield V at launch.
I’m really looking forward to this! Even better that all the misogynists will be boycotting so it’ll be a better experience :)

I love BF1, still play it pretty much every day
Tried it, Enjoyed it. Looked great and the movement didn't feel as clunky/awkward as I thought after watching videos and streams. Only tried Narvik so far, Looking forward to trying Rotterdam later. Especcially considering the squad play issue has been fixed. Only problem is my sensitivity slowed way down with ADS and I couldn't find the menu option to fix change it, I'll have another look later.
Tried it, Enjoyed it. Looked great and the movement didn't feel as clunky/awkward as I thought after watching videos and streams. Only tried Narvik so far, Looking forward to trying Rotterdam later. Especcially considering the squad play issue has been fixed. Only problem is my sensitivity slowed way down with ADS and I couldn't find the menu option to fix change it, I'll have another look later.
How does it compare to BF1?
How does it compare to BF1?

It's feels inherently similar but with the removal of 3D spotting and the Doritos above players heads it plays a lot more like Hardcore just with a HUD. This feeling is only increased with a really fast TTK. Too fast in my opinion. After the initial honeymoon period of the game parts of it do worry and annoy me.

  • TTK is way too fast. They changed it from Alpha 2. Be prepared for a lot of Instadeaths.
  • Players tend to camouflage into their surroundings way too much, You will get killed be people in your field of view a lot that you cant physically see (and by campers taking advantage of this even more so)
  • Nerfed spotting makes the point above even worse.
  • Can't unlock guns and customisation in a match, only on main menu.
  • Menus are overly complicated.
  • Still can't get my settings right to be comfortable. Would think it would take as much as copying my BF1 settings but no. Something feels off
On the plus side however...
  • Graphics, Effects and lighting are great to be expected. Great performance on Standard PS4 with FOV set at 90.
  • Sound... It's a DICE game so it's great (directional audio is a bit off though, Hopefully that can be fixed)
  • Attrition isn't as intrusive and annoying as I'd thought it would be, The health and ammo stations are spread around the map liberally so there's always an ammo and health drop close by.
  • Gun customisation is fantastic, Great to see after the removal of it in BF1 with the introduction of the variant system. So much things to unlock like different sights, Stocks, grips, receivers and muzzle attachments. None of these effect the performance of the gun also which is good.
  • Each gun is upgradable with kind of a skilltree type of arrangement, Things such as Less horizontal or vertical recoil, Faster muzzle velocity and countless others. Things to work towards and unlock which is always nice.
So yeah, there's things a like and things be I really dont like, And after my Initial optimism I'm not as sold as I first was.
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Enjoying it so far. Rotterdam is a great map from what I've seen so far. I think the light to dark transfers are a luttle too much and possibly what is throwing people off. Sound direction needs to be looked at as it seems there's no Y-axis for it, only horizontal, from what I can tell.

Gameplay is going to take a bit to get used to. Loaded into my very first round on the snowy map, and immediately hit the spot button! :lol:

Attrition isn't doing a whole lot for me at the moment. Don't like the feeling of having to go grab ammo as soon as I spawn in, but we'll see how that goes. Bolt action gameplay feels really rewarding once again. Haven't had that since BF4.
Enjoying it so far. Rotterdam is a great map from what I've seen so far. I think the light to dark transfers are a luttle too much and possibly what is throwing people off. Sound direction needs to be looked at as it seems there's no Y-axis for it, only horizontal, from what I can tell.

Gameplay is going to take a bit to get used to. Loaded into my very first round on the snowy map, and immediately hit the spot button! :lol:

Attrition isn't doing a whole lot for me at the moment. Don't like the feeling of having to go grab ammo as soon as I spawn in, but we'll see how that goes. Bolt action gameplay feels really rewarding once again. Haven't had that since BF4.

Meanwhile, I've been the opposite. I've found that it's really weird, and it's not in the way that adjusting to Battlefield usually is for me.

I was under the thought that Rotterdam was an incredibly poor map from the two games I played on it, mainly because it felt like a COD map where you didn't feel at all like there was 32 v. 32, more like 12 v. 12. I think a lot of it comes down to the sound direction you mentioned, because i could definitely hear stuff going on around me, but it was almost deathly quiet going forward. It's not like in BF1, where in some maps it feels like literal war, walls of sound all around you. I don't know if it's a deliberate choice in terms of sound, or a glitch, but it certainly doesn't feel right.

Haven't had a chance to play on Narvik yet.

Also, the loss of 3D spotting blows huge chunks. It also pretty much kills being any sort of decent team player without a mic, considering you can't spam the spot button and point out tanks, vehicles, and snipers lurking from miles away.
So far, it's great. It runs pretty nicely on low settings on a laptop with a 1050Ti. The only thing that's difficult for me to get used to is the limited ammo. I run out so quickly
Hard pass for me. At least for now.

