Brexit - The UK leaves the EU

Deal or No Deal?

  • Voted Leave - May's Deal

  • Voted Leave - No Deal

  • Voted Leave - Second Referendum

  • Did not vote/abstained - May's Deal

  • Did not vote/abstained - No Deal

  • Did not vote/abstained - Second Referendum

  • Voted Remain - May's Deal

  • Voted Remain - No Deal

  • Voted Remain - Second Referendum

Results are only viewable after voting.
And where did I imply otherwise, that we are the ones at fault?, Of course we're the ones at fault, don't need you to remind me that, but that doesn't mean many want to leave EU too, entitled one

Thing is that it happens only when the socialists are in charge, now worse with the communist and separatists of course. That's what maybe you need to be reminded of, too.
Then why are you aiming your unhappiness at the EU?
To some few reasons like the ones I aforementioned, as If I hadn't mentioned them anyway.

Loss of identity; loss of independence; stealthy laws applied without voting it in my country regardless we have 59 idiots there representing us, no one of them I have voted for btw because they're all worthless, and that means "right win" ones from Partido Popular" too, If you were interested on that; massive immigration without control, and your goverment giving them everything for free (social security, you know what that is, sarcastic one?, that's my taxes) while calling you racist or fascist the moment you complain about, asking for an equal treatment regarding social services, which I should be the first one to have them because I pay my taxes; a lot of insecurity and problems caused by the ilegal ones; and a large etc etc of political correctness that all come from the EU directives, and the thousands of clowns sitting at that loathed embarrassing place that is the EU hall, laughing at us all day after day, and removing many of our rights little by little. And some of you still applaud with the ears.

That's why I don't like EU among other few more reasons, as if these few above weren't enough.

And look. When I post something like this:
What will happen in next elections?, lol this is Spain you're right. Expect anything, like this same Sánchez dude again in the lead with all separatists, the now terrorist in the institutions (Bildu = old ETA), and all enemies of the nation. Yeah, they could win again, so you see how things are going over here..."

and you still have the nerve to say "it is your fault", as in your usual entitled tone, thinking of yourself a sarcastic joker or something, then you shouldn't be surprised if the other speaker begins to think that he might be talking to some 12 years old kid or something, and doesn't want to lose his time anymore speaking to an intellectually, socially and politically not grown individual, as his time may be precious to be lost on that.

Not sure if you're messing with me, now being serious.
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To some few reasons like the ones I aforementioned, as If I hadn't mentioned them anyway.

Loss of identity; loss of independence; stealthy laws applied without voting it in my country regardless we have 59 idiots there representing us, no one of them I have voted for btw because they're all worthless, and that means "right win" ones from Partido Popular" too, If you were interested on that; massive immigration without control, and your goverment giving them everything for free (social security, you know what that is, sarcastic one?, that's my taxes) while calling you racist or fascist the moment you complain about, asking for an equal treatment regarding social services, which I should be the first one to have them because I pay my taxes; a lot of insecurity and problems caused by the ilegal ones; and a large etc etc of political correctness that all come from the EU directives, and the thousands of clowns sitting at that loathed embarrassing place that is the EU hall, laughing at us all day after day, and removing many of our rights little by little. And some of you still applaud with the ears.

That's why I don't like EU among other few more reasons, as if these few above weren't enough.

And look. When I post something like this:
What will happen in next elections?, lol this is Spain you're right. Expect anything, like this same Sánchez dude again in the lead with all separatists, the now terrorist in the institutions (Bildu = old ETA), and all enemies of the nation. Yeah, they could win again, so you see how things are going over here..."

and you still have the nerve to say "it is your fault", as in your usual entitled tone, thinking of yourself a sarcastic joker or something, then you shouldn't be surprised if the other speaker begins to think that he might be talking to some 12 years old kid or something, and doesn't want to lose his time anymore speaking to an intellectually, socially and politically not grown individual, as his time may be precious to be lost on that.

Not sure if you're messing with me, now being serious.
I'm 50 and you can cut the personal attacks out right now. They have no place here at GT Planet.

To be utterly blunt if you don't partake in a Democratic system, and all your bluster aside, that is exactly what it is. Then it's more than a little odd to complain about it.

Your also covering the exact same myths that the Brexit mob did in the UK, and they are myths.

