
  • Thread starter Carbonox
Ahah op first post. This has nothing to do with religion in North America. It's just a normal thing no matter what region. It's literally just north America that has like a 98% chop rate as the rest of the world has only small pockets of cultures that do it. Even Jesus said it's not a mandatory thing. It is strictly a church control tactic saying it's the right thing and spreading lies making people do it to their kids. They say it's cleaner which may have been true in olden times but if you live in a first world country how dirty can it get lol. There are showers everywhere.
According to my medical doctor. about 1 in 4 males sufferes from too tight a foreskin. It used to be and probably still is diagnosed at an early age through the usual child health screening (assuming most countries do this). A torn foreskin can lead to infections, scar tissue and a bunch of other nasty things once the male gets sexually active. There is a hygiene issue if the foreskin can't be properly pulled back for washing.

Circumcision is a standard medical treatment (again assuming - country wise) as much as removing an appendix or tonsils, and as long as it's done by a qualified doctor there's not much risk.

The alternative, and I can't believe they still seriously suggest this, is trying widening the fore skin by stretching it. No body part of mine ever got wider by stretching, by the amount of food I stuff in my mouth it would be several meters wide by now. I can't detect any effects on my ears either, and I wear earplugs on a daily basis and sometimes at night.

A circumcised penis is so much easier to keep clean, much more pleasant to look at (my and my gf's opinion) and a bit less sensible, but in a very good way (again, to my and mf gf's opinion).

There is no reason whatsoever to not circumcise a male, and given I personally know men who still suffer from too tight a foreskin at the age of 40 (!) because shame and guilt prevented them and their parents from ever addressing the issues.

Sometimes I wonder if we are falling back into the dark ages :nervous: Yes, operations can go wrong, but that's true for almost everything involving medicine and a sharp instrument. Usually, there's not much to worry about. Gender reassignment, my giddy aunt. That's the same as not having an operation because one is afraid Dr. Frankenstein removes the wrong leg, kidney or brain.

Most typical medical procedures are used to correct something, not prevent issues which may arise in the future. I think we should start considering removing girls breasts completely after they go through puberty. Nobody will ever suffer from breast cancer again. That seems like a good idea.

Chopping up babies genitals to make them look nice is disgusting. If a medical issue arises which makes circumcision an appealing idea, you can have it done at any time - with anesthesia, as apposed to none when you're a newborn.
Even if it might be cleaner and medically better, wouldnt you take every chance you can to try to make your child the healthiest he can be?

Also, chicks don't dig the skin :yuck:

Thing is the cleaner argument is total BS. Use soap and water, done. The medical "benefits" are vastly overstated for the sake of Abrahamic religious kinks. As for the second part, that doesn't really strike me as a reason to chop off part of an infant's dick. I don't think a girl is going to take a guy to bed and then just bail because he has a foreskin.

Of course, as Omnis and Famine mentioned, if your kid has Phimosis then by all means get them snipped, but otherwise I find it disgusting how often it's done for purely cosmetic/"it's just what you do" reasons
^^^^Actually that does happen because having a foreskin here in the states is an uncommon occurence. I had a friend tell me that she freaked out when she found out her boyfriend had one. They broke up the next day.
Glad to see the tide turning on this. I think ten years ago in America it would've been close to 100% chop rate with no second thought. Now people actually realize it's something to consider.
^^^^Actually that does happen because having a foreskin here in the states is an uncommon occurence. I had a friend tell me that she freaked out when she found out her boyfriend had one. They broke up the next day.

Well then she wasn't much of a girlfriend, was she? Sounds like her boyfriend dodged a bullet there.

What were we talking about again?
I don't care much about male circumcision, although I'd prefer not having it done to little boys. I would prefer to leave it up to the boy, when he comes of age. Unless of course it is for medical reasons, like a tight foreskin.

I am however, completely against female circumcision, aka female genital mutilation (FGM), because it has nothing to do with healthcare. It only serves to keep the girls/woman from having pleasure in sex.

The WHO divides FGM into four categories ... Around 85 percent of women experience Types I and II.

Type I is the removal of the clitoral hood (Type Ia); or the partial or total removal of the clitoris, a clitoridectomy (Type Ib).

Type II, often called excision, is partial or total removal of the clitoris and the inner labia or outer labia. Type IIa is removal of the inner labia only; Type IIb, partial or total removal of the clitoris and the inner labia; and Type IIc, partial or total removal of the clitoris, and the inner and outer labia.

More info
I've read that some females actually get sewed up and therefore cannot reproduce. Good lord.
I don't care much about male circumcision, although I'd prefer not having it done to little boys. I would prefer to leave it up to the boy, when he comes of age. Unless of course it is for medical reasons, like a tight foreskin.

I am however, completely against female circumcision, aka female genital mutilation (FGM), because it has nothing to do with healthcare. It only serves to keep the girls/woman from having pleasure in sex.

Chopping off skin on a baby boys penis without anesthesia - reasonable medical procedure.

Chopping off skin on a baby girls vagina - crime against humanity because there's no medical justification for it.

Chopping off skin on a baby boys penis without anesthesia - reasonable medical procedure.

Chopping off skin on a baby girls vagina - crime against humanity because there's no medical justification for it.


Since you're apparently referring to my latest post, I'd like to clear something for you.

Mutilating boys is always unacceptable in my books as it is against every person's free will, unless it absolutely needs to be done to an infant in order to prevent certain early death.

Mutilating girls has no positive side effects and is a method of torture comparable to what was done to some convicted criminals in the Middle Ages.
Both are crimes against humanity if you ask me.

But one is for sanitary purpouses while the other is just to remove libido.
I personally think that female circumcison is totally unecessary, but not necissarily a crime against humanity, as the child is under 18, meaning that her parents have control over it, not the child.