Movement feels very clunky, graphics are underwhelming and visually confusing (as in being very hard to spot enemies due to the enormous amount of bloom), the UI is a mess (the revive icon is almost impossible to see), the menus are cumbersome to navigate, and I didn't like the performance on the standard PS4 model.

Coming from Siege, it's hard to adjust to another FPS game, tbh.
According to your source they were down 1.2% at the time of writing (not a plunge and the article calls it 'a bit'). They're up now so it looks like no story?

I'm not sure what the point of the video was - lots of things aren't working properly in the beta (rhymes with beater, not raider :D ) which the devs seem to have acknowledged.

It's the typical far right scare-mongering that they've been trying to do since Battlefield V's cover was shown. Just looking at the title of the video is enough to tell me that the point of the video is to fire up the far right outrage machine.
According to your source they were down 1.2% at the time of writing (not a plunge and the article calls it 'a bit'). They're up now so it looks like no story?

I'm not sure what the point of the video was - lots of things aren't working properly in the beta (rhymes with beater, not raider :D ) which the devs seem to have acknowledged.
Some other articles stated different price drops. Still a dip in share price is never good for the executives.
Some other articles stated different price drops. Still a dip in share price is never good for the executives.

I just looked at the actual share price - as they probably did and all the other articles too. Shares change throughout a day and it's very hard to tie anything to a particular reason unless there's a very dramatic change. And there wasn't even really a change.
Played a little bit of the Beta on XB1 and I thought it was alright. Feels quite similar to BF1 with a few notable improvements. Main thing I didn't like was how you can only spot an area now and not specific players/vehicles. Seems like it could be a pretty good game but I'll probably hold off on buying it for at least a month or two after release.
I quite like how the spotting mechanic was revised. Wasn't a huge fan of lighting up like a christmas tree every time someone saw me in previous battlefield games. The new system takes a bit of getting used to, but I feel like it opens up a lot more options and keeps you on your toes.
I have been really enjoying the Beta so far. There is plenty of refinement needed before release, but being a Beta we should expect this.

The two biggest issues for me currently are sound direction and environmental hitboxes.

In terms of sound, the guns sound terrific as they always do in Battlefield. My issue is it is very difficult to tell which direction it is coming from. Footsteps need to be increased a little too as an enemy running is too low.

I am having trouble with hitboxes on environmental assets. There have been many situations on both mayors where I am hiding behind a pile of rubble, a car or a broken wall while firing at enemies and my rounds are hitting an invisible wall surrounding these objects. It can be frustrating and is not what I am used to in Battlefield.

I am not a fan of the weapon upgrades either add there seems to be no downside to an upgrade. I have always liked finding that balance between power, controllability etc.

The two maps we have are both great fun and offer a nice contrast between the more CQC focused Rotterdam and the expanse of Narvik.

I am having a strange bug where I can no longer deploy as a sniper. It has been like that since Saturday evening.

Apparently I'm uneducated because I want more historical accuracy in this game. So **** EA, I will not be buying it. They have been screwing up this series since BF4 anyway.
Its a very good game and I'm going to get it for sure, but my least favorite battlefield so far (Ranking BF3>BF1>BF4). Might change my decision when the official release comes out. I dont know, it didnt feel too hectic or crazy when playing like the others, but I've heard they're changing more towards their roots (earlier battlefield games before BF3) with this release so maybe thats why?

One thing I dont like is how there is a supply station and medic station at flags. I like relying on my teamates for that stuff.
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How is this game less historically accurate than other games?
To add on to that - Since when have these games been following history books to the T? Seems like an extremely odd thing to be mad at games for all of a sudden, considering we'd be hard pressed to find one.
This will be the first BF game I wouldn't have pre-ordered and purchased at launch since BF2. It's just a mess at the moment and in such bad shape that I'm willing to hold off for at least a month or so or until I'm sure I'll like what I'm going to get.

The thing that worries me is the actual game itself. The lack of 100% authenticity isn't an issue for me. Nor is it the female cover character. The game just has a lot of issues gameplay and mechanics wise that I don't like and it just feels off in a lot of ways. Like a lot of people have been saying they should postpone the game until March - April next year because the extra month they bought themselves won't make much difference.

It's a shame because BF is probably my main game franchise and I look forward to the release of a new game immensely but I just can't get behind this game at all. It goes to show for a huge BF fan to become disillusioned with in the space of one game how much they must have messed up.

This isn't just being unsure of the game before its release or jumping the gun. I've gone through launches of BF games before where I've been unsure of the game, BF4 with its a launch problems and BFH as a whole and I enjoyed those games a lot. This feels different and I will be waiting until i feel the game is worth picking up (or when I snap and just buy it anyway cos it's BF) :)

Either way Forza Horizon 4, Red Dead 2 and FIFA will keep me occupied until that time comes.