Chop Shop PS Competition #2 - July 6 - CLOSED!

  • Thread starter Jay.
[Big Red Font]Final Entry[/Big Red Font, lol]

One and only entry....submitted by me.


What I Did:
-transformed 5-Door to a 4-Door.
-New Paintjob: Red Fade-to Orange
-A17 Decal
-Rims Changed
-Added Brakes (with A17 on the caliper)
-Glowing Brake Discs
-Lowered Body
-Enlarged Wheels and Wheel Arch
-Smoked Lamps
-Glowing Bulbs
-Spoiler Added
-Stretched Front and Side Bumper to make a simple "bodykit"
-Enlarged the foglamp grill + removed the bulb
-Those Windshield Cleaner squirting nubs, turned into LEDs
-Carbon Fiber Hood
-Front Lower Grill Stretched
-Center Grill's Silver ventgrill pieces, darkened.
-Created Movement of a Drift
-Background Added
-Brake Light Blur
-16:9 Widescreen Border

Wow! :eek:

Now I give up, lol.

Heres mine...


Click for BIG pic!

What I haven't changed
- Bonnet/Hood
- Roofline/Rails
- Door Mirrors
your rear wheel arch looks... Well doesn't it look like its at slightly at an incorrect depth appearance? I like the Windshield Decal. I dont got a clue how to do that.Where's the door handle :confused:

I've noticed a lot of 3/5 doors and vans, is everyone going to be doing that?
your rear wheel arch looks... Well doesn't it look like its at slightly at an incorrect depth appearance? I like the Windshield Decal. I dont got a clue how to do that.Where's the door handle :confused:

I've noticed a lot of 3/5 doors and vans, is everyone going to be doing that?

I see what you mean about the arch 'depth'. I didn't notice when I done it.

I've never done any decals before this. So I'm happy with the way they turned out.

Door handle? No! You use the sunroof, or the remote key fob and door solenoid.

As for the body shape, I hadn't thought about doing a four door. :)
I thought we agreed on not cartoonising it?

Did you just use the Subaru base and put a Kia top on it?
cartoonising? in what way?
and no i didnt use any subbie parts, I said i stretched the stock bumper

Edit: Were you asking me about the cartoonising? lol
Although Trico Pro's entry may have a little 'Cartoon' element in it, (I think it's mainly the background,) this is just his style of PS work.

Trico Pros avatar is a cartoon. IMO the entry pic is on a very thin line between
real life and cartoon, but will still be accepted for the competition.

@ All members - Please make note of this for future comps.
the chop looks caricaturised... exaggerated features, bubbly appearance, etc.

And that Impreza overall look.
I like it :D You'll have a good chance of winning this....

But what happened to the rear end? :confused:
I still like it but it looks like a beaver :confused:
The rear is Mazda RX-8-ish :sly:

Ever heard the saying that you can't polish a turd? Well, there you go. The car was horrible to start with :yuck: Thanks for the praise :)
Where can I see some more of your work Diego?

Chops? Nowhere... except in my GT4 gallery, which was updated about a decade ago. Print ads and stuff like that in my resume.

Despite working in Photoshop for around 3-4 years, I've only started chopping as such in the last year and a half. Before that it was mainly ads, photo retouching and stuff like that.

I could send you samples of my ads via msn... or email or post them here, but don't expect mindblowing techniques.