COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
We've had a tiny peak after the kids went back to school, no noticeable rise after Zandvoort, and we've had a steady decline of the numbers again.

550 in hospital, less than 200 on the IC's. We're averaging 2000 new cases a day, and if I read it correct, more than 99% of current hospitalisations are non vaccinated people.

And the best bit, after agreeing on a proof of vaccination or negative test for any sort of social gathering, the number of vaccination appointments shot up.

We might see 95% vaccination after all.
And once the unvaccinated die out of their own stupidity you'll reach 100% 🙂.
I'd just like to dip in here and say that I find it absolutely mind boggling when I see a couple walking through a store with one of them wearing a mask as the other one goes without. Do they realize that the unmasked person can get the masked one sick when they get back to their car and the masked one takes it off? How stupid are people?
I'm travelling through to Glasgow from Edinburgh this morning on a busy train - most people are not wearing a mask, and virtually no young people seem to be wearing a mask. And for the second time in two journeys, the people sitting infront of me are not wearing masks but hurriedly put one of when the ticket inspector turns up. :rolleyes:

Frankly, unless you are fully vaccinated, going anywhere or doing anything is a high risk activity nowadays. It bugs me immensely that people can't even be bothered to wear a mask when sitting on a train.
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This is what's happening in Fargo right now:

Pediatrician on school board faces public anger over mask recommendation

There were other non-Covid reasons that a petition was signed to get some of the school board recalled and now that this has been grouped in with it, I'm glad I didn't sign it. Bunch of idiots.

Partial side note, I asked my kids on a scale of 10 how big of a deal wearing masks at school was, one being "it's literally killing me" and 10 being "I could do this every day, forever". One said 8, one said 9.
Well this is cheery:

And here's the thing, the end of the pandemic isn't even in sight. Right now we're working with data that suggests numbers will continue to be high throughout the winter and may not subside until spring.

I'm really not sure how much more I have left in the tank when it comes to COVID. Hours of meetings every day and just a constant slew of stuff that needs to be done. While I'm grateful for the job security, I'm burnt out and I'm not even clinical. And to think, my initial work order for the vaccines is about to turn a year old in a few weeks. I'm simply floored that I've been doing this for nearly a year now and have been working on COVID stuff since March 2020.
Well this is cheery:

And here's the thing, the end of the pandemic isn't even in sight. Right now we're working with data that suggests numbers will continue to be high throughout the winter and may not subside until spring.

I'm really not sure how much more I have left in the tank when it comes to COVID. Hours of meetings every day and just a constant slew of stuff that needs to be done. While I'm grateful for the job security, I'm burnt out and I'm not even clinical. And to think, my initial work order for the vaccines is about to turn a year old in a few weeks. I'm simply floored that I've been doing this for nearly a year now and have been working on COVID stuff since March 2020.
You guys have really been hit hard by COVID. I can totally understand the panic there, but I cannot understand the panic in Australia. We've been very lucky with only 1,167 deaths at this point in time.
Had my second Pfizer yesterday afternoon. No side effects to report again this morning, aside from a sore arm. Where's my magneto powers and improved mobile phone reception? After all those promises, what a letdown.
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So the US is on track to keep declining in case numbers through March:

The wild cards here though are variants and anti-vaxxers going "hold my horse dewormer".

Science tells us that llama blood might work, so the Republicans probably will drink donkey piss to cure themselves.
They would never do that because the donkey is the symbol of the Democrats, and thus they would never stoop to tainting themselves with the essence of their enemies. Now that synthetic urine that people use to try and cheat their drug tests, I could see them going for that. Especailly if some senator with a stake in pharma starts talking it up like it's sweet ambrosia.
Currently, around 88% of our adults got at least his first dose, which is about 67% of the total population. 38,5% are considered fully vaccinated. Even with the sabotage against the vaccines, postponing the purchase (that involved not only delinquency and stupidity, but corruption too).

This, considering the spreading of fake fear about its effectiveness and long term effects, attacking social distancing, masks and other measures, saying the disease is a hoax, or an attempt to create a Communist Global state. Endorsing charlatans, ineffective drugs like chloroquine and invermectin, trying to hide cases and even committing the genocidal attempt of herd immunity by encouraging the population to get out and getting infected by the disease.

After that, we still have 88% of adults that got at least its first dose. Which means that even our reactionary baboons went to a vaccination center or a health unity and got its dose. And then they proceed to social medias to keep spreading stupidities, like what I told in the last paragraph.
Currently, around 88% of our adults got at least his first dose, which is about 67% of the total population. 38,5% are considered fully vaccinated. Even with the sabotage against the vaccines, postponing the purchase (that involved not only delinquency and stupidity, but corruption too).

This, considering the spreading of fake fear about its effectiveness and long term effects, attacking social distancing, masks and other measures, saying the disease is a hoax, or an attempt to create a Communist Global state. Endorsing charlatans, ineffective drugs like chloroquine and invermectin, trying to hide cases and even committing the genocidal attempt of herd immunity by encouraging the population to get out and getting infected by the disease.

After that, we still have 88% of adults that got at least its first dose. Which means that even our reactionary baboons went to a vaccination center or a health unity and got its dose. And then they proceed to social medias to keep spreading stupidities, like what I told in the last paragraph.
Welcome to Brazil, I guess. At this point I just tune out the stupidity and keep moving on.
So I came in to an email at work this morning, which I find is totally a bribe to get more employees vaccinated and kind of funny. They're running a contest with prizes to increase the vaccination levels, including 5 grand prize winners of $75,000 each if we meet a 5% rate increase, or 850 people. If we manage to get 20% or 3,400 people, the grand prizes increase to $100,000.

Apparently OSHA is going to require that employers with more than 100 employees mandate their workforce be fully vaccinated or require weekly tests for unvaccinated employees in the next few weeks.
It makes an excellent point, but it also kinda muddies the water a little. This is of course distributed across a number of independently developed vaccines. That might seem like a footnote, but the conspiracy theories are quite a bit more complicated when you have to recognize that it's not all a single vaccine and it's not all a single developer.

That little nuance also muddies the water on what sample size we're using to say that the vaccines are safe. Because the portion of the globe that has been vaccinated with Sputnik V or whatever, and the Chinese vaccine, is not a ringing endorsement of Astrazeneca or Pfizer.
Maybe it's time to expel the wilfully unvaccinated from society. Segregation based not on race or belief, but on inaction. If the vaccine is available to you and you've thus far declined, you can **** right the **** off. I don't care what you look like or your life experience or the life experience of past peoples with whom you identify. I understand that many black Americans have a deeply ingrained distrust of government due to what government has done to them as a people, but this isn't about government, it's about public health, and I can no longer muster any sympathy.

You absolutely have a choice. The thing about choice is it isn't without consequences. So just **** off. Bitch, scream, cry...but do it somewhere ****ing else and let me get back to living.
You absolutely have a choice. The thing about choice is it isn't without consequences. So just **** off. Bitch, scream, cry...but do it somewhere ****ing else and let me get back to living
Quoted to give it another like. 👍
It makes an excellent point, but it also kinda muddies the water a little. This is of course distributed across a number of independently developed vaccines. That might seem like a footnote, but the conspiracy theories are quite a bit more complicated when you have to recognize that it's not all a single vaccine and it's not all a single developer.

That little nuance also muddies the water on what sample size we're using to say that the vaccines are safe. Because the portion of the globe that has been vaccinated with Sputnik V or whatever, and the Chinese vaccine, is not a ringing endorsement of Astrazeneca or Pfizer.
I think all of those four are over a billion doses each by now. If someone isn't convinced after a billion then no numerical argument will persuade them.