Brend and Torque's Weekly Driveclub Competition Series - S2_Week 5: Audi you do? (Sprint)

  • Thread starter Brend


Brend and Torque's Weekly Driveclub Competition Series


Think you're the fastest? Prove it.

GTPlanet's community of Driveclub racers are some of the best on the game, checking the leaderboards scattered around the game proves that. However, until now there hasn't been a single focused attempt to compare the speed of the GTP drivers of Driveclub...until now.

The Format:

  • Weekly TT events that span across 10 events over 10 weeks.
  • 2 TT events per car class(Hot Hatch, Sports, Performance, Super, Hyper) there will be a specific car for each event during the first season.
  • Season 1 will include NO paid DLC.
  • The individual events will all contribute to one 'season table', in which the winner will be crowned.
  • Events will be posted on a Monday each respective week at 7AM and last for 6 days. This format will be followed throughout the season. Times will be logged through the in-game time tracking system and thus the final standings also determined within the in-game challenges
  • The driver with the most points after 10 events, wins the series.

The Regulations:
Points will be scored as follows:

1st - 20 Pts
2nd - 17 Pts
3rd - 14 Pts
4th - 11 Pts
5th - 8 Pts
6th - 5 Pts
7th - 2 Pts
8th - 1 Pt
Below 8th - 0 Pts
  • All events will be scored evenly.
  • Events will be posted to my PSN account(UB3R-BR3NDAGE) but also posted in this thread will all relevant details(and a punny name to boot!).
  • Challenges are private and will therefore be sent to the notifications bar of your PS4 system when uploaded.
  • The Season Standings and each subsequent event standings will be put in a public Google Drive folder for checking up on challenge information.
  • The next week's Event will be revealed on the preceeding Sunday evening before the challenge opens up.
The Rules:
  • Driveclub's fantastic in-game challenge system deals with all of this for us, so the only rule fast!
  • You can jump into this series at any time. Although missing a week, or two, or three, may harm your chances of succeeding in the overall leaderboard - do not hesitate to join in! It may gain you valuable practice at time trials and essential Intel on other drivers for a possible second season if this goes well.
How To Enter:
  • Post in this thread your intent to join with your PSN ID in your post.
  • I will confirm your participation by PM'ing you.
  • Once you receive this PM, send a PSN Friend-Request to: UB3R-BR3NDAGE - This is where events will be uploaded. Sprint Cup events will be sent by @torque99 - wildbill1372
  • Get Ready to Race!

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Surprised you wouldn't name the thing so that the Acronym says Celtic :P

I'm in but I'll probably skip the first way because of the GTacademy finals.
Good start to the push! 4 participants including myself...hoping for 8 racers at least during season one.
Just curious, I give everyone my word that I will not even attempt the events that are lined up in the next 10 weeks(I'm sure Driveclub leaderboards will show that, for those skeptical.) but would everyone participating prefer if I didn't join in to put everyone's mind at ease? I want to make sure everyone knows that I am not intending on getting any sort of advantage by practicing the events before they come out! :lol:
Just curious, I give everyone my word that I will not even attempt the events that are lined up in the next 10 weeks(I'm sure Driveclub leaderboards will show that, for those skeptical.) but would everyone participating prefer if I didn't join in to put everyone's mind at ease? I want to make sure everyone knows that I am not intending on getting any sort of advantage by practicing the events before they come out! :lol:
I have no problem with you joining. You could maybe give a clue every week like class or location?
Just curious, I give everyone my word that I will not even attempt the events that are lined up in the next 10 weeks(I'm sure Driveclub leaderboards will show that, for those skeptical.) but would everyone participating prefer if I didn't join in to put everyone's mind at ease? I want to make sure everyone knows that I am not intending on getting any sort of advantage by practicing the events before they come out! :lol:

Yeah that seems unfair, ban yourself mate........ jk :P
On this circuit, its better to grin and bear it. As for the class...Performance is where you will begin the series' and its one of the first 8 cars in the category. ;)
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I know that Driveclub really is the full package with the season pass but I thought I would give the series a more well-rounded start by letting anyone compete. For curiosity's sake, how many of those competing do have the DLC?
How dare you? You're telling me I can't... can't use my C7 Z06? I want nothing to do with this.

Sign me up.