Bram Turismo's photo album

You seem to have a real talent for B&W, that last set is stunning. I really like the tree shots as I know how difficult they are to get right.
The last boat shot... 👍

Are these straight from the camera B&Ws or did you use software to convert them? The most recent set is excellent.
Thanks Moglet and dougie 👍 The shots were simply desaturated in PS and then I did some level work along with some darkening around the edges 👍

Here's my newest set of images. A week ago it rained heavily towards the evening, and when it stopped, a huge amount of smog fell over the town. Too bad it was so dark though, the Canon really struggles with poor light conditions as noise is all over the images. Uploaded both colour and B&W versions, even though I absolutely adore B&W images. I really hope to get the chance to invest in a decent DSLR camera next year with a good lens 👍 It was so beautiful that evening, and I spotted some animals I never was able to view upon closely before as the whole forest was coming alive.








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I think the colour ones work well here. I guess with the images re-sized, the noise isn't an issue but for your hi-res shots it would be a different story.

These shots work really well in a set. My favorite is the first shot. 👍
Love the shots and to be honest I wouldn't worry to much about the noise. It reminds me of grain from hi-speed film and as such just adds character to the shots, in particular the speed limit B&W shot.


I really like the colour shots here, good call in uploading those too 👍

The colour shots really stand out for me because of the very limited number of different colours which keep the photo simple but interesting.

May I have a the high-res versions of photos 3,5 and 8 for Desktop Wallpaper usage?
Thanks for the positive comments guys, never thought these would be so appreciated 👍

Sweetshopunion. Unfortunately I always save the images over the un-editted ones so I don't have copies and thus no larger resolutions available :(
Great shots Bram, I'm enjoying your gallery 👍

Sweetshopunion. Unfortunately I always save the images over the un-editted ones so I don't have copies and thus no larger resolutions available :(

Oh dear, you need to do something about that, pronto! I always keep unedited versions of every shot I edit just in case I want to do something different with them in future or in case I lose the edit. It'd be such a shame to lose so many hi-res and unedited photos by saving over them all :indiff:
Sweetshopunion. Unfortunately I always save the images over the un-editted ones so I don't have copies and thus no larger resolutions available :(

dude, WHO DOES THAT? seriusly, wtf? I don't even do that with the pictures of the hot wheels I buy and take to show them on the forums. Really, omg...

anyway... the fog set is immense, a high contrast treatment may fit them well.
Those are some nice additions to the gallery, especially the color photo of the sign. The foggy road is quite good too. As Scaff already mentioned, don't worry about the noise. I actually wish camera makers wouldn't be so heavy-handed in their built-in noise reduction because it smudges detail.

Unfortunately I always save the images over the un-editted ones so I don't have copies and thus no larger resolutions available :(

I cringed after reading that. :boggled:
The Norwegian Coast - Risør

Went to visit a small town located at the south-east in Norway, at sea. This town is without any doubt one of the most beautiful towns I have visited thus far and I really recommend anyone to visit this place when nearby Norway on a holiday. The ice cream kicks ass as well, when I asked for two balls of ice cream, I received two half litre lumps of Italian ice cream :lol: Went all-in B&W this time again, I have no other words for it other then to be completely in love with B&W. This time I have the originals so larger dimensions in either B&W or colour are available upon request 👍 Hard to pick out a favourit this time, although I really, really liked how the boat underneath the bridge turned out :) The Canon is doing pretty darn well for such a small compact point and shoot camera, but I really need to give the RAW format a try sometime.















1, 2 & 8 are brilliant, but they all work well as a set. Great choice going with b&w as well 👍
Great shots Bram 👍 Is the vignetting an effect you're adding or are you using a long lens hood or something?
Sweetshopunion. Unfortunately I always save the images over the un-editted ones so I don't have copies and thus no larger resolutions available :(

You really have to stop doing this Bram, if anyone ever wants to buy a print of your work they won't be able to if you've saved over the original!
I like how your black and white pictures come out. Normally, post black and white come a bit grey, but yours are right on 👍
Also, the color pictures of post #35 are great simple and mystic 👍
We drove south again today, but this time to visit an animal park that was also a themed park. Had lots of fun watching the animals and going into a rollercoaster in between. I went on a rollercoaster I wasn't looking forward to and beofre I knew it I rode it four times at the end of the day. Since there was no time for the whole family to stop so that I could manage my manual set-ups and the perfect shot, it was a point-and-shoot with auto settings resulting in horrendous noisy images. We took 200 images, but since the animals were all behind enclosures I was no match for the other guys with their tele-lenses and thus a fence always blocked the image. I only picked out the best, which were only a few. I have got to make a complaint on some SLR users though. Many showed up with huge lenses, yet they don't seem to know when to succesfully use a flash on it. In broad daylight they all shot with their flares, terrifying the animals! I nearly went up to them and told to learn when to use a strobe or else they could hand that gear over to someone experienced! :P Favourit of them all? The wooden bench, I adore it, even if I do say so myself! I might try and edit some animal shots later, I was stunned by the beauty of the Siberian tigers!








I love these shots Bram, you've really focused on the alternative scenes and it shows in the creativity and originality of the images. I hate it when I see people with SLRs firing the flash over and over too, a relative of my friend was doing it at their gig over and over and over and even fired it directly at me for no apparent reason. He was a complete arse though.
Bram - nice shots but I had a quick look at the data for a few of them and you seem to be using 800 ASA, which is would explain why they have quite a lot of noise when you open them up large.

The bench shot is a great example, I love the tone and textures in it, but your shutter speed is 1/2500, mainly due to the high ASA rating. You could have switched to 100 ASA, still had a shutter speed of around 1/350 which would still be pin sharp and you woudl have had a massive reduction in noise.

Have a play around with using differeing ASA ratings and see if it helps out in this area.

On the flash in daylight thing, its is a technique that can be very helpful (fill-flash), allowing you to balance daylight with flash, particulrly if the natural light is harsh. You should never however use it if the end result is going to scare an animal.


Thanks for the visit Scaff 👍

Yeah, the noise was way too high. But like I explained, I didn't have time to stop, manually set the camera to my preferred settings, and then find a good shot. It was pretty much a point-and-shoot on auto settings, which is really a weak point for this camera. The G9 can be a nifty little thing when you work with manual settings, but its qualities are a lot to be desired when shooting on the automatic settings. Since I personally feel the G9 is more of a point and shoot camera, Canon really had to produce it the other way round, giving the automatic qualities a big boost. I hope that's fixed with the G10, but I can't be bothered with another digital one. Next time I'm going all-in SLR with Nikon 👍

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