I'm happy to have my foreskin removed, as:

1) It looks better than without a foreskin
2) Cleaning is less of a hassle
3) Girls get less creeped out by it.
4) I don't have some annoying skin that I have to pull back everytime I need to do something.

If you don't like the idea of circumcision, I have one thing for you:
I don't like the idea of it especially as it was done to me. I could have easily cleaned it and gotten benefits from it. BUt I had no choice.
Sanitary reason? Easier to clean? What a load of bull. Pulling the skin back is just as easy as unwrapping a chocolate bar.

But yeah, the men 'blessed' with a little trumpet on their helmet could use some medical intervention. Glad I am not one of them. :D
Women can have exactly the same sanity benefits. Lots of women are very prone to UTIs. Lots of places down there for bacteria to fester.
Women can have exactly the same sanity benefits. Lots of women are very prone to UTIs. Lots of places down there for bacteria to fester.

But then if its too clean, a yeast infection might occur...

I don't think FGM is necessary at all. I'm glad its illegal in most countries.
But one is for sanitary purpouses while the other is just to remove libido.
I personally think that female circumcison is totally unecessary, but not necissarily a crime against humanity, as the child is under 18, meaning that her parents have control over it, not the child.

I'm happy to have my foreskin removed, as:

1) It looks better than without a foreskin
2) Cleaning is less of a hassle
3) Girls get less creeped out by it.
4) I don't have some annoying skin that I have to pull back everytime I need to do something.

This casual attitude North America has to cutting off part of a baby boy's penis disgusts me. Points 1, 3, and 4 are completely subjective and a judgment call that you should make for yourself when you're old enough to make your own decisions, and point 2 is bull. I get it, you're snipped and you're happy with it, but the problem is that people snip every Tom, Dick, and Harry for purely subjective and cosmetic reasons. I find that absolutely disgusting that it's just accepted, and that we as a society get all pissy when we hear about parts of the third world where they have female genital mutilation.

EDIT: If your girl gets creeped out because you didn't get part of your dick cut off, then she's not worth your time anyway.
Hilariously, my girlfriend's Jewish landlord moonlights as a circumcisor (probably an actual name for that) and was asking her the other day if she knew anyone who wanted to be snipped. I suppose it is a tricky thing to market effectively, especially in this recession.

The amount of disgust that you have makes me want to come over there and hand you a vomit bag.

But if the "people" being parents snip it off, and a parent consists of a man and woman, doesn't the man who actually has a penis know what's best for their kids?

The later you circumsize, the more the disadvantages prevail in terms of nerves and sensitivity.
The amount of disgust that you have makes me want to come over there and hand you a vomit bag.

But if the "people" being parents snip it off, and a parent consists of a man and woman, doesn't the man who actually has a penis know what's best for their kids?

The later you circumsize, the more the disadvantages prevail in terms of nerves and sensitivity.

Having a penis makes you a medical expert on the subject just like owning a car makes you a mechanic.

I don't understand how you can say this, right after saying this:

I don't think FGM is necessary at all. I'm glad its illegal in most countries.

Because most medical professionals agree that male circumcision is unnecessary. You can't be against FGM but not male circumcision and expect anyone to think your opinion is logically consistent.

This is why I'm so disgusted. FGM gets everybody's panties in a bunch but it's just accepted that a boy gets snipped, even though there's little to no reason to do it routinely. No major medical organization in the world advocates routine circumcision, but somehow getting snipped is just a shrug of the shoulders (or is viewed as a positive), while for FGM it's this awful crime against humanity. It's all just so logically inconsistent and hypocritical that it drives me nuts.
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But then if its too clean, a yeast infection might occur...

I don't think FGM is necessary at all. I'm glad its illegal in most countries.

On the outside? Pretty sure not. Internal douching, yes. Stop using shock language. It's not mutilation, we're discussing a medical procedure carried out by doctors in a (hopefully) sterile environment with little medical benefit and mostly cosmetic tastes.

It's not illegal in the US.
Stop using shock language.

I can use whatever language I want as long as it abides by the AUP.

It's not illegal in the US.

I'm pretty sure it is:

United States
Federal law prohibiting FGM was enacted in 1996. Seventeen states enacted similar laws between 1994 and 2006

You get disgusted too easily. The reason why people do FGM is because of reducing pleasure, thinking that they can prevent fornication. That is wrong because it is solely to reduce stimulation.

The reason while male circumcision takes place is believed to be because of sanitary reasons.

Regardless of if the "sanitary reason" is true or not, male circumcision is done because they care about their child's health. Female circumcision is solely done because of pleasure, and that's just wrong.
On the outside? Pretty sure not. Internal douching, yes. Stop using shock language. It's not mutilation, we're discussing a medical procedure carried out by doctors in a (hopefully) sterile environment with little medical benefit and mostly cosmetic tastes.

It's not illegal in the US.

People like calling things with their real names. You can't go more real than mutilation when discussing this.
You get disgusted too easily. The reason why people do FGM is because of reducing pleasure, thinking that they can prevent fornication. That is wrong because it is solely to reduce stimulation.

The reason while male circumcision takes place is believed to be because of sanitary reasons.

Regardless of if the "sanitary reason" is true or not, male circumcision is done because they care about their child's health. Female circumcision is solely done because of pleasure, and that's just wrong.

The original reason circumcision became so commonplace was because it was believed to prevent masturbation and to reduce pleasure (read: because some uptight religious leaders thought sex was the devil). The "health benefits" were and are generally just a smoke and mirrors show. It gets done nowadays because it's "normal". Daddy got snipped, so he gets his son snipped without thinking about it or giving his son a choice in the matter.