Canadian Drift Invitational

Nova Scotia
This Drift Comp is for everyone to drift, Canadians especially, get noticed, get accepted.
leave info for RSVP

Competition starts September 17th 6:00 western Canadian time
What is it? What track? what are the rules & regulations? What do we earn? if anything.
track- club man stage route 5
prize-bragging rights
rules, no AWD, no supercars, must use comfort hards
track- club man stage route 5
prize-bragging rights
rules, no AWD, no supercars, must use comfort hards

Nah i'm alright, i'll just stick to the competitions that have more than one paragraph's worth of effort.
Maybe if you did some vivid descriptions this event would get going, a simple paragraph ain't gonna do it.
sorry people Im new to setting up events and such, and Im no good at graphics, and no video card either, i was going out on a limb, guess it broke.
sorry people Im new to setting up events and such, and Im no good at graphics, and no video card either, i was going out on a limb, guess it broke.

ill help you get this set up if you want you just have to make sure to stick with it. the first couple times will be rough believe me but stick to your guns and itll pick up.