COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
If they could be, they would have been by now.

"I've never met the man who designed this watch but the watch proves his existence."
Yeah, I think the only creationists left are the ones that can't be reached by any means, basically blurring the line between typical organized religion and only being one AR-15 away from being a Christian equivalent of Daesh.
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Yeah, I think the only creationists left are the ones that can't be reached by any means, basically blurring the line between typical organized religion and only being one AR-15 away from being a Christian equivalent of Daesh.
From wiki...
The AR-15 rifle usually comes chambered for either the military cartridge 5.56×45mm or the . 223 Remington. Because of the pressures associated with the 5.56x45mm, it is not advisable to fire 5.56x45mm rounds in an AR-15 marked as . 223 Rem, since this can result in damage to the rifle or injury to the shooter.

They are not the gun people make them out to be.
Shot one once with a friend, left little pea holes with some spray on the backside of the barrel we were shooting.
Shot the same barrel with my 357 magnum with a 357 and a 38 special round and it pretty much made a turbo charged burn barrel. Literally blew the back out. Ain't gonna talk about the shotgun.
I'm not saying the ar doesn't do damage but an ak...
@MIE1992 it serves you right for invoking the AR-15 instead of the AK-47 in comparing the extremism of two religious factions.
It's just that I keep hearing about the AR-15 so often. I don't think it's necessarily as deadly as other weapons you could eventually acquire with the proper paperwork - such as an M134 - but the AR-15 certainly seems to be accessible.

I don't mean to get off-topic, but I would say I definitely support guns for hunting and sport, at the minimum. I wouldn't rule out my support for guns used in self-defense, either.
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@MIE1992 it serves you right for invoking the AR-15 instead of the AK-47 in comparing the extremism of two religious factions.

I wonder how I got to shoot one... Last time I checked my religion card it said atheist.
Anyways, couldn't even wait 24 hours with a dig at me could ya?
It's just that I keep hearing about the AR-15 so often. I don't think it's necessarily as deadly as other weapons you could eventually acquire with the proper paperwork - such as an M134 - but the AR-15 certainly seems to be accessible.

I don't mean to get off-topic, but I would say I definitely support guns for hunting and sport, at the minimum. I wouldn't rule out my support for guns used in self-defense, either.
I don't know that I agree with what you said (a subset of evangelicals, their views on creationism notwithstanding, may be trending toward extremism and violence, but I think it may take more than arms for them to be on equal footing with Daesh), but it didn't take a deep cognitive stretch to understand that the point wasn't the destructive capacity of a particular firearm.
I wonder how I got to shoot one... Last time I checked my religion card it said atheist.
Anyways, couldn't even wait 24 hours with a dig at me could ya?
You have a religion card?
I don't know that I agree with what you said (a subset of evangelicals, their views on creationism notwithstanding, may be trending toward extremism and violence, but I think it may take more than arms for them to be on equal footing with Daesh), but it didn't take a deep cognitive stretch to understand that the point wasn't the destructive capacity of a particular firearm.
I've also had three double IPAs so I might not have the most coherent thoughts, haha!
You have a religion card?
You don't? I recommend you get yours marked as a Swiss banker like I did, that way you'll get an excellent sig-sauer rolling block rifle, really makes one the envy of these Abrahamic gas impingement plebians.
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Caleb Wallace, another anti vaxxer, anti masker dies of Covid:

30 years old with 3 kids & another one on the way. His pregnant wife (who apparently did not share his views) is now left having to organize a Go Fund Me page.
My health has nothing to do with you. As harsh as that sounds, but our constitutional, fundamental rights protect that. Nothing else.” Wallace said, according to the publication. “I’m sorry if that comes off as blunt and that I don’t care. I do care. I care more about freedom than I do for your personal health"
What an absolute 🤬.

How many other deaths is he responsible for, I wonder? And now they are begging for cash?? :rolleyes:

m/mu (pronounced myu) is next after lambda, then n/nu (nyu), and p/rho (roh).
Co-infection with the mu and rho variants (aka Mu-rho disease) may cause verbal diahorrea, esp. when talking about cars.
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The headlines out of Gov. Brian Kemp’s latest press conference focused on the thousands of Georgia National Guard troops he’s preparing to deploy to help hospitals fight the pandemic.

But it was Dr. Kathleen Toomey who stopped us in our tracks when she revealed that anti-vaxxer protesters had disrupted several vaccination drives -- and forced one to shut down.

We asked aides to Toomey, the state’s top health official, to elaborate. Her office promptly detailed how public health staff “have been harassed, yelled at, threatened and demeaned by some of the very members of the public they were trying to help.”

In one south Georgia county, the anti-vaxxers tracked down public health employees through social media and harangued them with messages of hostility and misinformation about vaccines.

