Blu-ray vs. HD DVD Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter a6m5

I'm going with....

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Some people just don't have the money to spend on a Blue Ray, I know if I didn't have the PS3 there is no way I would buy a Blue Ray player...even though it looks really cool.
Money or not buying HD-DVD at this point may very well be a waste. If in a year he can't find movies he might as well have just thrown the money in a garbage can.

Other than a PS3 for the blu ray why would you buy one in the first place??
What's the theme of this site again? That's right, Gran Turismo.

Of course, I also own F1:CE, Resistance, Warhawk, and DiRT.

And then of course I am one of the people who are aware and interested in its multimedia center capabilities. Since college I had been trying to find an affordable solution in PCs and decided it would be easier once I got an HDTV since PCs all look like junk on an SDTV. Then the PS3 came out and did everything I wanted.

So, really a PS3 is what you get out of it. If you just want a gaming console then it isn't your best value right now, unless you like something other than Halo and Gears, which I do. But if you want the best quality/value BD player on the market and/or a great multimedia machine then it is well worth the price.

Despite the fact that I watch more stuff recorded on my PCs DVR capabilities my wife is still convinced I paid $600 for a GT demo.

Paramount seems to be denying this now, but after the Warner Brothers ditching HD DVD format, who knows what might take place next?

One thing's for sure: As soon as Paramount leave the "HD" camp, it's game over for HD DVD, at least in the United States.
I keep seeing off and on stories about Universal. I know the HD-DVD contract ran out but aside from rumors I haven't seen any confirmation for BD yet. If they go multi-format that will be one thing, but if they switch then Paramount will not be able to hold HD-DVD on its own.

To me it seems that Universal could have an opportunity with BD. Vivendi Universal owns ActiBlizzard (I prefer Blizzard Vision) and so they have an opportunity for movie IPs to have a gaming element added to the discs. At least, they have the resources to do it. They could do it Stranglehold style or even just have it as a small add-on special feature to a movie disc. Now, I am not saying they would be good games. Probably the opposite. But giving kids a fun little thing in family films or something would be an idea and something that cannot be done using HD-DVD in its current state. It would definitely do more for kids than a director's commentary ever would.
lol, no... no... when I said buy one I meant buy an hd player like a blu ray or hd dvd player. I HAVE A PS3.
Whoopsie! I knew you had one which is why I took a kind of joking attitude and didn't come at you like you were trolling. You wouldn't have been the first person on this site to get one and then not find a use for it.

Well, in that case, I guess a videophile who is a bit too old for gaming and would rather spend a ton of money for a quality player than own a gaming console. Or want one for all those BD Disney films but you don't want your kids playing video games. I could find a few odd reasons.

It is kind of like my dad buying a CD player when they were a few hundred dollars and looking at the disc the wrong way would make it skip.

Personally, my first DVD player was my PS2 and my first HD player is my PS3. As I pointed out, I use every capability of the systems, so for me they are an incredible deal.
few months ago i was up in Best Buy and they had a tiny bit of an isle for the HD DVD and BLU RAY movies. just yesterday i was in best buy to buy the WITCHER (awesome game) and blu ray movies to my collection.. and now they devoted one isle for Blu Ray and HD DVD still has that small corner...
i guess the blu ray is going to win
You wouldn't have been the first person on this site to get one and then not find a use for it.

I really would if there wasn't a ton of things stopping me. I want to get Heavenly Swords but the prices are insane even used. None of the other games that I want are out yet. Blu Ray watching isn't high on my list right now. If it had a ATSC ota tuner with a PVR I'd so be using that then my pc right now.

:sigh: soon... soon.
I really would if there wasn't a ton of things stopping me. I want to get Heavenly Swords but the prices are insane even used. None of the other games that I want are out yet. Blu Ray watching isn't high on my list right now. If it had a ATSC ota tuner with a PVR I'd so be using that then my pc right now.

:sigh: soon... soon.

You may not like renting, but if you want cheap games for PS3 I have yet to pay more than $30 for anything other than Warhawk, and that was because I wanted the headset.

I use Gamefly. Keep It is my friend. I get the game, play it some, finish it if I like it but not enough to own, or Keep It for $20-$30 if I want to own it. Currently the Keep It price on Heavenly Sword is $32.39. I've been a member for a while now and I get a $5 coupon every 90 days, so I would actually get it for $27.39 with free shipping.

I wish Netflix did that.
i go to store, pay full price and enjoy them and put them in my collection.... movies games.. everything :) i am a collector
Uh... yeah but what's gamefly's membership fee every month? I know it's not that cheap. I don't do monthly fees.
I think it is like $15 or $16. You don't have to be a member to use Gamefly's store, although members get to Keep games not yet for sale as used and an additional 10% of store prices and free shipping.

