Best Game Updates/Revisions?

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The US of A
I had created a thread on the worst game updates over a year ago and was kind of surprised no one had made a thread on this already, so I figured it was only fair we had a topic on this too.

If you have bought any major consoles released in the past 10 years, i'm sure you're familiar with game updates by now and have probably experienced a few yourself. Some updates don't add much, others can potentially make things worse, and then we have some great ones that can really transform the game into something that it never was at launch.

This topic of course ain't just limited to downloadable updates like what I just mentioned, it can also be about revisions of games that came out after the original release. Something that was quite common before downloadable updates became a thing.

So the question is simple, what are the best updates/revisions you have seen in video games before and why do you think so?

If you want to discuss the worst game updates, here is the thread for that.
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Gran turismo 5 version 2.0!

Just when my excitement for that game started to fade they released version 2.00 and I was hooked again for many more months to come.

Gran turismo 5,6 and sport have been the best games when it comes to updates in my opinion.

Cities skylines has also had some great updates and has come a long way since its vanilla launch on ps4.
Burnout Paradise and Driveclub had amazing post launch support. The only racing games that have DLC done right in my opinion.

GT Sport obviously also has great support (for free no less), but the content themselves are not that special since most are updated content from GT5/6.

Don't play non racing games so can't say about those.
What about GTA V? The updates for GTA Online are very intriguing and unique, indeed. Especially for those who have the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions. Cars, heists, clothing, missions, fun activities and many more!
So I made a change to the OP and thread title I felt was necessary and would open up even more discussion:
This topic of course ain't just limited to downloadable updates like what I just mentioned, it can also be about revisions of games that came out after the original release. Something that was quite common before downloadable updates became a thing.
That said, you can now discuss revisions of games released after the game's original release date, something I think fits this thread very well. Things such as when the later releases of Gran Turismo 2 fixed the garage bug that plagued the original release of the game, for instance, you can discuss them here.
The Greatest Hits release of Spyro Year of the Dragon.
For those that don't know, Spyro Year of the Dragon was plagued with various bugs upon its initial release. Bugs such as the wrong music being played in certain levels, some game-breaking glitches that prevent you from ever beating the game, and some others that honestly shouldn't even be there at all. Needless to say, it was a mess, and I suspect it was because the game was rushed. Fortunately, the Greatest Hits release fixes all of this and generally provides the definitive experience it was meant to be from the start with no major problems that I am aware of.

Thankfully, the Greatest Hits release is what I grew up with so I never had to deal with any of the issues that plagued the earlier releases. I feel bad for anyone who played any other version other than this because every other release just wasn't what it should be and strangely, even the PAL Platinum release, which is the latest version, didn't quite get it right either. Sadly, the one you can buy on the PSN Store for PS3 is the original release and not Greatest Hits.