And the event that was canceled was a north Georgia mobile vaccination event, where an organized group of people showed up to harass and name-call public health workers.

“Aside from feeling threatened themselves, staff realized no one would want to come to that location for a vaccination under those circumstances, so they packed up and left,” said Nancy Nydam, Toomey’s spokesman.

“It comes with the territory to someone in my position,” Toomey said of the threats. “But it shouldn’t be happening to those nurses who are working to try to keep this state safe.”
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I wouldn't have believed this headline only a few years ago. Anti-Vax protesters used to be fringe and marginalized, and I figured it would go away.
I don't know the political leanings of the group implicated in the article, but a few years ago I'd have guessed the majority of anti-vaxxers to be wildly left-leaning. It's not a left-wing ideology, of course, but I've tended to associate it with the vegan, healing crystals, pyramid power set up in the PNW where my sister is.

There's obviously the religious dimwits who trust God to heal them, but I figure that could easily go either way depending on where in the country they practice their particular brand of stupidity.

Andrew Wakefield should've been gassed.
Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Yeeeeaaahh...I think we can do without that.
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Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Yeeeeaaahh...I think we can do without that.
It's just that it's a bit personal for me, being on the spectrum myself. The fact that Wakefield claimed that vaccines cause autism is especially offensive to me. May he die an undignified death, painfully in squalor, and may his grave be unmarked.
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It's just that it's a bit personal for me, being on the spectrum myself. The fact that Wakefield claimed that vaccines cause autism is especially offensive to me. May he die an undignified death, painfully in squalor, and may his grave be unmarked.
You should know that the ‘vaccines cause autism’ crowd is only a part of the larger anti-vax movement.

People who are into naturopathy, holistics, etc. (think ‘essential oils’) and are more likely to reject modern medicine as a result have been around for much longer than Wakefield’s theories. People resisting vaccines in the name of freedom have been around for longer still.

The point is that vaccine refusal is nothing new. On top of my head I can think of campaigns against the polio vaccine when it was new, and that was in the 1950s!
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The point is that vaccine hesitancy is nothing new. On top of my head I can think of campaigns against the polio vaccine when it was new, and that was in the 1950s!
I think it's a mistake to use "hesitancy" here. I don't think you've used it in bad faith but I do think people tend to use it overly broadly because of bad faith efforts to conflate hesitancy and refusal.
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You should know that the ‘vaccines cause autism’ crowd is only a part of the larger anti-vax movement.

People who are into naturopathy, holistics, etc. (think ‘essential oils’) and are more likely to reject modern medicine as a result have been around for much longer than Wakefield’s theories. People resisting vaccines in the name of freedom have been around for longer still.

The point is that vaccine hesitancy is nothing new. On top of my head I can think of campaigns against the polio vaccine when it was new, and that was in the 1950s!
@McLaren and @Joey D have pointed out court decisions against anti-vaxxers on this thread that date back to 1902 and 1905.

[EDIT] added citations
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You should know that the ‘vaccines cause autism’ crowd is only a part of the larger anti-vax movement.

People who are into naturopathy, holistics, etc. (think ‘essential oils’) and are more likely to reject modern medicine as a result have been around for much longer than Wakefield’s theories. People resisting vaccines in the name of freedom have been around for longer still.

The point is that vaccine hesitancy is nothing new. On top of my head I can think of campaigns against the polio vaccine when it was new, and that was in the 1950s!
Modern medicine could develop a way for one to become a god, while having all their dreams come true, and all for free. Yet people would still make up a reason to reject it. I say it's their funeral; if people wanna die, let 'em.
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I think it's a mistake to use "hesitancy" here. I don't think you've used it in bad faith but I do think people tend to use it overly broadly because of bad faith efforts to conflate hesitancy and refusal.
Yeah, refusal was probably more accurate. Saying hesitancy was most likely a Freudian slip (for lack of a better term). Thanks for correcting me.
Just received a text from the hospital confirming my first Pfizer shot tomorrow. Not too worried about any potential side effects. I am excited however about developing Magneto powers, should be fun.
Well, what a bust that was. Aside from a sore arm this morning, no real side effects at all. And my mobile phone reception hasn't improved. Thanks for nothing Bill Gates!

I'm due for my second shot in three weeks. We'll see how that goes.
After all those people revealing themselves to be magnetic post-jab, it's not terribly surprising to learn that bugs have been patched.
Well, what a bust that was. Aside from a sore arm this morning, no real side effects at all. And my mobile phone reception hasn't improved. Thanks for nothing Bill Gates!

I'm due for my second shot in three weeks. We'll see how that goes.
No see, the 1st shot is like a pre-load. You don't unlock full features until the 2nd jab. Gates gotta make sure you come back somehow.