I can get my monthly fee back in shipping.

I don't see where I can keep the games I like. And they don't have PSP games and movies either.

By saying I wish Netflix would do that I meant the Keep It program.
I get free shipping when I buy things from Gamefly. So, if I buy three games in a month I have made back my monthly fee.

Really, if you factor in my 10% off I may be able to do it with just two games.

EDIT: And I have gotten two free PC games things from them. Granted one was a WoW disc, so I may have been handed a bill, but hey a sports game and WoW for free just for being there is nice.
All there games in the store suck or I have. (looked at ps3 and 360)

I dunno... I feel better about getting used really cheap than to rent and be spending money that goes no where.

💡 We're getting a little off topic so it's cool. Thanks
All there games in the store suck or I have. (looked at ps3 and 360).
They had a big Christmas sale and went out of stock on a lot of stuff that hasn't been replaced yet. Some launch stuff was going for $10-$20 for members.

💡 We're getting a little off topic so it's cool. Thanks
<looks at thread title> :ouch:

Good point.
OMFG that was hi-lar-e-ous!

Wasn't there another video that did the same thing? Dubbed totally irrelevant dialogue on to the same scene?
Yes, it was about Hitler's Xbox Live account.

Hitler Gets Banned (His Ultimate Downfall)

The original movie was a 2004 German movie called Der Untergang (Downfall).

Oh, and one more thing... Constantin Film, the German distributer of the film, has decided to go with Blu-Ray as well. :)

haha wow

thank god i told my bro not to get the HD DVD player, me and him had arguments and discussions about the HD war a while ago, and now I WON !! wooo

one score for me... cough cough, and a billion points for him :( COUGH
To those of you who reside in the States, remember when Toshiba's older HD DVD players went on clearance for $99 at some BestBuys and Walmarts?

I actually tried to get one. At the time, it looked like this "war" was going to drag on a little bit longer, and I'm a huge fan of many Universal Studio films(I don't care for the studio itself, after all this). I'm sooo glad I failed to find one!

Heres a completely unbiased report by the bbc. Its all but confirmed now that Blue-ray has won.

I like the bit were Sony says that uni and paramount are welcome. Its like they're telling them that it must be getting lonely over there with MS and toshiba!
My favorite part of the article:
Kevin Tsujihara, president of Warner Bros Home Entertainment Group, said the decision to back Blu-ray exclusively had been driven by consumers.

He said sales of the studio's movies on Blu-ray were outselling the same title on HD DVD by three to one.
That would do it!
Meh, oh well. I'm glad I still haven't adopted either one yet. My suspicion would be that if the X360 would have shipped with an HD-DVD player, this thing would have went on for a lot longer. That being said, who knows if they would have been able to sell a $500-600 XBOX...

I don't plan on committing to a high-def DVD setup for quite some time. Until the players dip to $99 or I get a PS3 (whatever comes first, probably the PS3), I don't have much of a reason to get one. I will eventually, but I think I can survive with progressive-scan DVDs for now...
Meh, oh well. I'm glad I still haven't adopted either one yet. My suspicion would be that if the X360 would have shipped with an HD-DVD player, this thing would have went on for a lot longer. That being said, who knows if they would have been able to sell a $500-600 XBOX...
I've thought from the very beginning, that Sony sacrificed PS3 sales in order to win the next gen DVD format war. And I think we all agree that before Xbox 360 was released, it was still an underdog. I think Microsoft made the right decision, not to bump up the X360 cost with an HD DVD drive. While I think the move has made X360 a PS2(affordable, great game selection, technologically just a little bit overmatched) of this generation so far, $500-600 price tag would have killed its launch. I don't think enough game publishers would have jumped on the wagon.
I think you're right, and I believe (most) people would agree with you. There were a lot of rumors going into CES 2008 that Microsoft would be placing an HD-DVD drive into the X360, but after the HD-DVD camp canceled their show... Rumors went about that Microsoft was doing the same.

Personally speaking, I just don't see how many people are going to be clamoring for HD content in movies just yet. I still don't know that many people who have HDTVs (I have two, which is odd, and one is used as a computer monitor), and furthermore, those who do, usually don't have progressive scan DVD players etc.

After 2009 I think we'll see things change a bit, but yeah, sad that it had to go down this way. I do feel for the HD-DVD folks who adopted early and ended up getting screwed in the end. Kinda reminds you of Laser Disc...