Lets be clear, what immigration is it, specifically, that you have an issue with.
You are no one to school me about immigration, diversity, let alone democracy (regardless UK is the oldest democracy in EU, when the oldest EU nation is that one of mine), this last which costed many years to take back, and at the cost of a lot of blood of relatives from both sides. Difference is that right win dictatorships have usually led to the creation of the middle classes, and eventually democracy, being ourselves the very first and most important example to that in Europe; whereas left wing dictatorships are eternal, and keep their people poor and enlaved forever, being now the most insidious this one which is enforced upon us many years ago, being here the EU the main culprit to that.

And about immigrants and foreigners. I live in a country where almost if not every single culture and race that have ever existed have crossed DNA here, so I'm not allowing you to try schooling me on anything diversity wise, as you may be 50, but I'm also 45, and have probably tasted diversity since you even knew what that was about, until EU allowed your country to be literally overran, like France, Germany and others, so you had a taste of that too. For instance, go talk the french about how cool is diversity in their country, which are on the verge of social discharge because of the EU policies on mass immigration, and when something happens on France, then we are all affected, something I'm not sure you are aware of in your fifties.

And quit saying I insulted you cause that ain't true. Your problem is that you can't cope or differ in a polite and repectful manner with others opinions. It is you who has been clearly disrespectful with your rather dismissive attitude toward me . But hey, If you feel offended or anything for whatever I have told you, then you can always continue to show how some political tendency respects freedom of speech the moment I or anyone don't' follow some dogma, and ban me straight forward.
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You are no one to school me about immigration, diversity, let alone democracy (regardless UK is the oldest democracy in EU, when the oldest EU nation is that one of mine), this last which costed many years to take back, and at the cost of a lot of blood of relatives from both sides. Difference is that right win dictatorships have usually led to the creation of the middle classes, and eventually democracy, being ourselves the very first and most important example to that in Europe; whereas left wing dictatorships are eternal, and keep their people poor and enlaved forever, being now the most insidious this one which is enforced upon us many years ago, being here the EU the main culprit to that.

And about immigrants and foreigners. I live in a country where almost if not every single culture and race that have ever existed have crossed DNA here, so I'm not allowing you to try schooling me on anything diversity wise, as you may be 50, but I'm also 45, and have probably tasted diversity since you even knew what that was about, until EU allowed your country to be literally overran, like France, Germany and others, so you had a taste of that too. For instance, go talk the french about how cool is diversity in their country, which are on the verge of social discharge because of the EU policies on mass immigration, and when something happens on France, then we are all affected, something I'm not sure you are aware of in your fifties.

And quit saying I insulted you cause that ain't true. Your problem is that you can't cope or differ in a polite and repectful manner with others opinions. It is you who has been clearly disrespectful with your rather dismissive attitude toward me . But hey, If you feel offended or anything for whatever I have told you, then you can always continue to show how some political tendency respects freedom of speech the moment I or anyone don't' follow some dogma, and ban me straight forward.
So that's a no, you can't/won't tell me what specific immigration it is you have an issue with.

Try stopping the diatribes and start being specific, because right now it seems you don't want to discuss anything.
Yah, I've heard that one before. And you haven't even blinked when saying that, have you?

Look you're right anyway as we are going nowhere, so allow me to school you on reality and using wisdom that should sound familiar to you, as it was said by very bright people from your country:

"The problem with socialism, is that you eventually run out of other's people money", in other words left is so cool, until money is no more. Then It comes Santa.

And don't get me started with the brightest ones from Churchil, one more example of the crazy dictatorship we head over when we all see his statues in your country getting demolished (Colón, Hernán Cortés and others in mine), something we all should be ashamed for and fight against, because it is part of us; it's our legacy which we should be proud of, not embarrassed!!. Or did you think it was us spaniards the only ones with serious political issues, something on which you also tried to be so sarcastic before?

Have a good night sir. Enough is enough.
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:odd: I do hope that's sarcasm...
If I recall correctly, and this is before Bexit, "the not happy with the EU" polls across Europe were between 48% and 64%, with the UK at 48%. So beiing suprised by that post.... Anyway it's done and can't undone until there's a change of Government.
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Yah, I've heard that one before. And you haven't even blinked when saying that, have you?

