Corvette C5R and Grand Prix cars...settings needed

  • Thread starter Kealios
Hey all,

Over the past 3 Gt's, thanks to tuning hints from gurus like Jerv and AltF8 and such, I have gotten to the point where I can usually tune a car to reasonable specs all by myself (three cheers for me, yea, I know hehe). Excepting gears, which still get me, I dont feel the need to ask for help often.

This Corvette C5R is another matter however, so I come to you, the driving audiance: how does this car drive for you? I cant get mine to work, and am in the middle of a 7-race series and Im stuck. I have Medium racing tires (not med. soft) and a) I drift way too much, b) I get outaccelerated by everything, and c) I have to pit by lap 5 of 15...

Any help?

Also, since this is the Pro Dream Car series, and I plan on winning the F1 car, I'll need some opinions on that as well.

Lastly, anyone got hints/stats for rally? I cant get mine to drive like the arcade's version at all...

Help please!
First off, don't sweat the gear thing too much. While less than ideal, the auto-setting is good enough that you can still kick ass with it.

Second, five laps isn't bed for medium tires, depending on the car and degree of driver caution. It's about what I get out of Mediums, so don't sweat that either.

As for the sluggish acceleration...

It's possible that the sluggish acceleration is a matter of overpowering the rear tires; easy to do in a 'vette. For me personally, some cars work best if the TCS is set at 1, which is just enough to avoid total tire destruction, but still allows enough slip/spin to get a good powerslide going.

Either that, and/or the suspension is TOO stiff and the rear just bounces. Not only will the bouncing kill your acceleration, it'll hinder your turning (hence the drift).I usually find that the Damper Bound rarely needs to go above 4. If you still drift outwards, it's possible that you are just carrying too much speed into the corners.

Also, do NOT just mash the gas at the start line. It ain't all that effective, and it wears the rear tires. Modulate the throttle go it just stats near redline without bouncing off the rev-limiter. Plus, some cars launch quicker in 2nd gear.

ASM is just plain awful, especially in a RWD car. Turn it off.
So Ace, if you have gotten this car to 'near perfection', would you mind sharing your specs with me? Down to the gearing and everything? I'd appreciate it :);)
Here they are-
Spring Rate-17.4/17.5
Ride Height-65mm/65mm
Shock Bound-5/5
Shock Rebound-10/10
Camber Angle-2.0/1.0
Gear Ratios-
Front-Super Slick to Super soft
Rear- " " " " "
And Full Downforce!!!
Originally posted by ACEWWIIFighter
I have, actually, gotten this car to near-pefection, it actually beats my GT-ONE by 4 SECONDS in the complex string!!!

I'm pretty sure I can push your GT-ONE another five seconds faster through the complex string. Don't worry. ;)

You'd best test on Midway, it's a "walk-in-the-park-circuit" so you can push the most out of your car and circuit every run. Try this and you'll see the GT-ONE has C5's for breakfast.