Circuit de Sainte-Croix the worst track in GT7

  • Thread starter nickf1gr
I tried the cirquit experiance in Circuit de Sainte-Croix. It was a total nightmare.
A track with 3 big straights and many 90ο and more degrees corners without any logic..
I think that GT had so many interesting original tracks (that haven't release them until today).
They lost how to design an original track
My opinion...

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I don't think they have lost their touch at making new good original tracks, Maggiore, Dragon Trail (both versions) and Alsace are a testament to that.

But yeah, I'd argue this is one of their worst circuits. Too many 90 degree angles, waaaaaay too wide and just not many exciting corners really.
They picked the perfect car for the circuit experience. You can go alot faster around the corners than what you expect to be able to do.
I agree.
Being somewhat a technical track doesn't make it a great track. In real life are many examples of technical tracks that are great testing grounds, but really aren't great tracks to race or have fun... For some reason many of testing grounds aren't even used to race, with racing circuits being used mainly for correlation and comparison with real race timing, tire degradation and so on...
The track just seems a random dump of 90 degree turns with few really interesting corners. Bigger doesn't necessarily means better, and Saint Croix is an example of that.
Yes, new for GTS/GT7 aren't really the last cereal in the box but all the tracks have some kind of trademark, like multiple apex corners, the chicane of death in Dragon Trails, off camber corners, and so on... Even Dragon Trails Gardens has the 4 in 1 quadruple right hander and the long thightning first corner.
Worse than SSRX?

I like St.Croix. it is too wide but its a nice layout. I don't know what people have against 90 degree turns but it's all subjective.
And at those corners, we don't really slow down that much, like at street circuit or a chicane like Trial Mountain. The track flows really well.
The wideness of these layouts is good for fast, high downforce cars that are sensitive to input like Gr.1 and the open-wheel cars. And Gr.3 on the B layout produces some really good racing.

What bothers me more about this track is the exact same trees sometimes jarringly repeating multiple times right next to each other, and the empty fields that could use some flare.
Visually it's one of the dullest. Just trees, grass, barrier, trees, grass, barrier for the most part. Then the suspension bridge over what appears to be a lake was always absurd.

The layouts are not terrible, but not particularly interesting either. Mostly just Tilke-esque point and squirt corners with straights in between. Nothing memorable, nothing particularly challenging.
Just trees, grass, barrier, trees, grass, barrier for the most part.
Yep, that describes 90% of (non-street circuit) racing tracks.

Then the suspension bridge over what appears to be a lake was always absurd.
Yeah, 'cos you never get a bridge over a lake. Grand Valley (although not in GT7) would like a word too.

Gran Turismo 7 High Speed Ring 01.jpg

The layouts are not terrible, but not particularly interesting either. Mostly just Tilke-esque point and squirt corners with straights in between. Nothing memorable, nothing particularly challenging.
Yep, that describes 90% of (non-street circuit) racing tracks.
Sure, but this is a fictional track. They can put whatever they want as scenery to be a bit more interesting. This track feels rather empty compared to many of their other fictional tracks.
Yeah, 'cos you never get a bridge over a lake. Grand Valley (although not in GT7) would like a word too.
I've never seen a huge full blown suspension bridge over such a small lake in real life though, but I've not been everywhere. Maybe they exist where someone had money to burn.
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