Look you're right anyway as we are going nowhere, so allow me to school you on reality and using wisdom that should sound familiar to you, as it was said by very bright people from your country:

"The problem with socialism, is that you eventually run out of other's people money", in other words left is so cool, until money is no more. Then It comes Santa.

And don't get me started with the brightest ones from Churchil, one more example of the crazy dictatorship we head over when we all see his statues in your country getting demolished (Colón, Hernán Cortés and others in mine), something we all should be ashamed for and fight against, because it is part of us; it's our legacy which we should be proud of, not embarrassed!!. Or did you think it was us spaniards the only ones with serious political issues, something on which you also tried to be so sarcastic before?

Have a good night sir. Enough is enough.
What on earth does any of that have to do with the EU and immigration. Look it was a perfectly simple question I asked, and you have done everything you can to avoid answering it.

Why I'm not quite sure, as you seem confident that immigration caused by the EU is a major problem. As such you should have no issue at all stating what type of immigration you are referring to and which specific EU statute is to blame for it.

If I recall correctly, and this is before Bexit, "the not happy with the EU" polls across Europe were between 48% and 64%, with the UK at 48%. So beiing suprised by that post.... Anyway it's done and can't undone until there's a change of Government.
Overall the most common views among the big four are that people would be more likely to consider leaving if the UK made a success of Brexit within five years (and this was polled last year - before Brexit started showing signs of biting in the UK), the majority in each country would still vote to remain a member of the EU and the Eurozone.

As such it would seem that overall Brexit has made other countries less likely to leave than before it happened, a trend that was already starting to appear before the withdrawal had happened.

Great, another foreign Thatcher fan telling us how great she was for our country. It's almost as if mister dog never left. There's less chance of the non socialist Boris running out of other people's money following the NI increase, though.

Meanwhile I've read this article and it doesn't say anything about our country having been overrun, literally or otherwise. Perhaps I'm reading it wrong.

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As a foreigner to your country business, I can't help but feel so jealous of you. First, because you're going to take your independence back, which is crucial to people's morale and that sense greatness of belonging to a great union of countries, The Common Wealth in your case; second, because no longer a random European Union Clown member you have never voted, let alone you didn't know even his name will tell you what to do; and third, because UK is a great country strong enough to come out of this situation again strong enough to come up on top in 5 or 6 years, maybe more given the painful situation we are all going through, but in the end you will endure. You shall see.

Envy is all I feel since you got rid of the EU fascist (called social democrats for a while now) chains. Congratulations people. Freedom and independece to make your own destiny.

**** EU.
Farage, is that you??
until EU allowed your country to be literally overran
Remember that Great Union you referred to earlier, the Commonwealth? That grants/granted right of abode to most citizens from the commonwealth, that accounts for approximately 38% of our total migrant population. Immigration from EU or European countries accounts for about another 41%. Our largest migrant population is from India, this is not because of the EU.

Out of curiosity, what countries do you object to immigration from?
So that's a no, you can't/won't tell me what specific immigration it is you have an issue with.
Didn't I write this man:

To some few reasons like the ones I aforementioned, as If I hadn't mentioned them anyway.

Loss of identity; loss of independence; stealthy laws applied without voting it in my country regardless we have 59 idiots there representing us, no one of them I have voted for btw because they're all worthless, and that means "right win" ones from Partido Popular" too, If you were interested on that; massive immigration without control, and your goverment giving them everything for free (social security, you know what that is, sarcastic one?, that's my taxes) while calling you racist or fascist the moment you complain about, asking for an equal treatment regarding social services, which I should be the first one to have them because I pay my taxes; a lot of insecurity and problems caused by the ilegal ones; and a large etc etc of political correctness that all come from the EU directives, and the thousands of clowns sitting at that loathed embarrassing place that is the EU hall, laughing at us all day after day, and removing many of our rights little by little. And some of you still applaud with the ears.
Yeah I know it is a wall of text nobody likes to read it. But there was it.

Regards. Sorry if I got a little bit hot headed, but there you had it man, damn it. It is more or less at the end of the paragraph, kinda three lines before end.

Be well man. I don't wan war with anyone, let alone when dealing with politics. Trust this spaniard bro, and it is not schooling no nothing. We know very very very well what happens when brother begin discussing about politics. Imagine it as a ritual of avoiding the typical bar discussion wih the dude next to you who differs. We spaniards have no equal in knowing what comes next. In my case, I lost all of y grandpa and grand ma (is that how you say it english, if not sorry), from both sides. So had my parents" only" to teach me. You have to understand I hate fighting with politics behind. We're all human beings, that's all I was tought to appreciate, and yeah with a hard hand too :)...., it was necessary after what happened over here.

I hope we are good. See ya around commenting in the fora!

Farage, is that you??
An admirable being. You can make fun about that man (me actually ok) who represented you over there, but you know?, I'd wish I had just a bit of the speaking, intellectual and lecture capabilities he displayed over all these years..., and more.

And he was alone. I don't see the fun in your comment anyway, unless you're laughing at me, of course, which in that case you honour me with the comparison..., that I don't deserve, I said.
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Didn't I write this man:

Yeah I know it is a wall of text nobody likes to read it. But there was it.

Regards. Sorry if I got a little bit hot headed, but there you had it man, damn it. It is more or less at the end of the paragraph, kinda three lines before end.

Be well man. I don't wan war with anyone, let alone when dealing with politics. Trust this spaniard bro, and it is not schooling no nothing. We know very very very well what happens when brother begin discussing about politics. Imagine it as a ritual of avoiding the typical bar discussion wih the dude next to you who differs. We spaniards have no equal in knowing what comes next. In my case, I lost all of y grandpa and grand ma (is that how you say it english, if not sorry), from both sides. So had my parents" only" to teach me. You have to understand I hate fighting with politics behind. We're all human beings, that's all I was tought to appreciate, and yeah with a hard hand too :)...., it was necessary after what happened over here.

I hope we are good. See ya around commenting in the fora!
Your wall of text, which I read, fails to do one key thing, actually answers the question.

So once again, what specific immigration is it you object to?

I will narrow it down with a few options:

  • EU Immigration
  • Non-EU Immigration
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Refugees (not actually immigration but whatever)

Oh and it's all good, this is a discussion, not a war.

An admirable being. You can make fun about that man (me actually ok) who represented you over there, but you know?, I'd wish I had just a bit of the speaking, intellectual and lecture capabilities he displayed over all these years..., and more.

And he was alone. I don't see the fun in your comment anyway, unless you're laughing at me, of course, which in that case you honour me with the comparison..., that I don't deserve, I said.
Farage is a lazy chancer that has spent as much time as he can scamming his followers and as an MEP utterly failed to do his job and represent his constituents. He failed repeatedly in his dream of actually getting into the UK Parlement (once being beaten by a man in a Dolphin costume), he's a xenophobic moron who led a (failed) party of bigots, misogynists, and lunatics.
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An admirable being. You can make fun about that man (me actually ok) who represented you over there, but you know?, I'd wish I had just a bit of the speaking, intellectual and lecture capabilities he displayed over all these years..., and more.

And he was alone. I don't see the fun in your comment anyway, unless you're laughing at me, of course, which in that case you honour me with the comparison..., that I don't deserve, I said.
It was a little bit of observational humour, based on the rhetoric which you’ve espoused in the posts made in this thread.

I understand passions run deep when it comes to politics and nationalism. However the EU despite its issues, is a wonderful thing. I’m personally gutted, foolishness, lack of understanding, bigoted and racists views won out and the UK voted the Brexit insanity through.

Speaking to many friends in the music and arts industry this situation has harmed a lot of people, families, jobs and future prospects. This sector of commerce and collaboration across the EU is one of many which have had a wrecking ball swung at them and it’s going to be a long time before they can get back to some form of normality if it ever will.

As for Farage @Scaff said it much more succinctly than I could.
I'm not shocked,
What do you mean by this?
but that does not answer my question and the actual discussion point.
I don't understand, wasn't this your question?
what specific immigration is it you object to?
You asked a specific question and you gave specific options. I answered the question but you didn't get a satifying answer. Maybe you could ask again, but this time make it more specific?
What do you mean by this?
That you don't strike me as tolerant.

I don't understand, wasn't this your question?
Nope, the discussion was on the role the EU plays in migration, something that's doesn't have a singular answer, as it depends on what form of immigration is being referred to.

Reading the conversation chain shows this quite clearly.

You asked a specific question and you gave specific options. I answered the question but you didn't get a satifying answer. Maybe you could ask again, but this time make it more specific?
"the EUs part in each of them?"

I'm surprised you missed it, given that you quoted it!
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That you don't strike me as tolerant.
Are you tolerant? What make's you more tolerant than me?
Nope, the discussion was on the role the EU plays in migration, something that's doesn't have a singular answer, as it depends on what form of immigration is being referred to.

Reading the conversation chain shows this quite clearly.
Yes, but I don't understand how that changes my answer. I don't want anymore immigration. The role the EU plays in immigration or the type of immigration does not matter to me. I don't want more of it.
"the EUs part in each of them?"

I'm surprised you missed it, given that you quoted it!
Not just quoted it, I typed it in my reply.
Are you tolerant? What make's you more tolerant than me?
On this subject, quite clearly. You've made it clear your intolerant of immigration, I'm not. I strongly suspect it would also apply beyond this single topic as well.

Yes, but I don't understand how that changes my answer. I don't want anymore immigration. The role the EU plays in immigration or the type of immigration does not matter to me. I don't want more of it.
It's the topic of discussion, you've just done the equivalent on interrupting a conversation (which on forum is fine) but are refusing to actually discuss the topic itself (which even on a forum is a little rude).

Not just quoted it, I typed it in my reply.
And yet you still needed to ask?

Maybe you could give answering it a go.
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On this subject, quite clearly. You've made it clear your intolerant of immigration, I'm not. I strongly suspect it would also apply beyond this single topic as well.
Do you think you are more tolerant beyond this single topic?
It's the topic of discussion, you've just done the equivalent on interrupting a conversation (which on forum is fine) but are refusing to actually discuss the topic itself (which even on a forum is a little rude).
I really don't agree, you asked and I gave an answer. If you want to reduce it to the type of immigration that is allowed to be discussed in this thread then give specific examples.
And yet you still needed to ask?

Maybe you could give answering it a go.
I'm really trying to, but there seems to be no right answer I can give you. Can you give an example of what a right answer could be?
Do you think you are more tolerant beyond this single topic?
I've already answered that, "I strongly suspect it would also apply beyond this single topic as well.", and once again you quoted me doing so, at this stage I have to wonder if you are reading what you are replying to?

I really don't agree, you asked and I gave an answer. If you want to reduce it to the type of immigration that is allowed to be discussed in this thread then give specific examples.
No, you answered a part of the question, leaving the core question being discussed unanswered. The part you answered was a clarification of the scope of the discussion, something that is quite clear if you read the discussion itself. That this is the "Brexit the UK leaves the EU" and not the general immigration thread, that it has a Brexit/EU root shouldn't be a surprise.

I'm really trying to, but there seems to be no right answer I can give you. Can you give an example of what a right answer could be?
I'm looking for other people's views on the point, well specifically @fernandito views given that they blame the EU for 'immigration, I simply asked them to clarify which immigration he blames the EU for (as that's incredibly relevant to a discussion of the EU and Immigration), which resulted in an odd diatribe and as such once again asked them the same question with a breakdown of the four main types of immigration. At this point, you entered, said you didn't like any form of immigration, which not only misses the actual topic of discussion but also doesn't add anything of substance to the topic being discussed.

If you want to join in the conversation that 100% fine, but please do it on a good faith basis
I've already answered that, "I strongly suspect it would also apply beyond this single topic as well.", and once again you quoted me doing so, at this stage I have to wonder if you are reading what you are replying to?
My mistake, I wanted to ask if you could give more examples beyong this single topic. I'll let it go..
I'm looking for other people's views on the point, well specifically @fernandito views given that they blame the EU for 'immigration, I simply asked them to clarify which immigration he blames the EU for (as that's incredibly relevant to a discussion of the EU and Immigration), which resulted in an odd diatribe and as such once again asked them the same question with a breakdown of the four main types of immigration. At this point, you entered, said you didn't like any form of immigration, which not only misses the actual topic of discussion but also doesn't add anything of substance to the topic being discussed.

If you want to join in the conversation that 100% fine, but please do it on a good faith basis
I missed the part where you were talking about the EU blame on immigration. Sorry.